Did you watch the shuttle launch?
Did others watch the NASA space ship launch this morning? It was beautiful!
Rainy, cloudy, so there was some question if it would go or not, but it got off.
Sara in Fla.
Sisters, etc
There will be four or five of us (if Betty decides to come) meeting behind the Stitchin' Post. Meredith from Calgary and her DH are meeting us there. She and I will both be taking classes on Friday. We are just about ready to leave in the morning. Need to pack the cooler and the car after DH gets back from his physical therapy session.
Our dogs weren't bothered at all by the fireworks. We were at the cabin in the mountains, so there weren't many fireworks other than the show put on by the city of Stanley. A few were lit at a house a few doors up the highway from ours, but the dogs are both gun dogs and that type of noise doesn't bother them. They were much more interested in the owl (or something similar) that flew across the road right in front of them. They stayed when told, but after that episode, they watched the rest from inside the house.
See you all on Saturday.
This and that & books

I always appreciate the book reviews.
I have not finished "Major Pettigrew" I seem to fall asleep, even though I have enjoyed it.
I'm doing my first Nook book & really enjoy the device although the library books have been
a learning curve. I'm reading a $3 book from Barnes & Noble that is quite good., King of Lies.
My goal is to do the Steig Larssen books this summer.
I have a "Prairie" book on it's way from half.com. I have to read one book of this genre every summer.
Three of us will be meeting at Sisters this Sat if anyone else is going? 1:30 behind the Stitchin'
Post, the grassy area near the Sisters Raffle quilt.
I think Kathi is taking a class on Fri. I just drive over Fri nite & head to the show very early & head back to Portland by late afternoon. I never tire of this beautiful quilt show. I can't even think how many I've been to. Sisters & quilts were just meant for each other.
Sewing, hum......I have cleaned my patio in hopes of getting my machine outdoors soon to do some quilting. I'm changing out the ends on my GrandMother's Flower Garden & can do that outside as well. Today is only about our 3rd day in the 80's.....It's been a long wet road to summer for us. But now that it's here it's worth the wait!
Of course I have to end with a garden picture & an Alex picture. Have I said how much we love him?????Ha ha! He's just been the greatest dog, in a couple months we will have had him a year.
Love the New York Beauty! such an intricate feast for the eyes!
Summer reading
After the Louise Penny books were recommended by someone here - Rosey, as I recall - I got hooked. The last one I read was set at the Winter Carnival in Quebec City. I started that book as soon as we returned from the Carnival - it was fun to read since I had just been at many of the places mentioned in the book. I have really enjoyed the whole series and will have to look for the next one coming out in August. Right now I am reading a series of books that were recommended by one of my quilt friends here. As is the case with the Louise Penny books, they are stand alone stories, but IMHO better if read in sequence. The author is Elizabeth George and I believe several of her books have been made into PBS mystery series. Also read several Michael Connelly books over the winter/early spring. In fact, Michael Connelly was almost a part of our family - Gary reading on his e-reader and me, the old fashioned way... Gonna grill some steaks - just wanted pop in. And Grace, love the table runner and pillow you posted a few days ago - you've been busy! Joleen in MN
Monday afternoon
Grace, your work is stunning. My colours. Congratulations on such a beautiful quilted piece. If you are down this way again, might you stop in for a p*tty break and bring it with you?
Doris, Louise Penny has another book coming out, her sixth, I believe, at the end of August and is writing her seventh. I love her writing and I'm glad you are enjoying it as well.
And as to Miss AnnieBelle, who, if left to her own devices, would no doubt have my Capel rugs digested in the kitchen, the wood furniture gnawed in the familyroom and anything else that strikes her fancy. This afternoon, she has managed to chew through an upholstered chair which does need recovering. It will have to be done sooner than later, now. She starts her first kennel club training class tonight. That should prove interesting. My beloved Ceilidh was very passive compared to Annie. And, I think she came with better manners than Miss AnnieBelle, who is, by anyone's terms, a hooligan.
Okay, I am back again.

What a great weekend it has been. A little warm, but winter is so long and cold, so I won't whine too much.
Went to Fire men's games on Friday and we laughed ourselves silly. So much fun.
We just have small town volunteer depts, but these guys are great. Saw some fireworks on Friday night and had a big bonfire going. Shared it with the jet sized mosquitoes. Can you tell I have not been outside much after dusk.
I finished my New York Roundabout and tried my MQ also. Not going to enter it in any contest so I am happy with it. These really are mot the colour of my choice as I will do another in brighter colour. This was a kit. My first try. Here's a picture
Have a great week. Love the comments on the books. will be looking for some of them
Just today finished reading . . .
… Louise Penny's second book "A Fatal Grace." I enjoyed 'Still Life' and 'Fatal Grace' is even better. Once I plow through the current stack of books waiting to be read, I'll buy the next book in her series, "The Cruelest Month".
Wishing a belated happy Canada Day to our neighbors up north, and happy July 4th to my compatriots. :o)
JANE IN NC - That AQS show in Knoxville crept up on me before I realized, and I've already got plans for that weekend. I'm so sorry I'll miss it. This is the last year in Knoxville, too. Next year, it goes to Grand Rapids, Michigan for three years, according to the AQS web site.
ROSEY P - LOL at Annie-OFF. Been there, done that with ours, too. Usually it's Sophie-NO.
The kids were over for supper tonight, and brought the grand-dog 'Belle.' She's a walking
disaster. mess. Well, not really, but . . . she drinks water, then lets her tongue loll out of her mouth and a stream of drool or unswallowed water cascades down to our wood floors. Ugh…. That's what 55 lbs of LabraMutt will get you. Aaaaack@!
Forgive me if I mentioned this before. I'll be at the
AQS Knoxville show next week with a friend. Anyone from the board coming too? DORIS - you are not too far away. Let me know and maybe we can break bread together while there.
The other topic listed above was my
remonstrance when he got so fascinated by all the animal scent in the reception area of the vet's office that his leg was lifted on the reception desk before I could intervene. Before I could get a paper towel the vet assistant was on the job with her spray bottle of whatever and paper towel. She smiled sweetly and said "It's part of the job." Whereupon Rocky gave her a sloppy kiss on the face.