Pollen/yard work
DH & I spent about 2 hrs in the front yard this morning attempting to tame the overgrown bushes, raking leaves, triming the Aztec grass, etc. I also hired my GF's son to cut, edge, blow what passes for grass this time of year.
At some point in the next 3 weeks I'm going to trim the ferns that got brown from the freeze, but not real soon. DH also got onto the roof with the leaf blower and got all the leaves, twigs, etc. off.
About 1:00 PM we both said "enough" and came inside. The wind is picking up, and we are supposed to have rain and storms tonight and tomorrow. The Oak pollen, dust, and whatever are affecting our sinuses.
Last Sunday I thought I was coming down with a cold, but guess it's the yearly spring pollen attack.
Jean in VT-don't sweat the wallpaper. I know you want to finish it, but you will go twice as fast when you are feeling better. Maybe you can nap on the couch so you won't have to look at the walls in the bedroom.
(A nap on the couch is one of my answers to just about all things that hurt)
We had planed to go out to a movie tonight, but both DH & I are feeling the backs hurting and all 60 years! Think we will stay home and watch a mindless TV show and eat spagetti.
Jane in N.C.-Hope you don't get the snow that is predicted for that area. Take care of the hand. Maybe you and I can treat outselves to the fabric organizers this spring for "Spring Cleaning" of the fabric stashes.
OK, I found a loaf of garlic bread in the freezer. Going to feed the yard crew of 2.
Sara in Fla.
P.S. loved the tractor pictures
Ugh. After avoiding a cold all winter, I got the local crud that everyone insisted on bringing into work. My sinuses have felt like wet cement all week. I think I'm finally turning a bit of a corner today, but I'm still stuffed up and coughing some and I look cruddy. Some fun.
I was supposed to wallpaper my bedroom this week, but with all the that need mudding, I have only one wall done so far. Years back, we picked up our house and moved it, and that made the walls . It's finally time to do something about it. My new wallpaper is a mottled yellow, and it makes the room look so sunny and bright. I love it. I wish I could get the whole room finished this weekend, but that's not going to happen unless DH steps it into high gear, and right now he's helping DS, who had hoped to move into his new house this weekend. SIGH. If I weren't sick, this would probably be done by now!
Sun is shining, but more snow is forecast. I keep telling myself that February is over so spring can't be toooooo far behind!
Jean in VT
Tractor Day

We had a lovely, but windy day for Tractor Day. It was quite windy, so the morning parade and viewing was a bit chilly, but not as bad as it has been in years past. The high was in the mid-60's, but they're forecasting the possibility of snow over the weekend.
I'm planning to leave early tomorrow in hopes of avoiding the storms ahead of the cold front coming in behind the lovely weather. This is our tornado season...
Snow in Oregon
Good morning,
Woke up this morning to a pretty ground covering snow! It's lovely but am glad to be retired and don't HAVE to get out in the stuff. :-)
Just FYI I removed my posting about taking quilts to Australia as I started getting some emails that I wasn't sure about. If anyone wants or needs to contact me about that, the email address is still good - quilts4oz at yahoo dot com
Judy, thank you so much for sharing your fabric library! I love the looks. Your sewing room looks so happy. As do you.
Hugz to all, Mary in Oregon
tractor day and general stuff
It's been quiet here for quite awhile, so I thought I drop in and leave a note.
We're almost finished with the inventory, after which I can do the taxes. Turbotax is a wonderful creation.
I'm taking a break this weekend. My niece is a technical theater major and she is involved in the Auburn U. production of "Into the Woods." I haven't been able to see any of her work so far, so I'm going down to see the show, and my parents at the same time.
I am going to try to complete Mom's quilt, and work on some charity quilts in the next few weeks. Our guild donates "comfy" quilts to first responders, to give to children at the scene of the crime or fire. I have been so busy that I have not made nearly enough of them. Recently, we added quilts for the neonatal units at the hospital. Those are so tiny that they could be made quickly, and I'm feeling bad about not getting around to it.
We're also coming up on the last month of competition for quiz bowl. Our team has made it to the state finals. I don't expect my part-time, public school, team to beat all the private and magnet schools, but it sure would be nice if they did. At least I hope we can make them earn the win!
Tomorrow is "Tractor Day" at school. It is the 30th anniversary of the event. Last year we had 56 tractors on display. We're hoping for more this year. I'll be taking pictures for the FFA student historian, as she tells me nobody is taking any good pictures for her. They have a short parade before school, and the tractors are on display in the parking lot for the student body to view. We get released from our classes for about 20 minutes to allow the kids to look at the tractors. The FFA provides a nice breakfast for the teachers as well.
They moved this event from Friday to Thursday because there is a 70% chance of rain on Friday. There was only a 20% chance today, and it's rained all day. It's supposed to be warmer, and only a 20% chance again tomorrow. I hope it clears up, as the older tractors do not have cabs.
Happy Monday
Checking in on Monday. I decided to "call in sick" this morning, as have felt a cold/sinus junk coming to visit for 2 days. Sleep is the thing I need when feeling down, so I drank Airborn and slept most of the morning. Actually feel like I've niped it in the bud right now. Still in the bathrobe, which is not like me at all.
I don't want to have the crud that many friends have right now, so since I have the blessing of not having to go to the office I decided to be smart and take it easy.
We have had a high pollen count for a week, windy, dry, except for one rainy morning. The yard and bushes and plants are brown and in need of a good haircut, but not by me this week.
I did take one class last week. It felt so good to have quilt therapy!
This is the extent of my exercise today, typing on the keyboard.
Hope others are well. Don't forget to get some sunshine and some "feel good" music whatever that is to you.
I did stay up and watch part of the Oscars last night-is it me, or did others think that Sarah Jessicia Parker's gown looked like "Glenda the good witch" from the Wizzard of Oz? Maybe my head was full of water,but that's what I was thinking. I haven't seen any of the movies nominated, so have no idea if any of them were any good or not.
Sara in Fla. -headed to a bubble bath and back to bed.