Other boards?
Do we know of other boards about quilting?
I have found All People Quilt. Are there any others out there? I'm just looking to look at other quilts for ideas. Pinterest is good, but I do go down a lot of rabbit trails.
Sara in rainy Fla.
La Florida is 500 years old today
For those of you who are history buffs, Florida is 500 years old this month. Big celebrations in St. Augustine this month. Ponce de Leon came on shore there 500 years ago, flowers were blooming, it was Easter time, so he named the land "La Florida" and claimed it for Spain.
I can only assume he didn't suffer from the allergies that those of us who live here have. One of the worst pollen years, due to mild winter.
If anyone does come to Florida for the celebration, be sure to go to the Fountain of Youth, it isn't just a tacky tourist place, lots of history lessons, a cross made of 15 stones down and 13 across to represent 1513, and a buried jar with paperwork stating the claim. Yada, yada, it is worth the trip.
Sara in Fla. who is having teens over to do yard work today.
Sunday, Easter for some, not for others
I think of the twenty-one years that I have been running a bed & breakfast and having guests from many parts of the world, that Tom from Tom SawyerSawMill is one of the most unique in the way of his occupation. This past week-end, the CanAm Horse Fair was on at our local Fairgrounds and Tom had a booth at the trade fair. He takes his sawmill to wherever it is needed in southern Ontario, be it for building farm fences for horse pasturing or for other reasons, while his machinery was too large to take into the show, it is nevertheless and very interesting concept and one, that Tom is very enterprising in working with for the past few years.
Today is grey and overcast, which was expected, after several days of sunshine but spring is definitely on its way. The raccoons are out, the skunks are out, both having hibernated over the winter. The crows are back in abundance and every morning seem to have a crow party in our tall evergreen trees. Certainly, they talk to Meg when I take her out first thing in the morning and are very saucy. The first time this happened, it actually frightened her. She's used to them now. And the deer are starting to move about again after weeks of very deep snow. It will be awhile before we see the daffodils of Idaho behind Murphy, Kathi's dog, but they will be coming by the end of the month.
Rosey P