Friday, January 22, 2010

Posted this as an answer....

but decided it probably needed it's own post.

Our local Project Linus group is making 200 quilts to be donated to the Haiti children through Heart to Heart International. The goal is to donate 10,000 quilts. Perhaps your own local chapters are doing the same.


The cold

Why is it called the "cold" when you don't feel cold. Last night had chest cough, this morning feel like I've been hit by a bus.
Airborn, salt water gargle, etc. are my new best friends.
Thinking of staying in my bathrobe all day.
Thankful that the tornados that were in Bradford Co. didn't come here.
Sara in Fla.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The Salvation Army has a page on their web site dedicated to Haiti donation. Couldn't be much easier.



In my experience as a public defender lawyer I was always looking for alternatives to incarceration for my many druggies, alcoholics and the otherwise broken down which made up a large portion of my practice. You can't beat the Salvation Army. Their overhead is extremely low as their personnel are all dedicated to the cause. It is almost a monastic organization and many are married couples. They make a minimal living and are dedicated for the long haul. While I am not a Christian I think those folks really walk the walk with their lives. Also they are very experienced at this kind of thing and performed admirably after Katrina and throughout war times. If they are involved in Haiti which I assume they are, they will get my Haiti money.

A side note. My brother, who lived in Japan for 7 or 8 years in the late fifties and early sixties, became acquainted with a Canadian Dominican priest who had been interned in China for years during WWII along with other missionaries. They suffered great deprivation and near starvation and he said that the strongest most steadfast of all were the Salvation Army folks, the depth of whose faith he envied. I sound like an evangelist but I'm agnostic to the core. But if you are going to talk the talk they get it.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gifts for Haiti

If you decide to donate for Haiti relief, and if you are involved with a mainstream church, may I suggest you donate through your church. I know that the Lutherans (ELCA) and the Methodists have standing world relief organizations already on the ground in Haiti. The gift you make would not pay for advertising or inflated salaries for top administrators. If you choose to give another way, please check to make sure it's a legitimate charity...
Things are warmer here, thank God.
I sent my mother's quilt home with my brother over the weekend to make sure it's going to fit. I think it's shrinking as I quilt it. It's almost done, if it's big enough!


I wasn't going to post anything, but after reading a post just received from missionary friends decided I would ask for prayer for missions/aid workers.
Here in Fla. we are having flights (mostly So. Fla and Orlando) of children that are orphans, and survivors. People are sleeping in the streets. If you are already involved with a group that does aid/such as the red cross, etc. please support them.
DH is out of town, but will talk about what organization to give to when he returns.
OK, enough,
The sun is shining, and I am well.
Sara in Fla.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday morning

When I was growing up, Monday was always 'wash' day. I did mine yesterday...six B&B guests for the week-end and my washing machine and dryer were going all day; still have more to go this morning before I leave for town.

Jane, you are probably at the point that I was when the market took a tumble. I had been living parsimoniously but lost enough to buy two cars and decided, to heck with it. My kids are only going to spend it and well they should but I am doing the odd nice thing for myself now and not feeling guilty about it. Why don't you give your other sewing machines away and be done with them. Enjoy your new one. Smart shop owners being members of a quilt guild. Sounds like they will be good people to deal with. And, how is your brother faring after his operation.

Doris, thank you for the imagine of daffodils trying to poke their heads up somewhere. I just don't want a picture of them in the dead of winter here. (Jean is kindly refraining from mentioning hers out west as well although the west coast of Canada has had a lot of rain lately).

Lavinia, regardless of who took the picture of Bean, it is quite spectacular.

Repairs this morning to the wood stove insert in the livingroom. An iron bar split with the intense heat a few weeks ago. I'm assuming that it was a support bar to whatever it was supporting and will feel reassured when it's repaired.

Visited with my two year old granddaughter on the week-end. Addison is her name. She's a blond cutie with energy to burn. She's been in day-care from early on, not something I'm used to but she's a very well-socialized youngster for two. Her parents are teaching her manners, to share, to be polite...all the good things that parents do, which makes being around her all the nicer.

Off early to my volunteer work called Telecheck. Sixty calls to Seniors but there are two volunteers to handle the calls between 8:30 a.m./12 noon. We're fine as long as everyone answers and there are no problems...otherwise, it can be stressful but thankfully we have a supervisor at the other end of the line in a city an hour away and she takes care of emergencies once we follow procedure.

Sarah, I netipotted my sinuses this morning and thought of you. I wouldn't share my neti pot with anyone, either. I netipotted my nose and put my corn remover on. Age does those things to you.


Machines and other stuff

I have to fess up, I didn't take the picture of Bean, my sister did. She's taking a photography class and that was the beginning of action shots.

Jane, congrats on a new machine. There's a 6500/6600 Yahoo group that for me was an immense help when I had a 6600. They have files about various things, a whole file about threads that's great. I am currently trying to sell my Babylock Espire and downsize (I do have a small Pfaff Smart One)if y'all hear of anyone who might be interested. It does everything but the dishes, sews sideways and diagonally too. It is top of the line before embroidery.

We finally warmed up to 50 after 12 days of below freezing. It's raining but no one cares as long as it isn't snow. Lots of falling trees as the ground is so saturated the roots are not holding. So there's always something going on, it seems. I spent the snowed-in time straightening up the fabric shelves, my desk, and the notebooks in which I stored pages from magazines and printed out stuff. Threw out as much as I saved from those. Bought some clear plastic sleeves and used 100 of them. Big all done (took 3 days) and realized I could have put articles back to back and saved 50 sleeves LOLOL.

Still trying to figure out programs for the second half of the year for the quilt club. If y'all have done anything exciting (?) interesting (?) give me your ideas, please. I called each member to see what they'd like, and the biggest response was, "Well, I can't think of anything." But they all want something new. I have several places bookmarked online which have been helpful.

Looking forward to Spring!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

quick checking in

Sara in FL – Our rain was not supposed to arrive until 10 p.m. last night, 7 p.m. at the earliest. It arrived around 3 p.m. while I was out on a loooong walk with the dog. Argh. At least we have thawed out, our low last night was 46, and daffodils are starting to poke up through the mulch.

BTW - I've heard positive comments at guild about the thread at Connecting Threads; nothing negative.

Jane in NC – Congrats on the new machine and may you enjoy it for many years to come. I have its predecessor, the 6500, and it barely makes a sound when I use it. Whisper quiet. Great machine. Lots of women in our guild have that Juki TL98Q and love it. I never hear any comments about the Juki needle threader breaking; maybe they gave up on it.

Lavinia - Bean is a cutie!

Back up to the sewing room now. I've got a lap quilt I am finally(!!!) quilting.

Just checking in

Hi, couldn't get on yesterday. It was one of those bummer days on Sat. but today is better.
The local weather people --both of them-- said the rain and front wasn't going to get here until some time around 6 PM on Sat. I opened the garage door at 6:10AM to drive to the group run, and it was raining. It rained off and on all day. Maybe they ment 6 AM, not PM.
It was the worst run ever. The week and 1/2 of not exercising because of the cold weather showed. The rain was miserable, my feet were wet, and it took forever.
Glad it's over. The people who put on the training say that there will alwasys be one time when it' just not fun. Glad that is over! It was 6 miles, and took forever.
The front went through my sinuses about 3AM, the Tylonol and Claritin finally kicked in about 6AM, and the hot shower did wonders.
I'm itching to go start a new project, but just can't because there are not shelves or bookcases to put things on. Ack! Woe is me. I want it done NOW.
DH is feeling better now, the head cold is draining, and with Nyquil he got some sleep last night. Maybe we can both sleep tonight.
All for now.
Pamela are you there?
Sara in Fla.