Thanks for the package of goodies which came in today's mail. It was a real day brightener.
I've never had a designer tissue. I must wait for a formal occasion to use one. A big snotty sneeze as some bride says "I do" would be just about the right time. The mints are tasty indeed. You really struck a chord with the Sinatra CD. Al was probably his biggest fan and I was a close second. The night Sinatra died we played our favorite recording and danced in the kitchen in tribute.
I'm ambulating reasonably well. It's easier some days than others. My biggest pain problem is in my left knee. It was not injured in the accident but was installed in January. All that two months I couldn't bear weight on the right ankle I had to pivot on the left foot to switch from wheel chair to toilet or other seating. I'm a bit afraid that there might have been damage from all that torque on the new joint. I'll see the knee guy next week. The hand is making measurable but slow progress.
Now that I'm reasonably safe ambulating in house and able to get out in case of fire etc. I'm sending my brother home later next week. I will have a home health aide come for two hours three days a week so I can shower with someone here and she'll do a bit of light housekeeping. A neighbor/ dear friend who is just about destitute will chauffeur me for gas money and something for his time. I need the help and he needs the dough. If I had a car I'd be buying the gas anyway.
I guess I'll go ahead and post the progress report now that I've written it. Typing is getting quite a bit bitter.
News from "Down Under"
Hi there ladies,
Seems ages since I posted, though I do try to read every day and keep up with the news.
Sorry to hear about your husbands accident
MJ. , it sounds very nasty and it must be very trying for you both, being away from home.
Cyber hugs to you.
Doris, seems as if you've been having a few senior moments ! You are not alone there !! Interesting to know that the grooms
parents are now expected to share the cost of the wedding. We have two daughters , both married and we didn't have any help offered for either wedding !! Actually, that probably made it easier in some ways. Having to
accommodate the wishes of yet more people, might have made the planning even more difficult !
Jill, loved the photos thank you. Hasn't Sandy done well. Some of us will remember her being a regular contributor to the BB page, her quilts are lovely.
Jane, congrats on getting out of the chair. Hope you are becoming less wobbly as the days go by. It's wonderful to think that you are on your feet again. That was such a nasty accident. Hope the hand is healing well, all best wishes coming your way.
All is well here. We are going up to Auckland to see DD#2 and family on Saturday for a few days. We haven't seen them since our return from the UK. The weather has been warm and sunny and the Autumn colours have been beautiful . That's all about to change, we have a forecast for deteriorating weather at the end of this week. I'm ready for the cosy evenings around the fire . Managed to have a sewing day today with my sewing buddy. First time since February, she is recovering from a cancer op. and has just resumed
driving. She enjoyed the change of scene and we had a good day together.
DD#1 in Scotland heard last week that they will be moving to
HK. later this year. Quite a surprise though they always new it could happen at any time. With a view to this, their three older children are already attending a Boarding School in Scotland. Imagine having to leave them behind ? I don't think I could have done that but this is their life and they are all prepared for the change. DD says she will fly home every 1/2 term and the children will fly to
HK. for the long school holidays. The youngest child is only 4 1/2yrs so he will go with them. She has to fly to
HK next week for him to have "Aptitude tests" for the school they want to enrol him in ! Can you believe that ? Seems a bit extreme to me. Anyway, they are due to fly out on Monday and back to Scotland on Thursday. They will keep their home in Scotland and rent out the cottage. We feel a bit sad about it all as we have loved staying in the cottage and sharing their life in Scotland.
HK doesn't have the same appeal (but it IS closer !). I've had a couple of visits there, their second child was born there but it
was still a British colony then. It will be interesting to note the changes, now that it is part of China. ..
Time for bed. Sweet dreams to any other DUG on line and all good wishes to my friends in the Northern Hemisphere.
Thank you, Jill for the great photos. I've been lurking and thought I'd finally post. We are still in Tucson, not back home in Idaho. DH had an auto accident and fractured C2, the vertabrae that supports the head. He is not paralyzed, thank God. But, he is in a turtle shell (front and back) brace from his armpits to below his waist. A steel rod connects that to his cervical brace. The accident happened 6 weeks ago; another 6 in the brace - minimum, before we can travel. No healing showed on the last CAT scan, but that may not show until later. The doctor was not concerned. He can't do much other than feed himself, no bending or twisting. He is in bed much of the time but can be up for an hour or so 2-3 times each day. Riding in a car is very painful - as is getting out and in. Thus, I've been learning to be a caretaker. And, have decided that there was a reason why I didn't choose that profession. What a difficult job. No quilting is going on, keep thinking I'll get at it but the creativity isn't there. The weather is getting hot. 100s forcast for all of next week. Will take out several of the plants, just too hot for them.
checking in . . .
JILL IN PORTLAND - Great photos from the quilt market! I was particularly interested in the Anna Maria-Seams To Me booth. She lives here
and is supposed to do a program presentation to our local ASG (American Sewing Guild) chapter this fall. Her creativity is overwhelming to me.
JANE IN NC - I hope your hand is healing properly. What a nightmare! I'm also glad you survived the accident intact. I'm sending cyberhugs to you...
LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS . . . I've been very distracted ever since our son got engaged. Those of you who have already married off your children will know what I mean. LOL I have left my purse in a restaurant, overnight (didn't even realize it till the next day!), had my cellphone fall out of my purse in a different restaurant which I did not realize until the next day (maybe I should eat a home more often...NOT!~), lost my favorite el-cheapo Timex wristwatch, and seems like I recently lost something else and I can't even remember what it is. Oh. Right. My mind. Aaaaack!
Things have changed... a lot ... since I got married 30+ years ago. Groom's parents now are expected to pay for more than just the rehearsal dinner. Ah, well, so much for women's liberation and Equal Opportunity. Yikes.
And I will have to make my MOG outfit because nothing in the stores will fit me properly. I'd rather be making a wedding quilt, but I can do that after the outfit is complete. Ah, well, there it is.
Sending quilty hugs to everyone.....
Lunch with Sandi at Quilt Market

Here's my post the I accidentally post on the BB side,
Quilt Market is so cool! I think I worked one once before but this time was just for fun!A friend of mine has a cottage business & we went Thurs for Sample Spree & Fri to theexhibits.The prices at Sample Spree were incredible, we could hardly carry our bags back to the car! The exhibitors were so friendly & the booths were just gorgeous. I've never seen so many "Quilty Things" in one place. I was really greatful that not being shop owners we couldn't really buy much!
I got to have lunch with Sandi & here's a picture of us at one of the booths that she represents. Sandi is the beautiful tall one! She is so talented & had quilts at three booths. Please go see her quilts & great patterns at . I felt bad that she had to work so hard when we were just wandering & enjoying all the sites!
Celebs were everywhere, Nancy Zeeman, Eleanor Burns, Vallorie & Jean Wells, Nancy Chong, to name a few.
Anyway, if you ever get a chance to experience this don't miss it, it just made my week. Jill
PS: all of the quilts in these pictures are made my Sandi!
Can't log onto the other board
Saturday's Globe & Mail ran an article: Ottawa (our capital) suggest 11 more chemicals are toxic and lists Cyclotetrasiloxane, Octamethyl (D4) as being an environmental hazard. it is used in the construction, among other things, textiles. This doesn't mean that these chemicals will be banned from use; an encouraging thought as more and more people suffer from immune disorders/cancer.