More weather
We have both cold winter days and warm ones. Yesterday was one of the glorious days that sometimes come mid-winter where the temps reached near the 50* mark. The disadvantage of that was seen when I had to go to town. There was a 300 pound (at least) man walking around in shorts! Not ready for that yet this time of year.
I don't wear shoes in the house even in the winter time. I do, however, wear socks but not the wool ones like Rosey. I guess I've become more used to cold weather over the years, as we keep the house *much* colder than other people we know. I had to chuckle, Doris, as we don't even have the thermostat set as high during the day as you do at night.
When we go to the cabin, though, the wood fire keeps the place quite toasty and I will stand directly in front of it and warm up way higher than I do at home. It does get very cold there, though, with several days during the winter registering the coldest in the nation.
I delivered a large bag of quilts to Project Linus. They are collecting no-batting quilts to be sent to Haiti through an organization there. Now that I have that out of the way, it's time to start on the quilt for DH's retirement in June. Time to do something for myself, too.
I also went in for the annual boob squeeze. This time I went to one of the centers that uses digital mammography. That's really a neat process! You can actually see the pictures come up on the computer. It's nice to be back to the once a year checkups.
Reading Sara's comments about her 'winter' attire reminds me again of how I take for granted everyone is bundled up like me in down-feathered coats, snow boots, mitts and woolen hats at this time of year and it isn't so. It's the one thing about winter many of us up here don't like...having to bundle up for three or four months of the year. When I can shuck my heavy outer layers, I feel free. It's the one nice thing about Florida, when I step off the plane, is the feeling of freedom from the restriction of woolen sox, boots, woolen sweaters and warm coats yet I love the cold, crispness of winter weather outside and the wood fires burning inside. I love the restrictions that a heavy snow fall places on me for it allows me to stay at home and work in my studio without the feeling that I should be out weeding my garden. Winter is a time of rest (at my age). And, I love the changes in seasons; couldn't live without them but I know what you mean, Sara, about open-shoes. I wear sandals with heavy woolen sox in winter; that's the difference between where you live and where I woolen sox.
The time difference between the west coast and here means that I will be watching the Olympic Figure Skating reruns. Patrick Chan's short programme, which I did see, was so choppy, his arms waving about, too much footwork and not enough space in-between, did not flow whereas Evan Lysachek's (sp?)style of skating, flowed. However, the treat of it all is that I am watching it on a new 32" flat screen after years of watching television on a small 12" box of a TV.
Last week I had three deer eating beneath my bird feeding station early in the morning. I went out a bought three bags of apples, because they love apples and the ingrates have not The squirrels are eating my apples. No telling where the deer are, now.
I guess everyone is watching the Olympics
Yes, it has been quiet on the WWQB. I tried to stay up late to watch the snowboarding, but dozed off and woke up just in time to see Shawn White pumping his fists in the air. I assume he did well. We did see Lindsey Vaugn win the gold in the downhill. The women who fell looked like they could have broken bones, but they each got up and walked off.
It must be heartbreaking to fall after all that practice and dedication.
I got off on the wrong foot this morning. Starting over. Will now put on quiet, relaxing music and make the bed, and cut some strips out to border a panel for a wall hanging for the new room. It needs color!
Our heat bill will be higher too. I am wearing a turtle neck and heavy wool sweater in the house most of the time. Also, regular shoes instead of flip-flops. I know that sounds strange to winter people, but I do hate to wear closed in shoes. Especially heels.
Drinking lots of hot tea also, but that means I have to go to the potty every 30 min. or so.
Oh, well, at least I'm in my own home.
Sara in Fla.
Snow. And Cold. And wind. Oh My!
Sara in FL -- We picked up two or three inches of snow on Sunday night, and most of it is
still on the ground. THAT's how cold it has been here this week. There was a good layer of ice under the snow, from Sunday's rain that froze Sunday night.
The streets are now clear and schools reopened today. Lows are still in the 20s but Saturday's high may reach low 50s. I imagine the carwash will be a circus.
It's gotten to the point that I get up in the a.m, take the dog out, and it no longer matters that it is 20 degrees outside. Ack. Everyone here is sooooo over it.
I know this is
nothing like living in Canada or Michigan or Minnesota, etc., but we are not accustomed to this much cold weather, not to mention this much snow. Last month's heat bill was almost double the previous month, and I dread the next bill. We keep the house at 68 - 70 during the day, and 64/66 at night, so we're doing our part.
One thing I do know, for sure. Spring will come, and so will Summer. One day, it will be warm. And I will not complain about the heat. (LOL)
Hugs to everyone. Stay warm, dry and safe.
Hi Y'all
Doris- this morning's paper said TN was getting more snow today. How is it where you are?
It is cold here, but the sun is shining, so it doesn't feel so bad.
My DH stayed up late to watch the Olypics last night and didn't turn the heat down when he came to bed. It was hot and stuffy all night. I figured this out about 6AM when I got up. Good thing he doesn't complain about the bill.
Trying to make a few throw pillows for the day bed in the new room. Having a hard time, for something so easy, this should be easy.
Somehow got thread jamed in the needle plate-place last night. Will have more tea and go try to un-jam it.
The run/walk last Sat. morning was cold and windy. I had on my second best shoes (by mistake) and my feet and legs hurt until this morning. I'll make sure to mark the good pair to wear on Sunday.
Sara in Fla.