Now you have me thinking, Sara
So I started looking around the net. Quilt University has a class on portrait quilting that starts in about a week. Might be something you would like to look into. Go to the quilt University website and look at the catalog of classes. ( The class Realistic Fabric Portraits is listed under Pictorial Quilts.
Who knows? I might just see you there.
Portrait quilts

For some reason the computer doesn't want to show these in color. I probably did something screwy when I was scanning them in.
This is as close as I've ever come to doing an actual "portrait" quilt. The one of DH fishing was done using Katie Pasquini's Fractured Landscape technique, except that I didn't "fracture" the landscape once I had it done. The baby picture was for my sister's 60th birthday. That one was from Simply Amazing Quilted Photography (Tammie Bowser). These are done using tiny squares to make a pixilated picture.
I know I've seen ads in the quilting magazines for places you can send in the picture to have the pattern made. And of course there are many books covering the technique. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Please keep us posted on what you decide to do.
Portrait quilts?
Good Friday morning;
It's been a few days since I've check in here. Hoping "things" are well with our friends all over the world. We are excited that the weatherman say COOLER weather is coming soon. Supposedly the temp. is going to drop to the low 80's during the day and 50's at night. That is cooler for us. Welcome fall.
Anyone ever done a portrait quilt-you know where you take a picture of a child, pet, friends, and somehow make it into a stunning wall hanging? I've been looking on the web for a DVD and book for instructions. Bonnie McCaffery seem to have some, and a few others. I'd really like to take a class, Marilyn Wall has one of Fabricating Faces in March, but it is in N.C.
My DH is having a booth in the local home and patio show downtown this weekend. I think he is going to give himself a stroke-lack of sleep, no exercise, stressed out. He is still determined to buy a condo at Jacks. beach, which is supposed to "close" soon. The bank has been saying soon for 3 months, it is a short sale. Then it has to be totally re-done from the ceiling to the floor, new tile, etc. I've come to believe that we all need projects. Mine are smaller and in fabric, his are large.
Going to watch to morning weather report.
Sara in Fla.