I must have been asleep at the switch when you posted originally about kidney concerns. I'm so glad now to read that there isn't a significant medical problem. I'll bet you are still emitting a sigh of relief.
I'm enjoying a catch up day after back to back absences from home. I didn't get a lot of sleep at the quilt retreat this past week and am still catching up on that as well a laundry, picking up stuff left lying around upon departure etc. It poured like a monsoon most of the week but it is glorious since arriving home. Nights are in the 30s now but days get up close to 70 and I open the house wide for a few hours mid day. The leaves are down and the beautiful deep blue sky is cheerful to say the least. Shadow was thoroughly spoiled after her surrogate parents treated her to home cooked goodies while I was gone. She went hungry for a few days upon her return home but she got hungry enough to chow down her Purina One Senior dog food this morning. I also think she is wisely adjusting her food intake to her gradually reducing activity level in her old age. Unfortunately, I have had a bit of a problem following her very wise example.
I've been making some progress on the wedding quilt but still am a long way from reaching that light at the end of the tunnel.
Time to rest my eyes for a while before I prepare a covered dish for community assoc. supper tonight.
SARA and anyone else interested the URL is . There you will go to BBquiltChat. There you will find many members of this site plus former members who, for one reason or another had problems getting here. One of them is Anna. She's very busy tutoring and doesn't participate a whole lot but you can contact her there.
Such a way with words

Rosey you hit the nail right on the head. It is a wonderful early gift for me. Nicely put. Lavinia asked about the table runner. It is a pattern called Flippity Floppity by Pieced Tree Creations. You can find it here. With any luck I can post a picture(s) for you of some I have finished. I made my end pieces of the focus fabric (also in the rectangles)to feature it more. The 3 fabrics are strip pieced, subcut, then flipped every other one. Did I say fast and fabulous?
An early Christmas gift, Laura...
What a bonus and what a relief for you. I think we all take our health so for granted until something scary comes along and then we wonder how it had the nerve to attack our bodies. You'll be sewing up a storm, now.
Sara, you are just a hoot with your postings...I can hear the wheels turning in your mind as you write so descriptively of your thoughts.
Marion, good news too that the shingles are lessening and that you've managed to go out for lunch. We had our first heavy frost this morning so our green will be turning to grey soon. Can you post more green for me in the middle of our winter up here?
Quilt friends coming in this morning to quilt and the dogs must be walked. The two fur-girls had an adventure on Sunday that has turned my hair ever whiter. Thankfully, they were found safe and sound. It was the last of the deer season and hunters were all around our house Sunday shooting at whatever...I don't like to think about it.
Medical Update
I am thrilled to inform you that I have been through the whole gamut of tests (last one Monday) and the blood in the urine is "idiopathic". It just happens to some people, so the doctor says. Unless things would worsen I am good to go. No pun intended. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. I fully believe it helped.
So on the quilting front I am making table runners for so many people for Christmas! The pattern is new to me and a quick way to show off a nice piece of fabric. The themes are endless. I am also making surprises for the grandkids and having fun doing it.
Thanks for caring and asking for the update Mayme.
Joyful quilters vs.not so much
I've had a wonderful few days at a sort-of-local quilt guild retreat. This group is about 28 miles from my house, mostly retired military wives, and a few others thrown in for good measure. We arrived Fri. at 9:00 Am left about 7 pm, the same on Sat. Today arrived at 10:00 AM and left at 3:00. We each worked on our own projects, finished up UFO's etc. I cut the scalloped border and did the bias binding on about 1/2 of DD's Christmas quilt gift. Then today I worked on some embrodered blocks for a QOV.
The difference in the "Joy" factor of this group is so much better than the other local group I belong to. This other group is only about 2 mi. from my house. I don't know if it's because the closer group is filled with women who work full time, and maybe are stressed out, or exactly what it is, but there is an obvious difference. Maybe it's that the other group is filled with retired military wives who are happy to be where they are, and not striving for anything.
Meanwhile the Navy put on their Air/sea show, with the Blue Angels -their precision flying team- flying over. What a grand show!
The company and food was great, the only downfall is that now I feel a sore throat starting, so am going to bed at 8:30 to get lots of sleep. Took Airborn, vit. C, and hope to sleep it off.
The 2 doggies were happy to see me. This was their first time to be boarded. Guess they did well, they don't seem to have any trauma.
SOAP-there is a local lady who makes goat's milk soap. I keep forgetting to go get some from her on Sunday afternoon at the green market --it's only on Sunday from 12 t0 4. My skin is drying out, so maybe it will help some.
All the extra hand washing we are supposed to do for the H1N1 prevention is doing trauma to my hands.
Sara in Fla.
Celia in NB doesn't even respond to emails these days. I really miss her and her unfailing sense of humor. Katie in UP MI has a blog but hasn't posted in better part of a year. Both of these ladies must be very busy. Anna is somewhat active on the Yahoo site which is usually spam free. When one appears it is quickly slapped down by our web master. A lot of those active on that board are equally active here. Some are still complaining about having difficulty getting onto this site. I don't understand why.
Indian summer here right now. Temperature was in the 30s F when I got up but was fairly well into the 70s most of the day with bright sunshine. I enjoyed having the house wide open.
Getting ready to head for annual quilt retreat in
Toccoa, GA tomorrow after quilt guild meeting. My buddy and I have shared a room there for years. She's 80 years young but happy to let me do the driving. I'm not taking a class and have elected to sign up for
SOYO (sew on your own) hoping to make serious headway on the king size wedding quilt. I have yet to load the car and will get to that right now at 7:40 PM.
Jane in the gorgeous southern Appalachians although most of the color is gone.
Wow !!
Sending emails from a cell phone !! Now that's impressive. I do have a cell phone but it is seldom switched on ! The reception here is poor , I only have it
in case of need when I am out and about . Consequently I am terrified of the thing. Very
occasionally it will ring and then the
panic starts....where are my glasses...where is the phone etc ... so Heather, I am well impressed !
Feeling heaps better after the shingles. The tablets did their job but scoured my insides at the same time. I'm off out today for the first time. Lunch at a local vinery, we'll enjoy that.
Have a good week.
I will try this again. I am posting this from my cell phone that is a blackberry which should be evident to all how user friendly this.
Will make it short as the grandsons are stirring and I am on my own.
Rosey I am so tempted by that soap. Will have to order some. Do you get credit ? LOL !
Heather who is off to make pancakes