Checking in . . .
It has been ages since I've checked the BB Chat page. Life has gotten in the way!
I love the Spring photos from our Down Under girls. Thank you! As our leaves are falling off the trees and our sky is grey, bleak and drizzly, the photos of your flowers are a lovely respite.
Halloween was rainy and our doorbell only rang three times, last night. The past two years have been mobbed with kids, most who are not even from our part of town. Now we've got tons of candy left over! None of it is chocolate, so I will not be tempted. ;-)
I've been making baby/toddler bibs for our church women's organization's annual Holiday sale coming up in a few weeks. The proceeds fund their outreach ministries. I've got a nice pattern for bibs that I made for our granddaughter, so I'm making up a dozen for the sale. I hope they sell! Or else our DGD will have LOTS of bibs. LOL
I noticed a mole tunnel in our front yard that runs right into our mulch bed and shrubbery. Our critter ridder guy will be called and he will take care of it. The moles always seem to show up this time of year. Ugh.....
Thank you again to our DUGs for all the beautiful spring photos. Keep them coming, please.
Spring time continued !
When I planted this Shrub , some twenty / thirty years ago , I imagined that it would grow to cover the space below this window. Having failed to prune it for at least the last two years , I now have an indoor/ out door plant , and it is giving me great pleasure !!
NZ won the Rugby World, cup today. Great excitement here , we are a Rugby mad country and we have a team of great young men who have worked hard for their success. We played Australia in the final this morning and they proved a worthy opponent !! We were up at five a.m. to watch the game and it was well worth getting up for . The cup is played for every four years and we won it last time too. This is the first time that there has been a back to back winner , so we are feeling very proud of the team !
Lovely to hear from you Mary Jo, I always enjoy hearing your news and views , thank you for posting on her behalf Rosey. I wonder where everybody else is ? There are so few of us posting these days. Maybe Face Book has taken its place? Personally I am avoiding that at all costs ! Not sure why, probably because I don't fully understand how to control it and have no wish to collect hundreds of friends , I have a hard enough time keeping up with the friends that I've got !
have a good week.