Louise Penny, Canadian Author

Doris, you've come close to my heart...I discovered Louise Penny several years ago in Coles (Chapters) Book Store; her first book, Dead Cold/Fatal Grace in the US stores. I immediately read her second book and became an instant fan. Her writing is very good and her insight into people's characters is also very good. Inspector Gamache, her main character, is supported by many others whose depths Louise probes in varying books. She is working on her seventh book, come this March, which will be set in a Quebec monastery. We have a wonderful independent book shop here in town and the owner and I are friends. I began to urge her to see if Louise would come to our small town and she has, not once but three times. This is Louise sitting at the table after she gave a talk...yours truly with the fuzzy white hair. I love her characters and the way she developes her storyline. But, start with her first book so that you become familiar with her characters.
What is happening...snow again in Atlanta? And Jane, I know people wonder how you could live on the side of a mountain, alone, but I imagine that it's just a picture with your snow. The quiet solitude of the country is great but it can sometimes drive you slightly batty with cabin fever towards the end of the wintertime.
winter reading
On another board, the (Canadian author) Louise Penny mysteries were recommended. Have any of you read them yet? Opinions?
It's getting cold tonight, 18° F, and snow coming in tomorrow night through Monday. I topped off my bird feeders this afternoon and put out suet, as well, so they'll be able to eat. Current forecast says that
Laura in AL will get more than we will. I'll bet schools will be closed on Monday for us, as well as the system where you teach. 0_o Atlanta is expecting six inches of snow by Monday a.m. It's all going south of us.
JANE IN NC --- you must be getting a lot of snow right now!? I hope your pantry is well stocked.
How is your foot coming along? I'm off to read your post on the main BB page.
Check out my post on the other board about an article in a travel magazine about my guild. You travelers need to start thinking about the NC Symposium we are sponsoring in '12.
Jane in the new snow in the mountains.
New Year
Inspired by a few posts here, I sorted out and tidied up my sewing room on New Year's Day. Bulldozed is more like it, but I digress..... The flotsam and jetsam from my Christmas gift projects needed to be dealt with before anything could be done. Now it is much better, and I've begun adjusting a pattern for a white shirt that I've been needing to make myself for a while.
The floods in Queensland, Australia are horrible. Do we have any BBers there? The news has carried a lot of photos here and the enormity and devastation of it all is unfathomable. One TV news report said it covers an area the size of Texas.
Rosey P - The reviews on "True Grit" have been very good. Thank you for your opinion, as I trust real people opinions more than I trust critics. I hope to see it, either at cinema or once it hits cable TV.
I hope everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. DH and I stayed home on NYE, as usual. We cooked a nice meal and pretended we were in a high end restaurant. ;-) Afterward we watched "When Harry Met Sally" (one of our favorites) and called it a night by 10 p.m. We are such wild people. LOL
(((Hugs to everyone)))
While I was in the dumps and posted my last note, shortly thereafter, I invited some neighbors to come eat the fresh trout I'd purchased recently. Then, faced with a table covered with some of my perpetual mess I popped a serious pain pill and cleared the mess away, swept off the floor of the stuff that the dogs have dragged in and went out in the sun with them (not in that order). The Christmas stuff is repacked and my mood has improved considerably. The sun and temperatures over 50F made a huge difference.
I am now in a state of mind to wish you all the very best for the coming year. I will hit both the gym and quilt room this week along with dog walks. Hmm sounds ambitious so I'd better get off the computer and get moving.
All the best
in 2011......for one and all......I managed to find some cards that are appropriate to send out for the new year while we were away and did not get them out yet....! how late is too late I wonder ? maybe be best to save them for next year...and just send some pixs out to a few scattered relatives...
after a few days of grandson cuddling and playing we were glad to get home....the weather held up for great driving conditions and I even managed a quick trip into a quilt store that was open on the way home......what more could u ask....
Our new years eve consisted of supper with two sons and some inlaws and then we came home early and DH called it end of the day as well as the year.....I got some sewing done and the quiet time allowed me to work on deciphering the how to's of knitting two socks at the same time on two circular needles.....definetely not something to do with little ones around.....yesterday DH went overnite with DS#1 to maybe try some skidooing....and they have been joined by the other two sons this morning.....and it is bitterly cold with the windchill making it -24 Celsius.......not for me.......i will have to venture out in a bit to buy some thread and check on the mother in law's house ...they are returning today or tomorrow and the heat should be turned up......or they will be a while getting the house back to a people comfortable level.....
Hope this finds everyone safe and warm (or cool if u are a lucky one having summer!) and my wish for all is that the new year brings something that you find joy in and makes you smile each day.....