WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, July 23, 2011
....humidity, that is. Not to make anyone jealous, but the temperature at the cabin today will be 78*F, with humidity at 22%. Low tonight is predicted to be 34*F. It's no wonder we have such dry skin and hair when we go there. The pictures were taken earlier this week.
Next week we are headed to California for DHs high school reunion. Temps there will be more like what you are experiencing in the eastern part of the country. Again, though, the humidity is much lower. The dogs will be happy to stay with DD and make use of the pool all day every day.
Friday, July 22, 2011
All relative I guess
Sara, our weather site says that the humidity here is 51% yet it feels like a heavy damp blanket outside. The temperatures are scheduled to go into the high 80'sF. It already feels hotter and more humid than forecast. Weeding a flower bed in this heat makes it feel hotter. Doris, good thing people have enough sense to cancel things isn't it. Himself's glider club has canceled their flying yesterday and today. An open airfield with nothing to block the sun can lead to sun stroke and some of the glider pilots are older chaps. Sara, I gather it's very hard to balance a thyroid problem with some people. That may have been the source of your fatigue more than the heat.Miss AnnieBelle has managed to shred the newspaper in the familyroom...one of her specialties so I'd better get the vacuum out and deal with it. She's sweet, saucy and a joy to have with us.
Drinking water & lemonade today
Thanks for all the advice. I realized about 3:30 yesterday that I had not taken my Thyroid pill in 2 days--not drinking my usual amt. of cold water. Strange how water makes a big difference.Took the thyroid at 3:3o yesterday, then took it at reg. time this morning, drinking lots of water.
I finally gave in and just lay down on the bed yesterday after I posted, drifted in and out of nap-land. Decided to do a "fly-lady" thing and spent 15 min. folding laundry, then 30 min. of quilting. Felt much better-LOL.
About 6PM as I was putting things in the recycling bin in the garage, heard the sound of running water. The AC was putting water on the floor. Ran 1 cup of bleach down the overflow drain, called DH to come home and give me AC help. The drain line was clogged, a simple fix. Will have to mark on the calendar to clean it once a month.
Took both dogs to the dog park this morning, didn't go until about 8:30AM and it was already sweltering. There were several big dogs, so we didn't stay too long. Going to the car wash nearby and then sit and sew for an hour or so.
The humidity is normal here--even in the winter it is 70% or so. A few days ago when the tropical storm was in the Atlantic ocean and sucking all the moisture there, the humidity went down to about 40% and everyone was saying how nice it was.
We consider the AC bill as part of the living expenses. $300.00 in the summer or even more is "normal"--that includes the water, electric, and irrigation also. But in the winter, it drops to $100 or so. Our total bill was over $400 in May when we watered the new sod twice a day, that was a shock! It really does look nice now, even though I didn't want it at first.
Sara in Fla.
Friday follow-up
Well,,,, since our Heat Advisory warning from the national weather service has been extended through today, my golf group canceled our tee time. Now I'll spend some constructive time in the sewing room. (snoopy dance!)I hope everyone is staying cool and hydrated.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
heat wave
All I can say is . . . ugh. . . and I hope it ends soon. The temperature is bad enough, but the humidity is outrageous. We wake up to 80% to 90% humidity and it goes down to 65% to 70% during the day, if we're lucky. It is 80 degrees in our house, as to run the AC any cooler would cause outrageous electric bills.Sara in FL - I have no suggestions. I am out playing golf in this stuff twice a week. I drink lots of water and electrolytes on the golf course, and hope to keep my score below the heat index. I am eternally grateful for air-conditioning! I'm concerned for Rosey P., as it is hotter up there than it is down here, and she has no air-conditioning. That's what happens down here in summer.
When DH and I bought and moved into our previous house in 1980, it was during a terrible heat wave (highs over 100F and lows around 80F). The 80 y/o house had no A/C and going to work was our only relief. That was thirty years ago, so we were much younger then, and we managed with lots of fans. I opened windows in the evening, then closed them in the morning and drew all the shades and curtains during the day, to keep the cooler air inside. That house was made of wood clapboard, which really helped it cool down at night, too.
Air-conditioning, Sara
Move like a snail, look at the heat like it's a detoxification process and do NOT add more caffeine...that only hops you up more.We're at 99F with about 40% humidity. That means in the sun it's over 100F. I'm about to hit the pool when himself gets it cleaned up. Right now the grandchildren from next door are distracting him. It doesn't take much...lol.
Cure for the Blaaaass?
Looking for a cure for the summertime blaaaa feeling. Getting enough sleep, but feel like I'm walking through thick mud, no energy at all. Is it the heat? The pollen/dust is bad since we are not having the summertime afternoon rains in the last 5 days or so. Thinking I need more caffeine, but not sure that would be good for the tummy.Any good ideas?
Sara in hot, hot Fla.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Came on Board and right away recognized Rosey in the picture.
Have not been doing too much , it is way to hot. I did finish a paper pieces picture of my quilting Fairy Godmother. LOL. It was fun to make as it was a mystery as to how she looked.
We have also booked to go on a bus tour for 14 days. This will be the bus bus tour we have taken and we are going to Newfoundland. Can you tell I am excited. Should be fun
Have a great time all and I'll be in touch when we get back.
Bury your Dead
I read this several months ago when our library got it in. Not sure why Amazon has taken so long to put it on their website. Do libraries get books ahead of general release? At any rate, I'm waiting for the next episode to come in.Kathi
PS Although I speak absolutely NO French, I'm learning to read some of the words by association with the situation. And did I mention the cuss words??????
A Trick of Light

Sara, is Louise's newest book. It will be out in the US & Canada August 30th. You can go on her website and I think put your name down to be drawn for an advanced copy. Believe it or not, being such a fan of her books, I attended a reading that she gave in Shelburne, Ontario, and we were given tickets for a draw for her latest book, Bury Your Dead (the Quebec setting) and guess whose name was drawn. We both looked at each other and broke out laughing...she assured everyone it wasn't rigged. The first time she and her husband, Michael came to town, a friend and I were invited to go out to supper with them by and with the owner of our wonderful independent book shop in town. I think I may have posted this photo before. I'm the one with the fuzzy white hair. Louise signed my book for me. I'm really looking foward to her next book which is set back in the village of Three Pines.
Amazon has the latest Louise Penny book
I've just gotten a message from Amazon that the latest--"Bury your Dead" is ready at Amazon.Guess they have me tagged as a mystery reader.
DH says he doesn't want to go to Quebec after all (: I was looking forward to it, since we can't take the trip to Costa Rica. He isn't too interested in big cities, but places to kayak, rivers, lakes, oceans.
Just returned from having the blood drawn for the cholesterol testing. Will find out from the nurse on Monday AM if all the veg. eating is worth it. It was hard to pass up the Bar-B-Q on Sat night, but I did. Had the vegs. instead.
Off to take the dogs to the dog park for some running about.
Sara in Fla.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Haven't posted much lately but I've been watching. Rushing off to Asheville for appt. with foot surgeon this morning. The decision to have more surgery with less than guaranteed results or just continue on with some pain and limitations of mobility will be made. Oh well, at 74 it could be a lot worse.My quilt pal, Ardelle and I decided at almost the last minute, to take off for the AQS show in Knoxville last week. Had a wonderful and somewhat expensive time. I saw some stuff that boggled the mind and, believe it or not, some absolutely awesome hand quilting. I've been afraid that was becoming a lost art. As soon as I get the pictures from camera to computer I'll post pictures.
I've signed up for the first class in a long time to make a one block wonder. While checking out the vendors at the show I purchased 6 yds. of an ethnic African print which seems to fit all the specs for this project. Can't wait. Haven't done anything new in ages. DD's wedding quilt continues to haunt me. I just need to join the blocks and I'm determined to finish that before I get caught up in the one block project. Of course I bought a bunch of stuff in addition to the African print; mostly notions.
Poor but happy,
Jane in hot, hot, humid Appalachia