A tiring day at the quilt show
Today was fun,but tiring day. My feet are killing me. I sat in the guild booth for 2 hrs, then saw the show and hit the vendors. Bought a few yards of lorilie Christmas dogs fabric and coordinating panel. Had lots of fun!
The challenge quilts this year was a beach theme, and had lots of fun "beachy" quilts.
Sara in Fla.
SARA in FL - Yes, DH's convention was on Amelia Island last year and the quilt show is when we got to meet each other. The show is excellent and I highly recommend it to anyone who is able to attend!
We were in Colorado Springs, CO two weeks ago with the convention for the same group. Quite the contrast of 10% humidity this year after 90+% humidity last year.
MARION in NZ - How nice that you've got Spring, and summer will definitely arrive one day.
Yesterday, DH and I noticed some leaves on the top of our very tall maple tree have begun to turn their golden colors of autumn and are falling. Our Spring came a month early this year, so the leaves are probably more than ready to fall. We've got some cooler weather this week and lows will be in the 40s at night. Delightful!
I managed to give myself a hematoma on my forearm a few days ago, of all things! Argh... I was gently rubbing it, because I have some tendonitis after playing a lot of golf recently. Within hours, the swelling, the bump, the bruising and pooling . . . it is not pretty. A vein must have broken. Sheesh. Getting old is a bother, if you ask me. It only hurts if I touch it. ;-)
Hugs to everyone.
Spring weather...
The weather is still "interesting" down here ! A heavy frost this morning, which will set back the spring growth. Four seasons in one day, two days ago. I was working in the garden in shirtsleeves in the morning and by mid afternoon a "southerly" came through (look what's south of NZ and you'll see what
that means !!) bringing hail, rain and a dramatic drop in temperature... All of this has barely affected me though, as I've been deep into "Gone with the Wind ",,,,,,, the book and the video ! None of it new to me ofcourse, but it must be 40yrs since I last read it and I was back to it because I had recently read the story of the life of the author. I found that SO interesting that I had needed to revisit the book. I wasn't disappointed !!. It amazes me that out of all that came the
United States of America.... Well done !
I've got friends coming out to lunch today, so I'd better get on. The property is looking very pretty at the moment. Makes me wonder how many more "Springs" we will see here and makes me think how much I'd like to be coming out here for lunch, if I lived in the town.....!!
Have a good day.
Monday, late morning
Hi-It's finally a bit cooler here in No. Fla. The sun decided to shine today, but tomorrow is supposed to be rainy (:. I've been fighting migraine headaches, and think most of it is weather related. Went to Chiropracter this mornng, and he got the kinks out of my neck. All the muscles were tensed up.
Hoping for a good week.
I'm ready to put to bed the baby quilt, just binding to do. Have started on the Piece 'O Cake applique that I bought the book for last April. Have the background strips cut out and up on design wall. Going to spend 30-60 min. working on it today. It makes me smile!
Went to see Mom after the Chrio. dr. this morning. She said she didn't want to talk, but to go back to sleep and for me to come back another time! I guess when you are 95 you can say those things.
Excited about our upcoming trip to Hallifax and St. John's. Hope we will have cool, but sunny weather. Will have to find the wind breakers and sweaters.
Hope all is well on the quilt board. Our big quilt show downtown starts on Thursday. I think it was last year that I met Doris there. Will be a white glove lady on Thurs. and then work the guild booth for 2 hrs.
Sara in Fla.