where are you? We are missing both of you.
Thea, I hope you have not been too buried in work, farm and
DH's recovery not to be able to sew. I don't have any of those burdens and I still seem to have trouble getting to the machine.
Anna, how is your
DH's battle with the bureaucracy? That's what happens when the government takes charge of anything.
I'm waiting to prove to medicare that wearing the $74 compression stockings, for which medicare does not pay, is not going to cure my non functioning vein valves and that they should pay for the required surgery. Anything to delay parting with the $$ just like any insurance company. I guess they are afraid that I am doing this for cosmetic reasons. If they took one look at my legs they would know that I'm not very vein about veins. My legs are covered with spider veins. I just want the varicose, non functioning one fixed so I won't hurt all the time.
Sara, did you run or walk? I have such a poor feel for metric that I can't tell from your time which it is. In any case, good for you. Between my knees (that is plural including the artificial one) that hurt and my aching feet from too many pounds per square inch, I just don't enjoy walking as much as I once did.
Speaking of PSI, I start my fast tomorrow. I've been psyching for the famine by going on a feeding frenzy all week and have managed to gain several pounds on top of the lifetime peak I've been at all winter. As a
GF of mine says, if it doesn't have hair on it or move on the plate, I'll eat it. I do believe that if you put chocolate on it I'd eat the hairy moving item as well.
Good night ladies.
Jane in NC
Finished the race
This moring I got up early and went downtown with 2 GFs and did the 15 K race. Our goal was not to have to take the wimp wagon that picks up the slow people at the end of the course. We did finish, in about 2 hrs. and 30 min.
Jane, I didn't lose any more weight, but am in good shape. Right now the muscles in the legs and the toes are sore, but it was a great time with my friends. There were over 14,000 people there, mostly runners, but some walkers also.
Have been having fun doing some decorative mq on a charity quilt. Since the top was just 9" squares, decided to put pink thread in the bobbin, invisable thread on top and go over some designs of flowers on the backing fabric.
For our anniv. next month I'm going to ask DH for a digital camera, so I can post some things here. I do enjoy everyone else's posts and the pictures.
Next weekend we are going to the gulf side of the state, and hopefully I will get to go out on a 1/2 day fishing boat. It is a business meeting for DH. We are taking the bicycles also.
The end of the month we are going to Mt. Dora to meet up with some friends. They love dalmation dogs, and their last one died about 1 month ago. The breeder is close to Mt. Dora, so they will pick up their new puppy. We will stay at a B & B, and the other husband will most likely talk about how "girly" it is. Oh well, it is the high season, we are lucky to get a room at all.
OK, of to be a couch potato for the evening.
Love the horse and quilt pictures.
Sara with sore feet.
Love the pictures and
Happy Birthday ladies!!
My favorite dear sister celebrated yesterday too.
(oh, she's my only sis)
Jane, it just looks so beautiful there!
I am on the puter when I'm suppose to be binding
this never ending quilt...
Yesterday I spend the day alone at work & did get
some sewing done. Also my sweet young assistant
left me with her small DVD player & I watched Ricky
Timms "Quilting Caveman Style" It was really cool.
I checked it out of the guild library thurs nite. I think
they have another one of his DVDs.
He's the greatest!
Anxious for the new show (on the web) with him & Alex.
....OK, so I've got to do some work,
Whew! Off the hook, again!!!
Our Maritimes birthday-girl, Celia, Happy 65th and if you happen to remind me that I have a milestone I thought I'd never expect would happen to me later on in the year, I will totally and irrevocably IGNORE
And I'm here to let you folks in the southern of the northern hemisphere that the American Goldfinches are beginning to loose their winter camouflage dress and their heads and shoulders are showing hints of yellowing into their bright yellow summer plumage. Does it make you feel that spring is really coming to our part of the world? I have purchased two new birdfeeders, with suet cages on the ends, neat and tidy, my 'Fibber McGee' bird hangar is looking a little better organized...and before you ask, if you are as old as I am you will remember the expression: Fibber McGee's messy closet, that of Fibber McGee and Molly fame.
And my bird quilt has gone off to be with another quilter this week-end and I'll turn my attention to the illustrations and paintings of Evelyn deMorgan for my next project...all in my head...the hardest part is getting it down on paper out of my visual eye upstairs.
I suppose I had better fess up......... being the other "oldie" on this day. Today I became a Senior Citizen and haven't got my head around it yet. 8^ I have been enjoying all the birthday wishes to Rosey and the corner she got herself into. Too funny. My Dad called me earlier today from England and asked "How's the birthday girl today?" I replied that I wasn't sure how I was handling it and his response was "I wish I could say I was only 65 today" and since he will be 96 in July, it kind of put it all in perspective for me. Not that I care really, and I have had a wonderful week of celebrations that my DH sprung on me. Just little surprises every day but it made it a very interesting and enjoyable milestone birthday. My favourite gift from him is a new computer sewing chair with a built in lumbar cushion and a new sewing table. Now I might be able to get rid of my constant aching lower back from not being properly seated at my machine.
Jane I loved the horse pictures. In fact I love all the pictures especially the lovely new quilt ones on the BB.
Great to see you managed to get back in Mayme.
So I am off to bed and hope that Rosey can sleep tonight now knowing that she isn't quite as old as she thought. It's her birthday in August so we can catch her then. 8^
Good Night all,
Isn't the internet great!
Jane, those pictures just melt my heart...oh my. And I'm still reading the Mitford 5 and can just picture how beautiful North Carolina is. You lucky woman, you, living there. But don't blow my cover so soon, I'm a Virgo. But I'm sure the birthday girl down east may be chuckling over how I got myself into another birthday so soon and will she come to rescue me from my internet communication or not?? Seems my earlier posting has led some to assume it's moi, not so, not yet, don't want to rush it, but how did we get to be 'this old'??
I can't get over how spectacular this website has become with the addition of photos. What a brilliant idea, Eric & Sue.
West Michigan checking in
I tried posting earlier and it would not post. I was just able to get in here without signing in.
Can't remember what I said in the other post that didn't post.
I think encouraging each other and giving diet tips is going to be helpful.
I make a lot of sugar free jello. No carbs and low cals. I've lost 6 lbs but I can't
figure out where. Maybe in the ear lobes and toes!

It's just plain gorgeous here at any time of year. Unfortunately the big developers are moving in and creating gated communities. That's driving the hunters and hikers nuts.
P.S. After I changed my password my access problems disappeared. Don't understand why but who cares? It worked.

I think I mentioned yesterday that there has been a blessed event recently on Caney Fork. There is a horse farm down the road and I saw junior having his breakfast. Today I had the camera and stopped and took over thirty shots. Junior has grown spectacularly in the past week. He's not such a baby anymore but Mom still doesn't get more than a few yards away from him. She's very watchful and wouldn't let him get to close to me at the fence. I didn't know he had the dark rings around the eyes until today. The beauty of a digital camera is that you can take thirty shots and eliminate all but the very best without having to incur the cost of development. I cropped these very closely as i was quite a distance from them. The Passo Finos are beautiful animals and, from my perspective as an uninformed dolt I think they must have Arab in them.
I didn't get the point of Rosey's comment about her birthday until I read a subsequent post. I'm the baby of the March ladies, by seventeen days. Rosey, are you not at that same decade mark? Just thought I'd let that cat out of the bag. Hope you and Reanne have had a great day. One of the quilt shops in Franklin emailed me a 25% off coupon in honor of this month being my birthday month. Another offers a discount equivalent to half of your age but you have to remember to renew your enrollment during the month of may each year. Dumbbell Jane forgot. I have practically bankrupted that shop in the past and now I'm up to 35% or would be if I'd registered last May.
As soon as the first wildflowers bloom I'll post some pictures. I have quite a few I've taken with my serious 35 mm. camera. I can get much closer with the 28mm. lens I have for it than I can for my digital. Recently I've gotten so clumsy in my state of advanced youth that I end up being so unsteady that I haven't gotten any really good pictures of flowers. The first ones are usually blood root. It's a lovely white flower as are most of the early spring flowers. The roots have a dark red seepage if you break them and does it ever stain. The Cherokee people use that root to stain the super thin oak strips used in their traditional baskets which are exquisite. In case you've not noticed I love living here!
Had a good time at the big frame with a group of guild ladies today. Two fingers are a bit chewed up on my left hand though.
Anybody going to Pigeon Forge show next week? I'll be there but not sure which day. Two of the three ladies I've gone in the past can go only on Saturday (National Quilt Day) and one can go any day but Saturday. Arrgh. Think I'll go Saturday despite the heavier traffic because the none Saturday friend and I went last year while the other two missed it.
Let me know if anyone here will be there.
Happy Birthday
to Raeanne and Jane !!! I guess the 'good' ones are born in March... I have three friends who are also born in March and my big 50 is next week so I started a pre celebration with some fabric purchases this week...don't usually find much up here but found some orphans that just had to come home....I also 'celebrated' entering this decade by making all those wonderful annual medical appointments for when I return here at the end of April...including that colonoscopy(sp?)....not something I am looking forward to it but since my sister died last fall at age 51 after being diagnosed only 5 months prior it is a necessary one for me....Maggie Meadow Mouse assures me the peace of mind is well worth it....
Some lovely quilts posted on the regular chat page....this feature of photos has made it some much more fun!
Heather....where it is snowing yet again!
A Day to Celebrate
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear Raeann and Rosey,
Happy Birthday to you!
Pat in Rockport, TX
West Michigan checking in
Happy Birthday Raeann. Hope it has been a good one.
Dieting, As of this morning I've dropped 6 lbs. I'm not sure from where.
Probably the fingers and ear lobes! I make a lot of sugar free jello. No carbs
and pretty low cal. I WANT cookies and candy! I also have a mouth full of
sweet craving teeth.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
Important birthday year
Happy Birthday, Raeann, hard to believe you've hit a milestone, right? And one other has a birthday this week. Think she's hiding her light under a barrel though that would take some doing, know who...come and tell us what you've been doing all week to celebrate....
Sunny day here in southern Ontario. Sewing every day, every moment of my waking hours but seeing the light of day...all the leaves are basted on the quilt, ready for others to sew; next the embriodery of feet and beaks, marking up the quilt and off it goes in April to be handquilted...and friend Joan is taking it home today with her for the week-end and I'll be happy to see the surface of my dining room table.
Happy Birthday
To Raeanne. Now that you have reached the day that you enter this decade the number won't sound as bad. VBG
I got there last November..
Have a great day.
Hugs from
Marge in Louisiana
More about weight loss
I went back on Atkins on October 1st last year. I have a diet buddy in Canada--she and I email each other on Sunday to report our progress. She reached her goal, and is now bouncing around that goal, trying to stay there. She weighs more often than I do--I only weigh on Sunday morning. I also measure bust, waist, hips, upper arm, thigh, calf, and ankle, although the last two haven't changed in months, so may drop them. So far, I've lost 27 pounds and 16.5 inches. I have 28 sweet teeth, so am very pleased that Atkins has sweets that I can eat. I've also Atkinized some recipes. I had heard of the blood type thing, but really don't know much about it. I'm A+ if that means anything. My buddy is doing low-calorie. I think different diets suit different people. I'm glad Atkins works well for me, since I'm definitely a carnivore. It would be fun to see how much we have all lost one year from now. Maybe enough for another whole person, LOL.
I tried to add a picture of the little quilt I made for our guild challenge, but couldn't get it to load. Maybe next time.
Pat in Rockport, TX
I have decided to start on Sunday morning with a weigh in before breakfast. In anticipation of that auspicious occasion I have been on a feeding frenzy this week. Even bought a pint of some Hagen-Daz "lite" chocolate brownie ice cream. At at least two thirds of it in one sitting. Have to get ready for the coming famine.Beautiful spring day today. Daffodils are in bloom in sunny spots, the red maples are flowering and there has been wild larkspur foliage showing up on my walking trails for at least a week. The birds are vocal and hungry staking out territories. For two days now I've had the heat off and windows open from late morning to supper time. Still in thirties when I get up. At the horse farm down the road (Paso Fino Elegante breed) there has been the first blessed event that I've noticed this spring. A beautiful colt, sort of blond color. Mama is a rich brown. Baby was having breakfast when I drove by this morning and I didn't have my camera. Drat! All this does not preclude a snow storm but at least we know it's coming. In '93 we had two feet of snow the second week of March. There was no power for five days and daytime temps were below zero. We were living in a rental as we were building then. Of course the fire wood was all neatly stacked at the building site and we had none for the house. Al, Molly and I huddled together in sleeping bags for about four days and we finally heard there was power in Sylva so we moved to a motel. As you country girls know, no power means no water being pumped from the well. That means, among other things, no flushing. It was too cold to go outdoors and we were in a subdivision. A lot of migrating robins died in the cold and Molly was bringing us corpses for days.Things are working well with my new password. Jane in the beautiful Blue Ridge
Where did the week go to?
This week has simply flown by for me. DH is home on school March Break and the routine changes when he is here. Spring cannot come soon enough for me now. I don't mind the onset of winter at first but this is the longest and coldest stretch and it's becoming boring. Not to mention so frigid with temps still way below zero. We were snowed in again for a day and half last weekend but now it's just cold still. Remind me of this when it is sweltering hot in a few weeks time, and the dreaded mosquitoes are doing Kamikaze on me. 8^
We were over the border into Maine yesterday for the day and had a great time. Martha, I was in Marden's and had the time of my life "stealing" more lovely fabrics. 8^ Not exactly stealing in the literal sense, as my pretty near empty wallet can attest to. Fun though.
Marion, your grandchildren are lovely children. They look so happy and healthy. I really do enjoy seeing every one's pics of their families, pets and quilts.
Still trying to move Ter Ter over to this board. She is happy to be reconnected to the BB side though.
Raeann, Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
The Big 70
Thanks Jane, I think. LOL. Yes, I'll be 70 on Friday the 9th and am struggling to come to grips with that figure.
My firstborn will be 47 on the 19th and I'm having an even harder time with that. Good grief, where has the time gone?
Best laid plans, etc. etc. Had a birthday box today from Redding CA which contained a 2 lb box of chocolates.
Not a good start on my diet but will try and control myself. Will take it to the quilting group at church and let them help me out.
Raeann in MO
remember the date but I know that you and I are just about the same age and celebrate the same month. As I recall you are a week or two older than I. Since I will turn the 70 corner in a week or so I am letting out your secret to the whole board now. Have a happy day whichever one it is and go out and buy some fabric you don't need but love.
I changed my security setting to low medium and gave myself a new password and that seems to have solved my log in problem. That is, until I end up with a virus because I lowered my guard so to speak.
Jane in NC
West Michigan checking in
I haven't been able to post in over a week. When I try to sign it says my invite has expired. Have emailed Eric twice but no
response. I was able to get on by posting a comment under Jill's post. I too want to be in on the weight loss group. Has anyone read the book on blood types? I'm an O and need high protein and low
carbs. I get no wheat which eliminates anything you might want to snack on. I love sweet stuff. Instead of saying you have X amount of weight to lose, just do it in 3-5 lbs goals then it
doesn't sound so bad and you have a more realistic goal to meet. Glad I was finally able to check in.
Mayme in yet a snowy and cold MI
What a sweetie! I see she has a couple of her favorite things near by.
Look at this face

Getting in line for cutest pet picture...since I learned to get pictures out of my digital camera, I may just bore everybody to tears.
This is Ella, a labradoodle puppy that I am fostering for a few weeks. She's 4 months, 5 1/2 pounds, full of fun and has a mouth full of very sharp teeth.
Spring has arrived in Portland complete with the scent of daphne and hyacinth and warm sunshine on the back while reading Anne of Green Gables in the back yard. I'm really enjoying rereading some of the books I read 50 years ago. The original idea was to see if my granddaughter would like to read them, and she may, but I'm enjoying them first.
Poor Ben
I'm pretty sure Ben has made the same mistake we all do
occasionally by trusting our guests to use good judgement
& be respectful.
It must have been one of his friends being rowdy & obnoxious,
because Ben is the sweetest guy I've ever seen!!!
Don't let the charming look fool you

I hope I can get this to post. Ben, my usually laid back weimaramer decided to EAT my recently basted quilt that I was trying to finish for the local show!! I have two days to get the binding and a sleeve on so it can be hung Thursday morning. The last thing it needed was shredded batting and slobber marks. We love our pets anyway.
Going Cold Turkey
If you'll pardon the pun, Jane, cut out coffee, tea, caffeinated beverages including diet pop, cut out bread, pasta, Canadian and American bacon, potatoes (except yams or sweet potatoes), go on a basically vegetarian diet, allow yourself fish, chicken, turkey, not done in any covering or sauce...but you don't have to give up sex.
Okay, Jane, pick yourself up from the floor and stop laughing.
I had to do this sort of thing a few weeks ago, lost all the fluffies around my waist, actually saw my waist and deluded myself into thinking that good, that's gone, now I can go back and eat what I want...oh, and eliminate sweet stuff. My fluffies are back. I don't feel as svelte or good.
But I do get to Curves once a day, almost.
Yesterday was the mother of all storms up here in southern Ontario, the entire county had road closures, the police were called in off the roads...and this morning, as in yesterday morning, the man who lives here, went into ditches twice, had to call CAA to rescue him...and we are now in a sunny bright and amazingly cold day...with winds gusting the snow off the branches of the trees like so many snowghosts....
But this morning we saw an American Goldfinch with just a dusting of yellow over his shoulders...spring is coming. They turn brown in winter as the yellow makes them a target to preying birds. So mother nature knows something.
Now back to the commission...we are beginning to see the light of day.
Weight loss
I'm in too! I think it's a great idea to group here and encourage each other. My biggest problem is sweets and breads. Oh, and not enough fruits and veggies. Like everyone else I prefer to find something that's ready to eat.
I need to get back to the gym, haven't been there in about 3 weeks, things got sort of hectic and that is always the first to go. I know I'll be traveling a bit with my new job that I officially start next week and I plan to stay at hotels with workout rooms. I'll be alone so I might as well use my time wisely! I can sew after working out.
hugs everyone!
Sandi in MN
Biggest Losers...heh.heh
One of the things they have at Weight Watchers now is called the Core Plan where you can eat all you want of fruits, veggies, lean meat and fish and whole grains. I did lose 10 pounds at it last fall (and have kept it off), but WW just isn't my type of weight loss group, either. I know that if I just keep to those guidelines, though, that not only will the weight come off, I will be eating healthier. We did switch to whole grain pasta (which is much better now than in the past) and to the leaner turkey sausages, salmon patties and skim milk...and yes, the milk is part of the eating plan also. In fact some sort of dairy is more or less required.
We've done the South Beach Diet, also, which seems to be fairly closely aligned with those foods. It's just so boring the first two weeks that I have trouble getting past that point. And I really do love the fruits and dairy which are nonexistent during that startup part.
Jane - there's nothing wrong with having perhaps some Canadian bacon, egg substitute (or egg whites) and whole grain toast for breakfast. You can even get low fat varieties of a lot of different cheeses now.
I guess this means that I'm in, too. Sure would have been easier to keep the weight off 15 years ago when I first did it...the skin wasn't so loose when I lost, either.
Yikes! You guys (you can tell I'm from NY) are sure calling my bluff. I just had a ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast. Do you mean I'm going to have to give that up? I do have some hypoglycemic problems in the morning so need protein in a hurry when I get up or I get the wobbles.I know what I should do. It's just that it's so hard to do it. I talk more about exercise than I do it (sort of like quilting). Since the old blood sugar is increasing yearly I need to take the glycemic index seriously. I think WW does work for mild diabetics and the South Beach diet as well. I just need to work up the steel to get with it. My big problem in addition to craving sweets is portion control yet I get sick to death of weighing and measuring everything that goes into my mouth. I want a magic pill dammit! Since there is none perhaps the group support will help. Why don't we agree on a date certain (you can also tell that I am a lawyer) on which to weigh and measure ourselves and do it weekly or bi weekly thereafter at the same time of day. This is for our own reference and not for publication. If we check in regularly as previously suggested we can ask for help, suggestions, recipes etc. and once a month or so brag. I'm afraid bragging might discourage some folks though. What do you think? Everyone is different with different life activities and health not to mention ages so success will come in different ways to each of us. However, each of us has to get serious about changing our pattern. As the gynecologist told me when he fit me for a diaphragm back in 1960, "It won't do you a bit of good in the dresser drawer". Not a perfect analogy but more in the line of nothing ventured, nothing gained or lost for that matter, or if you don't try it won't happen.We can spend the next week getting psyched and comparing ideas then it's lose it or use it (the blubber that is).Jane, Queen of cliches
taking a moment
Good morning everyone! I decided to take a moment to finally link on with Eric's invitation, thank you Eric. I had not realized for the longest time that there was a seperate "chat" blog, duh!
That and I have been terribly busy. The ambulance crew has lost a few crew to illness ect.. so I am on non-stop this week.
I had to step away from my quilting projects for awhile as well, I just dont have the time right now. I do see them however as I am walking past them, (big sigh) "I miss you too" I tell them. I think that everyone in this house is ready for a little spring weather and some warm temps but sadly the reality is that last weekend we got a large snow storm (20 inches) and winter is here for a little while longer. Stir crazy is setting in. So with all that pent up energy I am re-doing the girls' room. I purchased new beds for them, and will paint the walls this week. I am thinking that two quilts would look nice as well for in there, maybe using the 1930's collection I started. I want it to go quickly so I am thinking half-square triangles with white. (I say this after having seen an advertised quilt in LLBean with calico's, oh I do so still love those calico's, or at least thats what I think they were)
Dear Lord I need more time.
Also to dear Karen, I am so sorry to read of the loss of your mom. (big, big HUGS) I can imagine all our dears ones that we have given to God, board members, mothers, sisters, aunts, and I just know that they are together having a great time and waiting for us.
Well that is all the news I have for now, I could go on...but I fear I would put you to sleep with the details.
hugs, Katie
Me Too Too
My daughter has been following the Bob Green guidelines since the first of the year and has lost 18 lbs. She has also introduced a 2 mile a day stint on the treadmill. The best part for her is she can still have her favorites--bread and pasta. The biggest change is no eating after 10 at night which is rather hard for her as she works as a medical transcriptionist from her home and works the late late night, early morning shift.
She gave me Bob Green's book just yesterday and I plan to get with the program. Knowing several of you are going to be "suffering" along with me might make it easier. LOL
Raeann in MO who needs to dust off her treadmill.
Me Too
count me in! I've got about 40 to lose, doesn't that sound awlful!
I'm at an all time high.
Today was our 1st 60 degree day, & all I could think was how am
I going to wear all these bulky clothes this summer!
And how am I going to garden!
I do walk 2 miles 5 times a week & I know I should join curves.
I just read an interesting book that all the teens are reading, it's
called Skinny B***h. One of my friends had read it after her daughter.
She & her DH have been on it since the new Year. It's a vegan diet.....
ugh! You don't even get coffee......oh my!
Another one of my friends just got the new Bob Green plan, of course it's
much less strict. I am beginning to think I may need an actual meal plan for
a short period of time to get started, So I'm thinking maybe SouthBeach.
I could use a support group.
I always find that Weight Watchers gets somewhat redundant after a while,
maybe because you have the same leader week after week.
Maybe we could all check in on a certain day & time once a week?
What do you think? We could use a given heading so others could scroll if
they wanted, & we could use the rely thing.
Food for thought(did i say that!)
Count me in!
Laura, Jane, Lavinia -- and me!
I have over 20 pounds that I would like to see the last of and I have been psyching myself up to do something about it. You guys -- and this public announcement -- will be my motivation! I go to Curves at least three days a week and I will either increase that to four days or when I can't do that I will increase the rounds on the days I go. I will go back to drinking as close to a gallon of water a day as I can stand. And I will brush my teeth at seven in the evening and eat nothing after that -- which is going to kill me! LOL
Once I adjust to that routine I will fine tune it as needed to get the weight off. I will keep you posted!
Count me in!
Laura, Jane, Lavinia -- and me!
I have over 20 pounds that I would like to see the last of and I have been psyching myself up to do something about it. You guys -- and this public announcement -- will be my motivation! I go to Curves at least three days a week and I will either increase that to four days or when I can't do that I will increase the rounds on the days I go. I will go back to drinking as close to a gallon of water a day as I can stand. And I will brush my teeth at seven in the evening and eat nothing after that -- which is going to kill me! LOL
Once I adjust to that routine I will fine tune it as needed to get the weight off. I will keep you posted!
OK Lavinia and Jane
Let's see if long distance buddies can help us stay with it.
Like Jane, once I get started on desserts, I can't stop. Over the years, I've learned that increasing activity helps me more than "dieting," although I do try to eat sensibly.
Here's what I've
been doing.
There are no sweets in the house.
I eat oatmeal for
breakfast. I carry my lunch, and it contains no "junk." It does have a "fruit and grain" bar that could be eliminated. Most of the time, I eat a reasonable dinner right after my walk. I have been known to eat pizza, however. I
should eat more vegetables and less bread.
I drink one or two cans of diet coke in the morning for the caffeine and switch to water after that for the rest of the day.
I walk the dogs everyday after school, except when it is pouring rain.
Here are my goals:
I will cut the diet coke back to one can. I will eliminate one serving of bread from my diet each day. I will try to increase the distance I walk each day as the weather improves.
Anyone else want to play?
For Laura (and Jane)
Laura, I typed a long response and it wouldn't post. Anyhow, glad you and your family are okay, glad you posted. I need to lose more than fifty lbs. Went on Weight Watchers a year ago (gosh has it been that long?) and lost fifteen in a few weeks (DH lost 44, aargh), didn't stick with it and gained back five. I didn't continue to the meetings as I simply couldn't afford it, either. Still no place to walk up here, and overdid it the last time I tried the Richard Simmons tape for seniors, another aargh. Maybe you, Jane and I could do an e-mail buddy type thing and get with it. And yes, lose it while you are young, it gets way harder when you are older (I am now 69). Again, glad you're all right after the storms. Lavinia in way East TN.
Jane, you have my sincere sympathy on the compression stockings. I hope that I can avoid those, but who knows what the future holds.
I've always lived a rather sedentary life style. I'm trying to get active now, at 49, before it's too late. I, too, need to shed that forty (or maybe 50) pounds. I've backslid in the last two weeks because I've had the crud. I hope to get back to walking the dogs tomorrow. I'd actually shed 5 pounds the last time I checked. I refuse to check often!
Bad weather:
My school, and almost all of the other local schools let out at noon, so that we would be home before the storms hit. Here in north Alabama, we managed to miss the worst of the storms, but we were very grateful to be able to get home before the expected bad weather could endanger after-school travel. My parents in Montgomery, very close to Enterprise, spent much of Thursday in their interior bathroom sheltering from the tornadoes. They had no damage, but I believe the damage at Enterprise High School made the national news. President Bush has been visiting the damage stricken areas.
I'm finishing my taxes tonight. I'll file the federal via internet tonight. Since I work in TN, and live in Alabama, I've paid no state tax all year. I intentionally have too much deducted for my federal taxes so that I get a refund. I'll be using my federal return to pay the Alabama tax, so I won't be filing the state portion until April 15. Hopefully, I'll break even.
Sunday morning
It is a bright and sunny day but we have dropped back into the bitter temps for a few days it seems....with the windchill it is about -37Celsius....overnite it was close to -50 with the windchill....tonight won't be any better....the wind was blowing as hard as I have ever seen it since we moved to town....the snow in the backyard is full of waves and ripples from the wind effect....will have to try to take a picture...looks pretty from inside!
Jill, I did the same thing with the bookmarks for the separate boards....makes it easier to log in for me....can't wait to see a picture of your GMFG quilt...
Jane, you have my empathy for those stockings....but not putting them on does make it worse! Hope your surgery date comes soon. Mine hasn't and I will check with the family doctor again this week about another referral to someone else I think.
Off to do some cleaning before settling in to work on some more 9 patch blocks while watching some men's curling on tv.
Dear Sweet Karen,
I'm so very sorry to hear about your Mom.
I know you are caring for you Dad too, so I hope
this grief & all that's going on doesn't overwhelm you.
Hope you can find some reflection time.
My thoughts are with you.
I'm so computer challenged, but somehow when I set up the
info for both blogs I got a screen for both of them at once.
I saved that to bookmarks & all I have to do is hit it.
I never have to sign in.
(I suppose I'm at risk of forgetting the info....but it works for me)
Kathi, send my appreciation too to your son.
What a sacrafice they make for all of us!
My DF has a "boy"(he's only 20) leaving in Oct....
she puts up a brave front but i know she doesn't sleep
at nite thinking about it.
Haven't been here much, things are crazy at work as always.
I'm putting the inie/outie binding on my GMFG & hope to put it
in our show at Easter, so I'll post a picture if I ever get this done!
Our guild will have Paula Nadelstern next week. It should be
grand. Our guild has changed so much from when I 1st joined &
we had one good speaker a year. I got the list for next year & it's
incredible. Just wish I could take advantage of all the great classes we have.
Our public TV ran a Art Quilt special yesterday, but they were begging
for money so my tape ran out & I missed some of it.
Any body see it? It was wonderful!
Love, Jill
It looks like
everyone's been gone this weekend. I just had to post something because I got in via a comment to Laura on the BB. Just thought I'd say hi. Just when we get silly at the prospect of spring hereabouts the temperatures have dropped and the dratted wind is back. Actually the temps wouldn't be so bad but
for the wind. The finch feeder outside my window hangs on a chain and it's swinging around making things tough for the finches, chickadees and nuthatches that frequent it. The male goldfinches are beginning to turn golden feather by feather as they prepare for the arduous task of attracting a lady love and starting a family. By the way, does anyone out there know the plural of titmouse? If there are two of them, as just visited the feeder, are there titmice there? Maybe
titmeese? Anna, where are you with your knowledge of etymology? Hey, I just invoked the spell check and according to Google the plural is titmice.
Time to get going. I always allow myself a slow start on Sunday. If I don't get my shower and get those coat of mail compression stockings on fairly soon after getting up I have
achy swollen legs the rest of the day. Vascular surgeon has to get approval from Medicare to do the surgery on the offending vein before they will pay for it and that takes a month or two. I'm sure, however, that the vein is not the whole problem. Both legs swell and ache. I'm sure that losing forty pounds would help that problem and a host of others. Just can't seem to get myself motivated to do what I know I should do. Oh well, I'll write a check each to the IRS and the NC Dept. Revenue today. That's enough sacrifice for one day.
Jane in NC