Saturday, July 5, 2014

Posting from an IPad ...

It's taken me awhile , but I've got this far !!  I have yet to find out how to publish this.  DH has an IPad and it is nice to be able to sit around the fire on evenings like this, to email friends.

A nice sunny day here today but there is snow on the mountains so the nights are cold and we wake to frosty mornings.    Lots of snow ready for the school holiday which will make the ski field operators happy.   I did try skiing once ,but the DH was a good skier and not a patient teacher !  I managed to stay upright and do gentle runs but I never got to the stage of really enjoying it.  As soon as our children were able to ski I used to send them off with their father and then enjoy a quiet day at home !!

We enjoyed our visit to Auckland last weekend. Short and sweet ,which is the best way to go !  Three teenagers make for an interesting household... DGD has just finished her first semester at Uni and had managed to pass everything ,so that something to celebrate.  One of the DGS had his 15th Bday, it was nice to be there for that and the 17yr old DGS introduced us to his first girlfriend ,which seemed to be a big event in his life !!

We are going to look at another house tomorrow. DH now says that we won't buy , until we sell here, we don't plan to put this place on the market until Sept at the earliest.... He wants to see what's out there and at what price , to give us a better idea of what we will have to pay for a place ... So far we haven't  seen anything that we like but we are getting an idea of what's around...

Now to see if I can publish this !!

Enjoy the weekend.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

For us in the United States--happy Independence Day!  My niece got married 15 years ago yesterday. Her husband was a Marine at the time.  4 kids and 7 moves later they are living in Fredericksburg, VA.  I sent them a red, white & blue quilt, as I was working on it for the quilts of valor, but thought since he never got one would send it to them.
I use the I-pad most of the time.  It seems quicker and easier to me.  My cell phone crashed a week ago, and find that I like not being "connected" all the time.  DH wants me to get a new one, his company  has me on their plan, so will get one again soon.
Went to see Mom in the nursing home this morning, decorated her room with flags, etc.  I had made blueberry mini-cheesecakes and took her one with her coffee.  They were from the "Southern Living" magazine.  Not as pretty as the pictures in the Magazine, but good.  I used gluten free ginger snaps for the crust.
Back in our house, and loving the peace and quiet of my own space.  Secretly hoping the house doesn't sell so we can stay here until the first of nest year.  It is still on the market, as we signed a contract until Sept. 5th.
Going to a friend's house for a party tonight at 7PM, with fireworks in the back yard.  They have a large house and yard on the river, so it should be fun.
I also spoke to DD for over an hour last night! Wow, she was venting about her in-laws.  They have a "thing" about white, straight teeth, and were on her case about not having braces for the boys.  The father in law was also belittling his son in front of the relatives (according to her)
Everyone have a wonderful weekend.  No quilting here, just housecleaning.  
OH, also glad the big tropical storm that became a hurricane missed us!
Sara in Fla.


I never sign out. This seems to help,I don't try photos as I am a computer dunce.I also lose a few into space but not too many. Cold here, for us anyway, about 8 degrees,blowing and raining I opened the door for Gus,he looked and went swiftly back to bed. Wish I could, Sat morning is coffee at my place and lots of chat.HUgs to all,Bee in Nz.

On my IPad

Ok, I am going to attempt this.   I had to sign in with my google email which I believe I created when thus site went to blogger.   I think if I posted more often the email would always be signed in.  There are a couple of other blogs that I infrequently comment on.

Life has been busy with the grandsons ..... And happily with quilting....getting better on my longarm skills....

DH is going to a rented 'camp' with youngest son and his two sons age 4 and 2.,.., not sure how relaxing it will be for him  and am glad it's not me...he leaves Monday til the following Sunday.  Then on the Wednesday I will join a friend and another quilter for a couple of days at her lakefront ' camp '. Fortunately hers us more a modest cottAge with modern ammenities !  So I will have done good quilting days ahead of me....tomorrow I will drive 2 1/2 hours to a quilt shop to purchase some has what Canadians would call pickerel and what Americans call walleye on it.   It will be the basis for a donation quilt to be raffled off for a rural volunteer fire hall.   It is a project for the winter.  

Hope all is well and this posts.....Happy 4th of July to our American members !

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Okay, this is from Pat S. in MI

Just read kathi's post about sending on IPAD. I have had the same thing happen. Still no response from Eric.

I have a suggestion....I belong to several YAHOO groups. Much easier to post a message or photo. Can also be a closed group. Would need an administrator, but other than that from the user end it seems to be much easier. How would everyone feel about moving to YAHOO?
Misty day today and much cooler. The garden is loving it......

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad


So, unless this site is being  monitored and unless Eric or someone responds, this may be a direction to go in...too bad that no-one is responding from this website.  It's never been easy to post here or for people to join...I don't know why.

from Kathi from Idaho

I have found that the chat does NOT like the iPad.  If I try to post or even comment, it tells me that my post is awaiting moderation and then it disappears into the Ethernet, never again to be seen.

So, Kathi can't post here either without a PC I what I'm thinking is that Eric or whoever is managing this website needs to make some adjustments to this site to accept other forms of computers.

I honestly wonder why, if this site is not being tended to, it keeps going...what's the point if people can't get on to post, if it's not being monitored, I don't understand this at all.  I know that when a friend of this dog breeder's joined the site and was accepted, then posted snide remarks about me and about our Aussie, Ceilidh, who nearly died of hemangiosarcoma and did five weeks later, I emailed Eric and this woman was removed from the site immediately.  So he did respond or someone did at that time...

I don't even know how to increase the size of this's too small but came from Kathi's computer an Ipad.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Pat in Flint trying to get onto the board.

I found another e-mail addy for Eric so I have resent my request.  The addys I have sent to are:  and

If these are not correct - plz. advise.
Pat in Flint
How in the heck is someone supposed to there a place that it can be done on the page or the Bulletin Board page?

Monday, June 30, 2014

Pattern for Water Bottle carriers

I should have included this link for the pattern with my previous post.
Copy and paste it in your browser if the link is not live.