Look at this face

Getting in line for cutest pet picture...since I learned to get pictures out of my digital camera, I may just bore everybody to tears.
This is Ella, a labradoodle puppy that I am fostering for a few weeks. She's 4 months, 5 1/2 pounds, full of fun and has a mouth full of very sharp teeth.
Spring has arrived in Portland complete with the scent of daphne and hyacinth and warm sunshine on the back while reading Anne of Green Gables in the back yard. I'm really enjoying rereading some of the books I read 50 years ago. The original idea was to see if my granddaughter would like to read them, and she may, but I'm enjoying them first.
Ella is so cute that she could be a model for a stuffed toy company. It's too bad that she'll grow up to be a big dingaling .... our neighbors own a sweet female labradoodle who does not seem to have two connected brain cells in her head! Sophia is the cutest, most annoying dog I have ever met. Best wishes to whoever adopts Ella.
Betty what a sweet endearing little face. Elle looks the picture of innocence, but she is probably a bundle of mischief!
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