Poop bags
We did pick up after the dogs, but most of the beaches didn't require them to be on a leash. One man commented on the pretty blue bows we had on the leashes in the campground. We told him they weren't bows, but blue plastic poop bags. We never went anywhere without at least two on each leash. The campgrounds in both Oregon and Washington provide the bags for campers.
Murphy became quite adept at pooping in the ocean. Not going out to pick that up!
Wonderful photos
Kathi, this board is incredible the way in which Eric has set it up so that we can post pictures on it. So much better than the original board. Are we not lucky?! The pictures are wonderful. I have a question: will you post the pictures of your lighthouse fabric in a quilt...and when...(smile). We can travel to the coast of Oregon and never leave our chairs at home. I loved the picture of you and Garry and the dogs. What a great time those dogs must have had on the beaches (and nobody, like our beach on Georgian Bay saying: pick up the poop; your dogs shouldn't be off-leash.
A busy week coming up. It is our neighbouring Taoist Society's 40th anniversary celebration, meetings at the centre, which is five minutes away and we have a full house of guests...some with food intolerances that will leave me scratching my head in confusion as to what to serve them for breakfast. Meanwhile, I'll have to take all my quilt stuff off the dining room table before I feed them.
More photos
I realized after looking at my post that most of the pictures were of the dogs! Here are a few of the lighthouses along the coast. I bought patterns to make a quilt with these "lights" on it.

Yaquina Head Lighthouse, north of Newport OR

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, Newport OR

Heceta Head Lighthouse, north of Florence OR

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, Ilwaco WA

North Head Lighthouse, Ilwaco WA
Home again
We spent the last two and a half weeks on a trailer camping trip to the Washington and Oregon coast, with a stop at Sisters OR on the way home. I'll see if I can post a few pictures without totally jamming up the works here.

The first stop was at Ocean Shores WA. This was Murphy's first trip to the beach and he loved it. Gus is an old hand at it, so he took charge and they had a ball.
Then we headed to Cape Disappointment at the mouth of the Columbia River. This is the place where Lewis and Clark found the "great stinking waters" at the end of the first Voyage of Discovery. We toured the interpretive center and decided that this is a place we will return to next time to do more exploring.

After that we made our way down the coast to Waldport OR. Our campsite was right on the beach. We could look out the window and see the ocean. A week there wasn't nearly enough.

The last stop was a wonderful campground in the woods outside of Sisters OR. Since DH had taken his "me" day to go fishing off the coast, I had mine in Sisters. Spent way too much $$ at the Stitchin' Post, but if I can get my you know what together this winter with a newly retired husband, I'm planning to be productive.

Now to see if I can make the pictures end up where I want them.
Kathi in Idaho
Jane and Sara
I won't be going to the Asheville show. There are two shows going on, the other is a small show in Burnsville (north and east of Asheville) and I will be going over there. It starts the 6th and goes till the 12th, a group is going on Tuesday. It's a nice little town with two quilt shops (one old and less expensive and one new). The city has a 5 foot panoramic quilt that is breathtaking. Anyhow, wanted to let you know I won't be there, sorry I did not get to meet you, Sara.
Labels: Asheville show
Back-to-back postings
This afternoon, when I was in Fabricland, our large fabric store in town, buying buttons for apron straps, a lady came up behind me with larger than fat quarters and some broadcloth. I had to ask if she was making a quilt...pretty obvious question to a quilter. She opened her mouth and said: "I'm always buying cloth for quilts. I can't stop making them". I asked her if she was a member of our local guild but by then, I realized that she must be visiting from Scotland, her accent was quite noticable. She is here visiting for a month and going to make her relatives a quilt. She says that the fabrics are cheaper here in Canada (more so, in the US, I should think) and she buys lots of fabric when she's here.
Once a quilter; always a quilter. It never ends, does it...the buying of fabric.
Rosey, in a hugely hot and humid Southern Ontario, Canada where Hope again had some serious discussions with Mary today. Secretly, we both believe it's because of Mary's lunch bag that she brings with her...lol.
Rewording Grandkids post
I've thought about Marion's comment about grandchildren and grandparents and the energy that we run out of in dealing with ourselves, our children and our grandchildren and thought, again, with some level of healthy paranoia, if my posts still get taken off this board and tucked into a particular dog breeder's 'retribution' files...so decided to revise and repost.
Several years ago, following the sale of the P. family cottage, where our family had spent many summers, I rented a cottage on a small lake, called Orr Lake, Ontario in roughly the same general area, for my own adult family and grandchildren. When I arrived, there was a distinct undercurrent of stress from my daughter who complained that her brother's two step-sons were so noisy (baby had yet to be born). Couldn't their parents control them, she asked. After that family departed, I stayed on for a few days with my daughter and her two girls to provide a car while her husband was in the city working. Every afternoon at 4 o'clock the girls retired to their bedroom and spent one whole hour squealing over what, I don't know, until supper was announced. I was more than ready to pull out myself by then. It never bothered their mother. I'd as soon put up with rowdy boys than squealing girls, I guess. Grandparents graduate to older age and biting their tongue when staying with their adult kids, it seems.
Grace, I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder but I'll bet it is your quilting shoulder that is affected, is it?
Monday morning in NZ.
and it looks as if it's going to be a nice day. Yesterday it got up to 18
degs. which is very warm for this time of year. It came with a strong wind, which blew a few branches off the trees, but this morning, all is calm .
A nostalgic day yesterday. We drove back to the small rural community where we used to farm. It's 25yrs since we lived there. We attended a service in the little church and met up with some old friends. The occasion being that a couple, long serving in the community and the church, were leaving the district. I looked around the congregation and saw old friends with small children crawling all over them... this time grandchildren, last time their own children.... Made me think about the passage of time ! It was a good day and interesting to talk with old friends.
Rosey, sounds a s if you had a busy day with family. Probably one of those days when you are thrilled to see them all arrive but quite pleased to see them leave at the end of their stay ! Most of us have had a few of those sorts of days.
Caught up with DD#1 last night. She and family are back in Scotland having had a week in southern France, holidaying with friends. Her DH has now returned to
HK. but she has another month in the UK. with the children. Her 7yr old will return to
HK on his own, in time to start his school year there. She has to remain to start the other three back at their boarding schools, two in Scotland and one in England. Not quite sure how she will manage that but I'm sure she will have it all worked out...
Went to the
AGM. of the Operation Cover-up mentioned last week. It works under the
umbrella of "Missions without borders." We saw another video, this time of the blankets and jerseys being delivered to households. What poverty there is in the Ukraine and how colourless and dull the surroundings looked. The people there are still suffering the after- affects of the
Chernobyl disaster, birth defects and that sort of thing. Made me feel very grateful for my own life and surroundings.
Time to walk around the garden to see if yesterdays warm temperatures have encouraged any growth !
Have a good week.
Sunday Morning
It looks like it might be another gorgeous day, with the sunshining and the heat not too unbearable.
I have been enjoying reading all the posts, just not much to share in my world.
It is hard to type as my shoulder is really sore.
Last week I rough sandwiched about 40 quilt to get ready for our group quilting this fall. I will have to get more batting as I should do some more. I will be having surgery most likely in Nov. and then will be out of commission for some time. The girls will keep on quilting so I need to have quilts for them to work with.
In between I need to get back to work on my DGS #1 quilt or I will not get that done by June either. I just realized that June is not even a year away any more.
Graduation time for him is getting closer. Oh My
Hope you all have a great Sunday or for the Girls down under that it was a great Sunday.
Grace in On