Thursday, May 5, 2016

From Mary Jo G

Sorry to have been out of touch. Life is busy with two grandsons graduating college this weekend.  Austin will have a degree in mass communication.  He'd like to continue living here and is looking for a job in video production.   His brother, Nate, has earned a master's in education and is seeking a music teaching job. The house will be full with the first of family arriving this afternoon. Three grandsons came here for college and stayed which is why we moved here ten years ago.
   Am just back from my quilt group's retreat in Cascade. I'm half finished with handwork on a New York Beauty for my bed.   I also cut strips and blocks for a yellow quilt for the guest room.  This is the first yellow quilt I've made in about 150 over the past twenty years. The  parent fabric is Kaffe Fasset, also a first.  His line is usually too busy.  Our group of six did an amazing amount of quilting in 4 days.  Each had individual projects plus two group Quilts of Valor.  We did some serious shopping in McCall's two quilt shops yesterday.  Fabric for a pale gray and pastel modern quilt followed me home.

   Son Jeffry painted the doors dark teal which goes well with the pale sage exterior  .He and the grandsons painted the house last summer.   I'm debating about remodeling the kitchen this summer.  The bar area is two levels which may become one for more counter space. The hickory cabinets are turning yellow from varnish; would like them dark.  Am not a fan of white cupboards but am considering those, too. Appliances are white with stainless trim.  The floor is pecan.  Will get some estimates to help decide.  Any suggestions?

   The yard is planted and starting to shape up.  Have eliminated 30 pots and four flower beds in the past two years.  Lilies fill one, a lilac is in another, a butterfly bush and a snowball complete them. The four are barked and have weed matt. One is now a veggie garden.  That leaves me three to weed and hand water.  When John was alive, seven was fine. Too many for one person to handle.  I love to work outside but need stitching time, too.

   Perhaps I've turned a corner in grief.  Two years have passed.  My grief group likened death of a spouse to a tsunami the first year.  The second is spent treading deep water.  I'm now beginning year three and am finally on the beach.



This is not a private site

IT's been ages since I checked in here.   I've caught the recent discussion about cookies and this chat board.  It is *not*  private.  Anyone can "Google" and if they have the right search terms, can find this and read it.   I just now did on the Chrome browser from which I have never signed in here, so no prior cookies.

Sondra signed me up on the Facebook group but I've stopped all email notices due to the flurry of activity.  It was clogging up my in box, and I'll get over there and visit when I have some time.     It is nice to see some names I recognize, and some I don't because their screen names on WWQP were different.    ;-) 
I hope the moderators of the Facebook group are careful about who they let join, otherwise anyone could become a member of the group.

No big news here, except our NHL team has game #4 at home tonight, of the second level playoff series, and we will be at that game.   We hope our team wins! 

DGD is completely into the movie "Frozen" right now.  I found a nice cotton fabric at JoAnn's and serged up some dinner napkins for her.  She is just now old enough to want a napkin to wipe her mouth.  It's just too cute!  LOL

Take care and hugs to everyone!

Mary Jo's email address

I have gone into my hold emails in a folder and have found Mary Jo's email address.  I have emailed her, briefly, asking if she is alright and that she is missed here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

It seems

I'm not to be let loose on the internet and thankfully, a friend caught two words that cookies could attach themselves to.  There was a time when cookies were something we ate.  However, as I understand this, cookies aside, this is a Private forum is it not?  Not that it matters, it seems my experience as a much younger person in a certain situation which fortunately I did not find myself in but it was reported that I was in, which my parents were and I was imminently thankful that I wasn't in  has led me to be cautious about my personal, I'm not to be trusted through my own ignorance of the internet and in posting to it and that cookies can attach to words that may have adverse effects on the site.  I hope I haven't caused any problems here.  But I will state I do believe anything can be hacked, even FaceBook and Private Websites and banks and governments and whatever.  I feel nothing is sacred in the cyberworld if someone wants to hack in, attach to, whatever or find information out about whomever, it can happen.   I've lived too long in a trusting world,  I'm not smart to the ways of the internet...which is why I need to stay off it....(smile)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rosey's Right

Rosey you were right about time spent on Facebook. With 70 members now I am spending much more time on WWQP. I am going to say it is because of all the catching up with our recent reconnecting. It has been wonderful and I just don't want to miss a thing. I don't want to get behind either. LOL