Sat. night checking in
Well, I had the eye surgery on the right eye on Thhursday morning, and am glad the dialation has finally gone away. The surgery was amazing, I was in and out in under 2 hours. In recovery I was even offered coffee. Wow.
I am healing well, but was told not to run, so I didn't go this morning. Since it was supposed to be 25 degrees and our run was out in the country, I didn't balk too much. Even our leader told me to stay home.
Jean in Vt-I can't imagine 37 below. Burr. Does your card battery start in that cold? Or do you have to have a plug in like they do in Alaska?
I am able to read today, something I couldn't do yesterday. I got "The Lover's Knot" at the book store last week, and am half way finished.
I'm about to change into the fluffy robe and curl up and read it.
The local Naval air station must either have a new group of pilots in, or they are on high alert. We have jets flying over the house about every 5 min. Don't know if it has anything to do with the new president taking office on Tues. or not.
We too have been in awe of the US Air pilot who landed in the Hudson river. It was a miracle that they all were alive. I believe one lady had 2 broken legs, but haven't heard of anyone else being hurt. Three local people on the plane were interview yesterday on the news.
OK, going to dream of future quilts, and going to sign up for a class on scaloped boders at the local shop. Looking forward to playing with fabric. I guess it's the same with gardners looking through seed catalogues in the winter time.
Warm hugs to all.
Sara in Fla.
Ugh! It was 37 below when I took the kids to school this morning. No, we don't cancel around here for cold unless the schools' furnaces malfunction or something. Brrrrr! It got up to a grand old 4 degrees today. Summer, come quickly!!!
Jean in VT
It's hard to imagine Marion down there in New Zealand cooking in heat when we are literally into a deep-freeze up here. Not sure which I prefer but think I'll take the freezing cold any time over intense heat as long as I have the clothes and heat to support it. I realize that in Tennessee and Alabama, people just aren't prepared for such cold weather. At least up here in Southern Ontario, we can choose how we dress. I live in wool sweaters and alpaca sox most of the winter, along with a down coat, woolen hat and mittens. The snow boots are a bit of a pain in the butt getting in and out of them but I can go snow-shoeing as I did this morning in minus 30C wind-chill factored weather and absolutely love the wind stinging my face. When I got into the car, the temp. registered 5F, without the windchill factor. That's cold, even for here. We heat primarily by wood but you have to be at home to keep feeding the fires to heat this way. Lots of deer tracks about the property and I often see deer running through the fields when I'm back up there snowshoeing.
Something most aren't aware of, I believe the pilot who landed the plane in the Hudson River was a glider pilot.
It is 12* F here, with negative wind chills. Nobody here has clothes for this kind of weather. The kids will be standing outside waiting for busses in this. I have no clue if the used car we bought before Christmas, the only one currently working, will even start at this temperature. My house is heated with a heat pump, as are most down here, and the "emergency heat" was running this morning. That'll nearly double my bill in the three days this is supposed to last.
The school systems immediately to the north of the county where I teach have delayed or cancelled school. School systems to the south have delayed or cancelled as well. My ststem has plenty of weather days, and we would not have to make it up, and we're still scheduled to go in on time.
Go figure.
Laura in Alabama
cold weather
JANE IN NC - Hip Hip Hooray! that your cast is off. That must feel like losing a 25-lb anchor. Take it easy, though. I hope you continue to heal and are done with medical stuff for this new year.
SARA IN FL - I hope your DH continues to feel better, and is back to his old self before Spring arrives.
WEATHER - ugh. More cold stuff, and nothing(!)like what Canada and our northern states are experiencing. It is supposed to go down to 4 or 5 degrees F on Thursday night. Yikes.
Hugs to everyone!
It was a dark and stormy day
It has been raining all day here. Tomorrow is supposed to be our first freeze of the year and be 20 or 30 for several nights. Good for business, as it has been slow lately.
Took my Pumpkin in for all her shots this morning. We do love our pets, don't we? The little fur ball now gets up on the bed with DH to watch TV in the evenings. If we arn't ready for bed by 10:00 she will check us out, sniff, and go to her room and put herself to bed. The first time she did this it was a hoot.
Looking forward to the eye surgery on Thurs. morning. It will be so good to see colors again, and not have the naging eye ache.
I went to Jo-Ann's yesterday and bought upholstery fabric to redo a rocking chair, and make new curtains for the guest room. It is time to rip out the blue carpet in there and put down wood. At this point I don't know if it will be real wood or laminate.
After that, get a new mattress and box springs for the guest bed.
That may be the project for the year.
DH is doing better every day. It will be another 2 weeks before the latest tests get finished, but at this point I'm glad he is doing better.
Jane-glad you have the cast off, I'm sure you feel better.
Cyber hugs to all.
Sara in Fla.
Good news, indeed!
Jane, so good to hear that your cast is off! I know how happy you are. You'll come along quickly now. I could not believe the progress I made the first week my arm was out of the sling. The progress is slower now, but progress all the same. As long as I can tell the difference from week to week, however small, I'm happy. I guess you and I will keep the PT people busy for a while.
The next three days here in Vermont are forecast to not get above zero degrees. Brrrr! I hope I can hole up inside and not have to leave the house, except to get the kids to and from school. Maybe I can get something done that way.
Got a new kitchen table today. It has two leaves that fold down inside it when not needed, so you can actually make this table three different sizes. So cool! That to me is a marvel. A table that adjusts easily in size. How nice to have something that makes life easier! I am now ready regardless of how many of the kids come for dinner.
Jean in VT
As the nautical types would say, “CAST OFF!!!”. While I’m not ready for the Boston marathon I’m moving around easily with the walker with weight bearing “as tolerated” so the PT and I are in charge of that. I’m also wearing a compression stocking because of some swelling and the same brace I was wearing prior to the surgery. It feels quite good and I think I will be much better in fairly short order. I have a bunch of exercises to do besides the walking, walking and I’m really motivated. The instructions from doc were to use assistive devices “as necessary”. PT was impressed today with my current flexibility and strength so I’m flying high.
Today is cold and very bright and I’m going to take advantage of the good light and work some more on the sewing room. I made sure that room has lots of light when I built the house so in good weather it is a very cheerful place to be with good music or a book on CD and my fabric. Shadow joins me in there sometimes but not all the time like my old Molly did. She used to be with me whenever I was sewing. It’s been 3.5 years since her passing to the great CRP field in the sky and I still get teary.
DORIS, that thought brings me to your sad news. Why do we do this to ourselves. We know when we give our hearts to a pet that we’ll be devastated when they predecease us. I have Molly’s cremains in my closet and my kids know that they are to go into the ground with me. Same for Shadow if her time comes before mine. My heart goes out to you and your DH.
No more buying until I get some quilts done. That’s my solemn promise and you are all witnesses so now I’m bound.
Off to fix a sensible lunch.
Jane, high as a kite.