Saturday, August 1, 2015

Has been hot and dry here.  Dry meaning no rain.  Has been humid, some days worse than others.  Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow though.  We need some.

I have been wondering what inspires other quilters to make a new quilt.  I never thought I would run out of ideas or the desire to make a quilt, but that seems to have happened.  This has been going on for several years now .  Right now I would say I am at the bottom of the "make a quilt ladder".  Can't seem to get that particular part of my brain going.  I have a quilt in progress, but it has been in progress for a few months now.   I have gone to quilt shops, admired all the samples hanging on the walls,  bought fabric that I did not need but really liked and have watched a few quilting shows on TV.  I do a lot of gardening in the summer, but have always told myself, in the winter I will sew.  So ladies, my question to you is #1 have you ever been in a slump where you did not want to sew/quilt?
Question #2 what inspires you to sit up all night making the next quilt?  Well maybe not all night, but
where you don't want to stop for anything.....
Pat in Flint