Christmas greetings to all...
I have managed to find some old photos on the computer so I thought I would post this one to wish you all a happy holiday season.. It's a wall hanging I made when the DGC were smaller. It just fits the fireplace so that's where is goes these days !!
There are only 63 photos in the album that I found .I have no idea where the other several hundred photos are... I will make it my New Years Resolution to find out more about this machine ! I love seeing the photos that appear on this page and wish I could post more regularly.. "Technical difficulties "prevent that from happening (?!?) (i.e..... me...)
The last of the shortbread has been made, I just have to wrap and deliver now.. The coming week looks reasonably quiet after a very busy two weeks. How are the rest of you getting on. ? Must be hard for our American friends to have Christmas so soon after Thanksgiving..
What a beautiful quilt !
There will be one very happy little girl on Christmas morning. That's beautiful work Rosey.
The page for writing the "post" came up easily today, the problem now will be to see if I can "Publish' There seem to be too many options and I'm never sure to take the right one...
Our unsettled weather continues. We can drop 20deg in a few minutes and we are all rather tired of it. That's partly because we are a narrow country with little land mass around us. We have more than our fair share of wind, the Easterly and the Southerly being our cold winds and the Nor'Wester usually being our hot,drying one. It was very hot here this morning but now the wind has changed and it quite chilly...
I put the Christmas decorations up during the w/end. Not many, as we are away for Christmas, but enough to get the feel of the festive season ! Most of the parcels are wrapped and the cards sent, it's a costly business isn't it ? Last year I decided that it would be my last for sending cards but I've fallen into it again this year...They mostly go to the U.K and have done for the past fifty years . The list will get shorter, nothing more sure than that !?!
Mince pies are my favorite eating at Christmas time ! Can't get enough of them ! I make them in the small muffin tins going by the theory that it's alright to have two, when they are so small....
The garden has survived the difficult weather conditions remarkably well and is looking quite pretty and colourful . I should take some photos but I've no idea where my camera is. Since the DH got his IPad he takes photos on that , I don't think he knows how to transfer them to the computer ... I really should be more pro active about such things myself but I'm just not interested enough (plus the fact that I am inherently lazy !)
We are off to Auckland to stay with DD#2 and family for Christmas. Always interesting up there with three teenagers in the house.....
Here comes the rain, Better go and rescue the washing..
Marion .
well done Rosey
I am still quilting my last quilt to cover my old oak chest from the sun . It has been dated to 1600 and I am going to keep it as well as I can. Nearly ready for Christmas, presents all done,still some pies to make.I had a real problem buying new patty tins,plenty of muffin tins but they are too deep for Christmas mince pies. Will have to remake some of them but the boys have offered to help get rid of them .yeah right.I have kittens again 3 gingers running madly round the house plus 2 grandkids. Was I pleased when all went home,it is so hot and muggy here, usual at this time of year. I have to go and sweep bedroom before I can go to bed little pets found the toilet roll I leave by my bed in case I need to blow my nose at night It is everywhere in very small bits . When will I learn to say know. Will write before the holidays after I lose the wee kids HUgs to all ,Bee in avery warm NZ
Granddaughter's quilt
Okay, time to get the driveshed down the list and put up something new. So I searched my file and came up with the quilt that will be placed on my six year old granddaughter's bed on Christmas day. She has seen it in progress, knew that it was being sent out to be quilted (longarm) but doesn't know it's finished. It will be a surprise for her. I took a school photograph of her, had it blown up, copied it into templates and appliqued it as the centrepiece of the quilt, than added preprinted corner squares, other images and the border has animals (polka dot sheep, birdhouse, etc) of things that would interest a child of that age. Her name is appliqued to the bottom section of the quilt. At least this moves us along and may inspire others to post.
Rosey P in Canada