Update on Kitty
I had a long talk with Kitty last night and told her I would post to the group so that her friends will know what is happening with her these days. She has not been able to keep up with her e-mail or the groups for a while now...
After the experimental treatment that she had last year it turned out that Kitty was not one of the many people who have been cured or put into remission by that treatment. Her cancer is back and more aggressive than ever. She is not a candidate for bone marrow transplant and is now back on chemo to attempt to slow the progress of the disease. She is having trouble tolerating the chemo and is not feeling at all well. The future is looking pretty grim.
Kitty does not have the energy to deal with mail (although I think it would be nice if people sent her their good wishes) but she would appreciate your prayers.
Weighing in -- a bit late...
Relax, Pat! You are not alone. While I did not gain anything in the last several weeks, I also did not lose. Actually, I am surprised and a bit pleased by that! I have been having a bad few weeks and was pretty sure that I was porking it on as a result of stress and over eating.
The little old lady I manage things for developed pneumonia and we thought we were losing her. (She is beating all the odds and recovering nicely now -- not bad for a bedridden 98 year old!)I had to have two of my cats put to sleep in the same week. I have a house guest who has been here a month and will be here several more weeks. DH continues to work in Alberta. The list goes on, but I won't bore you with it. Suffice it to say that I have not been having fun and my diet and exercise choices have suffered as a result.
DH has been home for the last week and I have had a bit of a break and am feeling a bit more rested. He leaves again tomorrow for two weeks but he will be home after that (except for the fishing trips!) so life can get back to some kind of normal. He is wanting me to plan a holiday for myself as a reward for surviving this summer-from-hell but at this point all I really want to do is catch up my sleep! LOL
Kitten report: It has been a good year in the feral cat rescue business! We have less kittens than in the past few years and they have been mostly pretty healthy. I have 11 little ones running around the house right now and they are all wonderful healthy playful little critters. Not surprisingly, looking at these guys, we have not been able to keep up with the demand for our kittens this year. Usually by July we have a backlog of kittens waiting to get their turn in the public eye -- this year we are getting phone calls looking for more kittens! (And, yes, I am touching wood!) Several of the feral colonies we have been working with for the last few years have now reached a point where there are no new kittens being produced and we have volunteers feeding regularly. That would be how we define success!
It has stopped raining and I think I will take this opportunity to spend a bit of quality time with some weeds. I am losing the weed battle again, I fear.
Jean, finding gardening a bit frustrating...
A year does make a difference, doesn't it, Marion. Did you heave a sigh of relief when the family left? It sounds as though the visit went well and all had a good time. Isn't it fun to see the children excited to go back to Auckland and tell their friends about their holiday in a place where they used to live. Sounds like they are all making the adjustment to their new home and location.
Today the day has started in very overcast, misty conditions and if rain isn't in the forecast I'll be upset. We are still parched here though have had some rain in the past few days, not enough to put the grass back to green. This morning is quilt morning with friends coming in to quilt...a day to sit still...most of my work from the week-end is done and the house put back to order after guests left Sunday. On Thurs. our good friends from Sarasota arrive until the first of next week, plus B&B guests on Sat. On Friday, we will drive to Stratford, Ontario to see Oklahoma at the Stratford Festival. I'm looking forward to seeinig the musical as it's had quite good reviews. The breast cancer quilt exhibit is also on in Stratford as it is traveling across Canada with displays in other regions as well. One of my quilt designs is on display so we'll take that in too, plus have lunch in a delightful little cafe by the river.
40% chance of rain according to the radio.... a risk of a thunderstorm overnight and rain tomorrow...I'll settle for that.
What a difference a year makes....
This time last year, DD#2 and family, moved to the Nth Island. It was a traumatic time for all of us. The scenes at the airport when they left, would have had the hardest of hearts feeling sad for us . This same family has just been here for a two week holiday. They left this morning, to return home. The scene at the airport this year was very different. The three excited children were buzzing about all they would have to tell their school friends. Featuring among the highlights was a flight in our neighbours little plane, through the mountains on a sparkling day, a BBQ around a huge bonfire on another fine day (and cooking the potatoes in the embers) the inevitable trip to the cinema (not once but twice...) and a catch up with old school friends, ( most of whom seemed to spend a night or two here.)
DD and I enjoyed a coffee together at the airport and agreed that we had done well to get through the two weeks and remain sane...! The weather, for the most part , has been cold and sometimes very wet. Not altogether easy. They are now safely home again and we won't see them again until after Christmas. I can live with that !!
Marion (enjoying the peace and quiet of our country home ...!)
Thanks for the chuckles
Marion, I just about fell off my chair laughing at your comments...thanks for the chuckles.
Jane, good luck with the grandchildren...you're right, you'll be played out by the end of their visit but how special. What do you have planned for them? Coming to Grandmas in the mountains must be exciting for them.
Will someone please turn off the housewren! I keep reminding myself of the utter silence of winter when no birdsongs are heard yet the little wrens who have adopted my birdhouse in my garden this year are singing their hearts out from early morning to late at night. I wonder that they don't sing off any fat they have on their bones. And such a lovely trill. But it's constant, one trill right after another. I wouldn't mind a break in their birdsong.
A full house of B&B, very enjoyable guests this past week-end, now the clean-up and getting ready for a visit from our very good friends from Sarasota, Florida, who are traveling up one side of Lake Michigan and down the other. They will take the ferry to Tobermory, Thursday, then drive on south to stay with us for several days.
And breakfast is awaiting...a little rain over the week-end has removed some of the yellow grass but not enough rain to make much of a difference.
Weighing in
Eeeeuw, I hate having to report this week. I ate out 3 times, and am up a pound, and haven't lost any on my measurements. Ugh. Will have to stop eating out. Well, eventually. On Wednesday, I'll be flying up to Michigan for 6 days. I'll get there late Wednesday evening, then on Thursday will meet a buddy and drive down to Shipshewanna, IN to visit Yoder's and Lolly's, and the antique mall, and maybe have lunch at Essenhaus in Middlebury. I'm afraid to contemplate weighing in on my return. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be spent at a TreadleOn Gathering and Acadamy (TOGA), a group of folks who love and use old sewing machines. Sunday evening and all day Monday and part of Tuesday will be celebrating birthdays with our son and his family. He and his wife were both born on July 23, but in different years, and their boy Daniel was born on July 28, as was our son's son from his first marriage, Steve, who lives in California. Our granddaughter from that first marriage was born July 4th, so you can see that this is a very expensive month for us, LOL. I expect I'll have a lot of catching up to do when I get back, between email and quilting boards.
Pat in Rockport, TX

I just wanted to let everyone know that I met with 2 chat members yesterday. Silvia from Columbus, NJ and Mage (Mary Jo) from Mass. We had a fun time just chatting away. Mage flew in to spend time with Silvia. Silvia and I have planned a trip to get together, being we live so close. Only about a hour away. We sat and had some lunch and talked and talked. Here is our photo. Mage, Silvia and then me.
Donna, LEH,NJ