Saturday, April 10, 2010


A six year old getting to make a choice. Why would they not stay with what they know than to experience what they don't know. Of course...staying with the familiar. But how is your heart? This has to be a tough one for you.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Hello from Tenneh by the rivers,
I have been thinking of you all and sending cyber hugs, especially to you Bee. I have had such good intentions to post but been sooo busy. maybe winding down for winter will be a good thing!

I have handed in my resignation and committed myself to moving house, so am applying for jobs at the moment... so keeping busy takes my mind off the uncertainities....I worked over Easter. The first 2 days -Good Friday and saturday were crazy! Hetically crazy, we wondered what had gone wrong with the world... Full moon or something? our emergency dept had been rushed off our feet, knee deep in people, and we finally shipped 3 patients out to the base hopsital by ambulance at 6.30pm. Our Drs were stressed and desperate for a cuppa and something to eat, they had been on all day... I walked thru our reception area, empty briefly!, when a man approached me. "I've bought in a lad, he's rolled his Quad bake and broken his leg", as his mate grabs a wheelchair and whips outside. I'm thinking 'OK, what makes them so sure hes got a broken leg..... OH MY' It was all hands on deck ( sorry Dr's -no cuppa ) and we helicopter that patient out of there to surgery quick smart, for his massive fractured femur. There is never going to be another job like working at a small rural hospital like this!

Still no formal decision on the parenting orders for my little DD. She has finally seen her appointed lawyer, and report due next week. I had time with her (DD) yesterday and she tells me she will stay with daddy and go to school, and see me on the weekends and holidays. It sounded so 'coached', the words/phrase coming from a 6 year old. So much for me being fair and reasonable and trying not to influence my DD unreasonable, I left it wide open for exDH to do so. I feel a little bitter to say the least, but will keep my chin up and carry on. I pick up little DD tomorrow and then I have her later in the week as it is school holidays. Being together is what is important whatever time we have.

So I have finally cut out all the pieces for my scrap quilt, I have used all scraps, I didn't buy any more fabric! And I'm not sure I've made much of a dint in my stash...LOL.

An add on to my last post, The best time to harvest watermelon is before the first hard frost!Jack Frost trampled my garden with glee, wiping it out! And just when I though my sugar snap peas had survived, the frost a few days ago finished them off. So bye bye garden for the summer. As for the watermelon, sadly it had not really fully ripened.

Blessings and happy stitching,
Tenneh by the Rivers

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Writing cheques...the Canadian 'check'

Jane, if you're having to write cheques to the tax dept.; you're earning happy for that. Not everyone is on their investments these days.

Sara, a bust of a week but at least for Doris, her washing machine doesn't need replacing. Something good in that.

Good thing we have the weather here in Canada to talk about because it's ever-changing. Today, lots of rain, tomorrow, snow showers and our buds on our trees will not be happy campers. But, Sat. calls for sun and a gradual warming. We go from spring one day to winter the next and summer the next. You can experience all three seasons here in three days time.

This week-end in our area, the Ontario Alpaca Association annual competition and show. I get to hug an alpaca. They are interesting animals in the camelid (sp?) family. Lovely big expressive eyes with long eyelashes and sweet faces. And, I'm told, not often, they do spit occasionally just like their counterparts...the camel and llama. Didn't Linda, with the "delights" from Wisconsin, have a llama at one time...seems to me I remember her getting one. Anyone know where Linda is now...she didn't move forward to the new board. Wonder how she is?



Sara, I hope the rest of your week has been better than your last post. Wow, that's one to wreck a whole week. Right now I have to write checks both to the IRS and Dept. Revenue of NC. That starts a day off with a bang. That's not as bad as getting a letter from the IRS sometime in July. That has happened to me twice and they always come on a Friday. It sure can wreck a whole weekend. Maybe I should have my IRA in some offshore bank. Trouble is, I am not sophisticated enough to know how to do that.

Gotta run get ready for Weight Watchers. Had a good loss this week.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Yesterday was a wash. . . .

I certainly hope today will be better.
My helpful Ace handyman didn't know what he was talking about, had to take the part back that I bought. ( "O" ring for sink stopper) Couldn't get the new cell phone to be turned on. Tried on the computer, didn't have the right PIN number. Called the 1-800 # and talked to someone, she transfered me to someone else, got cut off.
Gave up-went to Jo-Ann's for fusible web. Couldn't find my gift card that still had about $15.00 on it.
Finally came home and just watched Nat. Geo on TV. Saw the shows about the Apal. Trail, and the one about the part in Utah, the rock formations, whose name escapes me.
Right now I have to go get fasting blood work done, then can come home and drink coffee.
Fortunately the lab is close to my house. I've been known to pass out, so hope I get a good person that doesn't hurt too much.
Today will be a better day! Yes, it will.
Sara in Pollen land

Monday, April 5, 2010

The good news is . . .

My washing machine was fixable, the repair guy had the part on his truck, and I didn't have to buy a new machine. SnooopyDance! Even this young man told me to hang on to this machine for as long as I can, unless the repair is going to cost $300 or more. DH and I decided we will. :o)

Our weather has been glorious here. The highs are up to 80F and sunshine. DH and I drive to Savannah, GA this week and I'm looking forward to the sightseeing. I have quilt guild on Tuesday, then I'll go home and pack for the trip. :o) :o)