Bleeding Hearts

I hope you folks don't mind my using Jon Katz's photography here once in awhile. He's generous in allowing no copyright on his photography from his site: so that when I see something that is so full of colour I think of how quilters relate so much to colour and can't resist posting it here. The contrast between complimentary hues has been caught beautifully here.
Sara, it's encouraging to hear that things are improving slightly at your end, between your brother and your mother's health issues.
We're experiencing a windy, sunny May day, clouds as well and but for the wind, it might be a good day out at the Glider Club, York Soaring. Himself is in charge of assisting the chief tow pilot (a job no-one wanted) in finding tow pilots to tow the gliders up in the air. The few tow pilots there all have busy lives and several fly as pilots for Air Canada here so their time is limited. I have the afternoon ahead of me to plan a new outfit; finish up a quilt for granddaughter, Addison, who is four and a bit. And of course, my char-lady chores...B&B coming in this week-end and Annie, the year old Aussie needed a bath last Monday. I have Aussie hair all over the guest work is cut out for me.
Update on family, etc.
It's Monday evening, and things are looking brighter here. (speaking of bright, who saw the full moon on Fri/Sat nights?) My brother called this afternoon, he is doing so much better they are talking about letting him go either home or to a phy. rehab place at the end of the week. They can still find no trace of the leukemia in his blood, and the pneumonia is responding well to the antibiotics. He will have to have a special diet, not be out in public, etc. if he does go home. But all & all it's looking good.
Visited mom this afternoon. She is OK, not terrible, not great. I'm down to the last few things to do for the govt. help. I need to go to the bank tomorrow and get print outs of the last 3 months of the savings account, which I closed 2 weeks ago. I mailed a check today for all her funeral expenses, so that is all taken care of.
Brother is asking to have her moved back to Palm Beach county hospice, which can be done, but not this week.
So tomorrow I'm taking off with a couple of girls and going to St. Augustine to look at a sewing/storage chair, and be tour guide for a few hours.
Thanks for the advice of "make a list and do what you can". It's amazing how much that helped. One of the things was mop the floors. Not exciting, but it gave me a feeling of a bit of control.
More good news, the biopsy I had done on last Monday for possible new skin cancer is neg. DH had 4 biopsies done, the 2 on the face are neg. and one on arm is squamous, the others are also nothing. Not too shabby. It's better to have something cut off your arm than nose or ear! It's all a matter of perspective.
Thanks for all your good wishes and advice.
Sara in Fla.