More Pets!!!

Well I just can't resist adding my "kids" to
the chat.
I lo

ve everyone's pets, they are all adorable!
The 1st shot is the traditional Christmas Picture,
Dyna being humiliated posing with those cats!
Pansy(Panzilla) & her brother Keno.

The persian is our Clinic Cat Morgan, he's a good sport,
but his expression is always the same.
Lastly, Vinny who stayed with us while we found him a
home. Jill
might try that a bigger size

Hi. I HAVE been enjoying seeing everyone's quilts and pets! This is a picture of our 2 dogs, Wulfie and Kody. They are both Kelpie cross, but we are not sure what the other part is - definitely different for each of them. Actually, both of them belong(ed) to our eldest son, Troy. Wulfie is 10 and was left with us when DS moved to Tassie to be with his GF, get married, etc 7 years ago. We acquired 4 y.o. Kody 12 months ago due to T's divorce, move to a flat and now gallivanting overseas (currently Philadelphia). They are both de-sexed males and toleterate each other (vbg). Wulf HAS to be out the door first, which often means a huge dash to get there before Kody. They sleep either side of our bed, on the floor. Every now and then, of a night-time, one of them will start crying out for help as the other has blocked his way when he wants to go for a wander into other parts of the house. We have to get up and do a bit of posturing ourselves to let the blocked one through. It's been an experience!!
What terrible temperatures you're been getting over in North America! Some of you may think the same of ours here: yesterday it was 40 deg C (108F), overnight was 30C and today is forecast 42C before a late cool change. We are so lucky to have a pool at this house and are definitely making the most of it.
Well, let's see if this picture has posted.
Hugs to all
Fran in S.Australia
snow today
We woke up to the predicted snow this morning, so our ASG (American Sewing Guild) meeting was canceled. The DH and I are going to see "Music & Lyrics" this afternoon so I'll report back with the Mooovie report. I posted a picture of the most recent quilt I made over on the main BB blog page. I finished it right before Xmas 2005.
JEAN IN MILL BAY - Gucci is such a cutie! Does your DH approve of the pink bows? ;-)
JUDY - your grey cat is so pretty. This past week I saw a grey cat in our neighborhood with a ring/stripe tail. He looked like a raccoon.
Welp, we're off to lunch & movies. Roads are pretty clear now. DH can't play golf with snow on the ground, my ASG meeting to canceled, so we have a "found" day together and have a hot date: lunch and a 1:00 afternoon movie. WooHooooooo!
changes in plans

I was planning to drive to Montgomery to visit my folks, but the kids at school have given me the crud. This is
just the way I wanted to spend a three day weekend.
Maybe if I get to feeling better, I can start the taxes and finish my friend's quilt that is just lacking the borders.
I am enclosing a picture of my babies. The boxer is Ike; he's almost 11. We got him from the widow of a friend. She couldn't take care of all of "his" dogs after he died. He is the littermate to the dog we had that died of a brain tumor on the adrenal gland, but Ike seems to be fine. The labradork is Schuyler (Sky-ler). He's almost a year and a half old. He was an unplanned purebred pup, free to a good home. He's rather larger than we hoped he'd be, but I have laughed myself silly over his antics. He's been good for Ike too. Both dogs try to catch the frisbee. They usually miss. Then Ike grabs it and starts to bring it back to us and Schuyler takes it away from him. Both dogs run back to us and we start over. If we really want to play catch, we have to put one dog in the house and just play with the other one by himself.
Fur babies
Judy, your cat is beautiful. I can't have cats as I'm allergic, but I have a soft spot for gray kitties.
My fur babies are three dogs. Yes, three. I can't believe we have three but it just turned out that way. I'll try to get a photo posted sometime. I call them small, medium and large, as the little one is a chiwawa (I cannot spell that!) poodle mix, the medium one is a spaniel/beagle/shepherd/setter mix, and the large one is a husky/shepherd/collie mix. What a zoo!
I may be going to Keepsake Quilting today. Be still my pounding heart! I've only been there once, years and years ago, and when I walked in there I was overwhelmed. I know now that you should go in there with a list of some sort, so that's what I plan to do if we do go. Of course, I really don't
need anything, but who could pass up a visit to Keepsake?? I had planned on ordering those little 30's butterflies from their catalog, so if DH does decide to take this little road trip I will probably plan my purchases around a 30's quilt.
Hmmm...I should probably also go see if I need backing fabric for anything I have in the works. Off to the sewing room to see.
Jean in VT
Supreme Quilt Inspector

In an effort to prevent the BB Chat Page from going completely to the dogs I thought I should introduce you to Misty, the Supreme Quilt Inspector at my house. Granted, she is not resting on a quilt in this particular photo but this is her padded rest area behind the couch where she lurks out of view of humans and observes varmint traffic in the backyard.
Misty is hopeful that other felines also grace the homes of BB quilters .... she knows that cat fur adds an extra layer of warmth to any quilted bed covering or garment. And with eleven inches of snow on the ground in my part of Ohio (and supposedly four more inches on the way) more warmth is a good idea.
Ooops, she was there a minute ago. Anyway this is my Golden. Wish I could find her picture with 3 tennis balls in her mouth. That's the way she always plays ball. Martha in Maine
My Babies
These are my babies. The 7 year old Shepherd is my day care darling. The Goldadore is 11 and the Golden is 6, and are mine. Martha in Maine 
glad the 'procedure' is behind me
.... pun intended. Also how to save $$$ on this test.
As it turns out my sister is having one done next week at a different facility & different doctor. We got to comparing prices (we both have high deductible HSAs with $5,000.
00 deductibles) and hers was going to cost a lot more than mine . I had mine at an "outpatient surgical" facility and hers is scheduled to be done at a hospital.
She called her doctor's office back to see if she could have hers done elsewhere and, yes!, they switched her to
that hospital's outpatient center and she will save
$500.00. That is a lot of fabric money! and why I'm sharing this story with you. That's enough $$$ to buy a new sewing machine, go toward vacation, pay a few heating bills, etc.
Moral of story: quiz your GastroDoc about having it done in an "outpatient surgical" facility instead of a "hospital."
My colonoscopy went well yesterday. Prep day was a blast. ( pun intended again) Doctor said everything looks great and . . . gave me a big glossy sheet with four color prints of the inside of my colon. Eeeeewww~!. . . . I think I'll use it for this year's photo Xmas card.
NOT!!! I guess for what one pays for this procedure they soften the blow with a souvenir photo. Eeew!
I love seeing The Dogs of the BB Chat Board! Hugs to everyone.
Celia and Jean
Great to see the dogs, Celia is Riley-Jake the one who was using Nice'n'Easy a while ago? and Jean great to see Guicci love the ribbns. A special Hi to Gus from our Gus , how do you keep his toys in one piece? We give our brat about 15 to 20 mins before he eats his new ty but at least he has never chewed the shoes or anything of ours. Marion , give your pup a cardboard box to chew it will keep him busy for ages and supermarket boxes are free. Gus has never chewed anything here but our new kid has chewed the new blinds. Gus eats the boxes until they are about the size of a NZ 50cent and are so easy to sweep up.When I can work out how to post photos you will see all.Hugs for now Bee in a lovely warm NZ.
Jean, our Miss Gucci is just beautiful. We're in the car this week traveling from home to Las Vegas to watch our granddaughter play soccer this next weekend. It feels like we should have Gucci in the back seat. We enjoyed traveling with her. I am so glad she's got such a good home now.
It's getting warmer as we go farther south. I am going to enjoy a break from the cold weather. It's 13 degrees at home right now. It's supposed to be 71 in Las Veas tomorrow and Saturday. That'll be just perfect to sit through 2 soccer games a day on Saturday and Sunday.
I'm still on at home time. Past my bedtime.
Mary in KS
February 15, 2007
Just got home from my quilting group tonight and remembered how to sign on through google to get onto the Chat page with Eric's invite. I hope that everyone is keeping warm we are finally thawing here in Western Canada.
Cheers, Meredith

Here are my two canine fur babies. Riley-Jake is a big, very gentle, goofy Labradork who will be 7 years old on Saturday. Chelsea is an 11 years old shelter rescue German Shepherd/Husky mixed breed.
We were snowed in here today too in Fredericton, New Brunswick (eastern Canada) until mid-afternoon from the storm that came through and dumped another 2 feet or more on us. The snow wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't for the bitterly cold accompanying wind. At least it is another day closer to spring for us.
I must say that I enjoy so very much seeing everyone's pictures, especially those precious grandchildren. I don't have any to post any pictures of so I am enjoying all yours. Lovely children. If I ever get one, you will all know soon enough. LOL
Not all that much for news around here. I said to DH tonight that if I lived alone I would hibernate and never get out of my PJ's all winter. Then I thought about it and that's almost what I do now during these frigid days. Oh well!
Keep the pictures coming. I love them!
Celia in NB.
Well, we didn't get a foot of snow, we got almost two feet! That made it very interesting today trying to dig the cars out. The snow is so impressive to look at but there's just so much of it that when you plow you don't know where to put it. School was closed today again as everyone tried to dig out. In the 26 years we've lived in Vermont I don't ever remember school being closed two days in a row. One day is usually sufficient. Not for the blizzard of '07! Tomorrow is only a half day of school since we have parent/teacher conferences, so the kids got off really easy this week!
I am really enjoying hand quilting the star quilt that I traded blocks for with the Secret Pals in 2002, I think it was. Each block being different makes it fun to quilt; you don't get bored. I look forward to using this quilt on my bed this summer. I've always wanted a blue and white quilt...and a 30's repro quilt...and a double wedding ring quilt...I'd better stop before I start another UFO...
Jean in VT, where it's good quilting weather for sure
Gucci says hello!

It finally occurred to me -- I never said I was swift! -- that I could post a picture of Gucci here! To all those who followed her story, here she is, fresh from the groomer with her pretty pink bows. (The bows last about two days and then they are gone...)
If it were not for the fact that everyone else in the Northern hemisphere has really awful weather, I would complain about ours! We have had rain ever since I brought the Mustang home. I have driven it exactly once since I bought it. That's just not right! LOL
Now I must get away from this computer and get back to work. I am supposed to be getting year end stuff ready for the accountant for the little old lady's business and personal taxes, but there are few things I hate as much as I hate bookkeeping. I would sooner clean the ovens!
Jean at Mill Bay, putting off the inevitable...
I feel I should post a photo of our garden , drenched in sunshine, to encourage all those of you who are knee deep in snow ! Two problems there...first the sun is not out this morning and secondly, I don't know how to post a photo..!!
DH and I are off to the hills ! We plan a few days beside a mountain lake, fishing for trout...not my idea, you understand, but the best offer I've had this week for a few days away !! Valentines day brought a sentimental card, through the mail, to my home.... ..from my DH (I presume !), not a bad effort after 43yrs of marriage and probably nothing at all to do with the fact that he missed it last year , when my
DSis and BIL were staying, and got into heaps of trouble from them over that !!!
We are taking our Beagle pup up to the lake with us. I have a feeling that it will take us all of our time to keep track of her... She's been a very naughty little thing lately and chewed her way through a fortune of shoes..
Better go. Have a good w/end and keep warm ,
Marion in NZ.
Everyone must be buried in the snow.....

Gus is wishing he was in the snow, too, but I'm pretty happy that it's just raining. We lived for the past six years in a place that regularly got over ten feet of snow. It's so nice to be able to look out of windows in the middle of winter. We had plywood sheets cut and hooks installed for covering the windows each year. Those went up usually around Christmas and came down at the end of March. Talk about your looooong winter!
Snowy Vermont!
Did I say up to a foot of snow was forecast last night? We have more than that already, and they're talking a possible 20-30 inches. Wow. It has been snowing hard all day. All schools are closed, most businesses closed early, everything is canceled. They're telling us to stay off the roads due to blizzard (white out) conditions. Suits me! I love to look at it as long as I don't have to drive in it.
I have shoveled our steps no less than four times today, and the snow just keeps piling up. I wish I could say I stayed in and sewed all day, but since we live next door to our business, I wound up working all morning. The afternoon has flown by with only one little visit to my sewing room so far. But I do plan to get back down there tonight! I will also be hand quilting in front of the TV for a bit tonight before bed. You know, I could deal with winter if I could just stay in and quilt and sew! The radio just said we currently have 16" of snow. And it is blowing like crazy out there. This will definitely go down as one of our biggest storms ever--the blizzard of '07.
Jean in VT
Snow, snow, snow
Well we got the snow that was predicted, and it was a good day to stay in and quilt. All schools, most businesses, and county offices were closed. We have used the snow blower and shovels but it just keeps pileing up. This is the first storm of the season we got. So not complaining on my part. Too many times I had to drive in this stuff when I was still working.
All you ladies who are getting this storm I hope you are warm and safe. Now hope this posts as it will be a first for me. Marge in Pa.
It's not only eBay and PayPal that you have to worry about, although they are some of the worst. I've been getting emails purporting to be from Western Union, telling me that my account is to be non-existent account. I called the Western Union customer service number and they gave me a site to send the emails to. You need to right click on the unopened email, choose Properties, click Details, press Message Source and then copy the contents of the new window and paste in into your email to the real site in order to get all of the sender data so that they can trace it. Hope that made sense...Oh yes, that's for Outlook Express. I would imagine that there are other instructions for the other types of browsers. There is also an Internet Fraud Complaint Center at that you can report to.
eBay scams
A warning to all of you, if you get a notice from eBay or PayPal that says you owe them money, or someone has sent you money, forward that email to or, and DO NOT touch any of the links in the email you've received. Those of us who have bought and sold on eBay get these things regularly, and forward them on. If you click on any of the links, your eBay account can be hijacked, or your PayPal account. Not a good thing. I never click on the links even if I'm pretty sure it is from one of them, just go to their website and log in from there to get messages. Caution is a good thing.
Pat in Rockport, TX

After a few days in the low 70s, we're only at 48 at the moment, but are very thankful we're not in the north with 10 feet of snow. Do stay warm and safe, northerners.
I'm trying to decide if I want to return the call from the hospital asking if I would like to work tonight or tomorrow night. I only worked about 8 shifts last year. Starting in August, I'll be old enough that I can work as much as I want without messing up my Soc. Sec., but I'm really enjoying not working.
Well, I did call and I'll work tonight and decide about tomorrow night in the morning. I'll take a nice nap after lunch. Work is from 6:45 pm to 7:15 am, but always runs over a bit in the morning, so I'm lucky to get home by 8 am. I do enjoy the work now and then, it's a fun job for the most part. I think of myself as almost entirely retired, but not quite. And, the extra $ are nice. I'm sure we'll have another horrid electric bill, since we've had to run the heat so much this winter. I did want to get going on the Challenge quilt, which has to be done by the first Monday in March. I've been putting it off for a year, but finally decided what I want to do just this morning.
I'm still plugging away on Atkins. I've lost 24 pounds since October 1. I've got to send some clothes to Goodwill. That will be very enjoyable. I have a long way to go. I do feel so much better when I stay on a low carb regimen.
I'm adding a pic of another of my pretty sewing machines, since I don't have another quilt pic at the moment. The picture-adding feature of this blog is just great.
Pat in Rockport, TX
Gee, Doris, and here I was going to order specially for you, a heart-shaped box of those wonderful chocolates that you sent me a year ago...Godiva was it...not sure...I was going to send them for Valentines out, are you...might feel like eating the back end out of a donkey...hmmm.....think you might be snarly by tonight....better warn DH not to eat in front of you tonight. What we don't do for our bodies, right. At my age, it's maintenance and nothing else. Sewing with this walking foot reminds me of my tummy jiggling with cellulite, flop, flop, up and down...
Grace we have had the storm blow through but not as bad as Toronto. An hour north and we've missed the lake effect that is going to trot all the way around the northern end of Lake Ontario down towards Quebec and may reach Celia in New Brunswick who may be totally buried under the white stuff by now.
Kathi, hope you got your email infringement sorted out. Gads, I've just had a notice from eBay telling me that I owe them money. I've never bought a thing on eBay in my life. If I didn't have spam protector I might think it was spam...and still wonder if it is.
Four fat turkeys at my feeding station were a welcome sight for me but last night at a town council meeting I realize that farmers here are inundated with the things and this isn't good for them. I didn't mention that I feed the wildlife here. I spoke on the lack of firearms issue here in our area and a committee will now be formed but in so speaking out about the use of firearms, it brought a large contingent of hunters to the meeting as a delegation. Felt like I was walking into a lion's den, with all that army camouflage-type clothing and testosterone. Hopefully it will get sorted out in a reasonable manner and a responsible one as well as to the allowance of hunting in our rural residential area.
Off to have lunch now, Doris...let's see, hot homemade turkey soup (not from our wild turkeys), toasted spelt pittas, an organic banana....sounds exciting doesn't it. I'd really like a three decker salmon, one layer, hardboiled egg, the next, on gooey white bread that you could roll up in your fingers and fire at someone across the table. Taking care of my digestive system gets to be the pits.
checking in

We're on the southern tip of the Kansas winter storm right now. Yet another bitter cold snap and I am not complaining since we don't have the snow. I'm home all day "prepping" for a routine colonoscopy tomorrow. I have low blood sugar so not being able to eat all day is verrry hard for me. ~sigh~ I celebrated my own "Fat Tuesday" yesterday, so don't feel too sorry for me. LOL I can't wait for it to be over so I can eat again.
I'm testing the photo option, so we'll see if my picture of our little dog Alex makes it to the Chat Board. This new blog site is really nice and I love seeing all the photos y'all are sharing. I need to take a picture of the quilt I finished a year ago, and post it.
Take care and hugs to everyone!
wow I managed to do it right
in the first try. Must be getting better at it.
Been trying to read faithfully , but just do not have much time to post. Have been really busy and there does not seem to be a break. What is this, I am supposed to be retired, and I am busier than ever.Go figure.
I am really enjoying all the pictures of
DGChildren. I have no babies any more . I can not believe my oldest
DGS is almost a teenager. Where oh where does the time go.
, hope to get in touch with you on the weekend( okay how did that happen) Tomorrow we have to sing @ a seniors home in the next town and the day after that is quilting day and then on Friday we have a funeral booked @ the church. All this with a snowstorm coming. Although we are not in the direct path. I think Rosey is way worse. We could have used a little more snow on the beginning, but I will now wait until next winter. Ready to start on the spring weather Thank you very much. This cold has seeped right down to my core.Happy anniversary Heather. We tried to get out of celebrating our 25th also , but our DS kept at us because just like you mentioned to your boys about the original parents. That was our DS mantra also. You are still the original and most of our friends do not have that. Well we gave in and had a party. Since then no parties and we will be celebrating 44 this year.Yup, where oh where does the time go.Anna, if you catch this post , could you get in touch with me . I need some Spanish help if possible.thank you.Well it has been a cold and busy day so I will try and go relax for a while before bed time.Take care and hugs.Grace in On
Showing off my newest DGS

I'm going to try and add a picture of my newest grandson. Jaxten Andrew was born November 19, 2007 and I think he's the cutest baby ever. No bias here, of course! I'm going to be taking care of him for a couple of months while his mom works. Gee, I don't think I'll have much time for housework.
Counting our blessings...
Yes, Jane we do count our blessings especially after the past year with concerns of DH's health. And we also did the 30 second thoughts about a 'cruise', problem is that DH's idea of a cruise is the Alaskan one! Perhaps one year I can see us doing that, but not a tropical one...beach bums we are not and I can't imagine us pretending that we are!
We phoned each of the boys last nite and congratulated them on having their original set of parents still married to each other....they do believe that we have gone over the edge of sanity! But when they thought about it, not a lot of their friends can say the same thing....sad commentary when you think about it.
And the floor lamp is being able to convert it to a table one at the sewing desk or stained glass workbench is a great bonus....I still shake my head at the price tho!
Back to playing with some batiks for a cat and fish type's called Catch of the Day...just wish I had different fish prints for the fishbowls but no variety beyond what I had....
Marion...congrats on your upcoming anniversary.....glad I don't have to go fishing on would have to be ice fishing!
Oh dear,
I posted regarding the future quilter on the wrong board. It's going to take me awhile to feel totally comfortable with this blog process. I find the blog while good also helps me limit my computer time. :-) For some reason I don't seem to get as caught up in it? Does anyone else feel like that?
The quilt princess is SO cute! Thank you for sharing her story. It's nice to know our hobby will likely continue. :-)
I agree, great to hear from the DUGS. Thea continues to be in my thoughts. Haven't heard from Pamelaxxx in forever either. I'm sure everyone stays busy.
Off to sew some quilt backs together. Hugz to those who need them!
Mary in Oregon
you made it, Bee
Good for you. It's good to see our DUGs posting. This will soon become automatic for all of us, just like the old way did. Has anyone heard from Thea lately?
Brenda in Nn Ontario
Future Quilter

Here is my future quilter. From the day she came home from the hospital and the quilt on the wall could quiet her down, I knew she will be a quilter. She loves fabric. She is facinated with Nana's sewing room. Here she is enjoying some mashed pototoes with her grandpa. She is 19 months old now and starting to talk. I wait for the day I can start teaching her to quilt. BTW her name is Kacy May
in at last
I don't remember how I got here the first time and after several tries managed to post at last.
Brenda, that baby is so cute. Don't you think he looks like your other grandson?
Sara: I read a little about your family history search. I have been working on it for years and it is like a time vacumn...sucking up all the hours of my day, not to mention my credit card when looking at pay per view sites. Did I mention that it is addictive?
We are still in the deep freeze here, looking forward to March when we know that the ice will melt. Right now it only melts enough on the driveway and sidewalks so that it can refreeze. Very difficult to walk on.
It's 18 below zero as I write this at 5:37 am. Oh, how I long for warmer weather! Don't think that's going to happen too soon, though, as we're supposed to get a snowstorm tomorrow. A possible foot of snow is forecast. Oh, joy...
I've mostly been lurking, as I've been working full time and not had much time to do much of anything else, but I wanted to check in to our new format. I've enjoyed the BB Chat since about 1999 and appreciate all Eric and Sue do to keep it going.
Current projects are piecing a nine patch quilt and hand quilting a king-sized star quilt that the Secret pals swapped for years ago. That should keep me busy for the rest of the winter!
Jean in VT
For Sara
Sara, I answered you on the comment section of the other page. In addition to what I posted there, you'll find on Cyndi's list (which I mentioned there) the immigrant ships passenger lists. Helps if you know where they sailed from and where they landed, ports are numerous. If you don't you still might find by continually searching. Sometimes they didn't use their whole name, sometimes women are under their maiden names, etc. Anyhow as I said on the other page, if I can help you, let me know. Lavinia-TN
am I there yet?
still trying .Bee
Lots to read and think about...
After initial problems , I am now finding this new format very much to my liking !! The "other" page has so many lovely photos too, what about a few more here ? Loved the photo of the baby boy , he looks a very knowing little fellow for just 2
Just spent the afternoon with friends who are facing difficult days. The DH is expected to die this week, he has cancer throughout his body. Thankfully he is pain free and quite chirpy , he was expected to die before Christmas, the family feel they have had some bonus weeks with him . He is only 60...
Valentines day tomorrow. I'm not expecting my DH to remember but I am always hopeful of surprises..!! We will be marking our 43rd anniversary later this week.... possibly by going lucky can a girl be ??
Can't imagine dealing with the snow-falls that some of you are dealing with. If we get an inch here we all get very excited.
Off to get the dinner..
Marion in NZ.
Internet etiquette
Kathi, a thoughtful post, nicely put. I would hope that no-one would pass on another person's email address without permission from that individual. Oftentimes it's an oversight that these things happen but thanks for the reminder. I have changed my email address in the past six months because of so much spam on my other one. I also don't want it sent out indiscriminately as my inbox is for my B&B as well as Australian Shepherd information, rescue and so on. And, after two very stressful winters in which I was unable to be creative, I've asked people to remove my name from any forwards, jokes, etc. as I am focussing on my work in my studio.
Brenda, what a gorgeous baby boy. And does he ever look like a boy. Hard to believe that Jack is just 2 months old though...he looks older.
Heather, congrats on your wedding anniversary...did you ever think you'd get that floor lamp sounds just perfect.
Yesterday a great gift was given...nine yearling deer came to visit...nine. And tomorrow night I again speak to the town council about the lack of hunting by-laws on private property in the Town of Mono (a rural residential town that is not a town). Apparently a large group of hunters will be making an appeal to the contrary. We live side by side with wildlife here and short of supplying prophylatics for the deer, culling is necessary. I am proposing that the local anglers and hunters be responsible for this and not allow anyone a hunting licence who does not belong to this club who will hopefully supervise the culling of deer responsibly instead of the culling of people (as happened to our friend Marianne, last Nov.6). How could anyone shoot a deer? Yet, the reality is that cars hit deer and if they become too prolific, humans are endangered driving.
And I now have corn for the four plump brown ladies who visit my birdfeeding station. I do miss my chickens.
what it's all about Heather, isn't it. Count your blessings. Al and I looked at each other about a month before our 25th and for about thirty seconds thought about a cruise. We both had this sort of feeling of social coercion. That's what you're supposed to do. It turned out we both thought that would be a bore and we'd each gain ten pounds. So .... we threw ourselves a heck of a party admonishing our guests that no gifts would be accepted. Otherwise anniversaries meant a nice dinner out usually with friends whose anniversary was the next day. We never did gifts, just silly and usually slightly naughty. One year the friends and we exchanged the exact same card.The temps here are on the rise which means 100% chance of rain tomorrow. Good day to finish the binding on the current wip. That is, after I do the annual physical which includes the fast so the blood work can be done without another trip to town. I'm a bit nervous about that as I've been experiencing some major incidents of what I call the wobbles when breakfast is delayed. Just a few bits of something high in protein clears it immediately. It will be interesting to see what the blood sugar level is. Yikes, with the GI doc telling me to consume 30 grams of fiber a day if I have to really cut back on carbs I'll have a problem. Oh well, won't count chickens before their time.I'm so glad that I don't live in my DM's home town and you all should too. The only time anyone hears about Oswego, NY is on the weather channel. That's the county that is buried right now in lake effect snow and there is another foot or so predicted for tomorrow. I have to call my cousin in Central Square in that area and pull her chain a bit. Actually, come to think of it I have three other cousins in Buffalo too. Sara, if your genealogical interest is famine immigrants, check Oswego. Mine arrived at the port of Oswego via Kingston, On. An Irish genealogist told me that the cheapest passage from Cork City and Cobh, the chief departure points, was to Canada and more starving Irish entered through Oswego than Boston or NYC in the late 1840s which is when all my mother's people arrived. There is a county historian in each county in NY as well. The one in Oswego county told me that if you stood in the middle of Bridge St. (the main drag that traversed the Oswego River to the other side of town) in 1865 and shouted "Hey, Bridget", half the women in Oswego would have responded. Several of them would have been related to me. I recall my mother saying something about having cousins in North Carolina and I stupidly never pursued it. Oswego isn't so heavily Irish any more but there are still three Catholic churches there in a modest sized city. What little research I've done has been there in church and public records. I didn't follow up on it and still hope to learn my way around to doing a lot on line which wasn't available fifteen years ago. Also, Sara, don't overlook Charleston. I think a lot of Irish immigrants arrived there too.Jane ready for bed. Sleep tight, ladies, and don't let the bed bugs bite.
A gentle reminder - I'll post on both boards
I had an experience on another board last week that made me think I should post to all the groups I'm associated with. Apparently someone who I finally had eliminated from my list of people who had my current email address asked if anyone had heard from me. Instead of someone contacting me to find out if I wanted my address and info forwarded on, they did it without my knowledge.
Now I'm back in the same spot as the one I finally had extricated myself from. I have unsubscribed from that group and will block the unwanted emails, but I just wanted to remind everyone on the groups that it's not always a good idea to be so helpful. Be sure you check with the person involved to find out if it's OK to send on information.
Off my soapbox.
Brenda....what cutie Jack is! get those quilt pixs taken....
Weather is a lot better than it was...windchill factor today is only -30 Celsius( I really saying that?) we actually have a very light powder falling as I look the window. temps are better up here than southern Manitoba have been I guess I am glad I am not traveling on the roads right now...
Tomorrow is our 25th wedding hard to believe that time marker! Probably just supper out since to do anything else is to far to travel to...but DH is picking up 'our' gift....a new floor hobby light....he is finding it difficult with some of the stained glass work and thinks I could use it as kind! I actually looked at one after Christmas but didn't want to spend the $ so glad he remembered...I have a table top OTT but it's not quite enough on it's own, but is a good supplement to the table lamp. And I am still looking for a machine with a bigger 'bed' for quilting purposes....not a lot of romance in the typical sense I guess but in everyday understanding of what makes each other happy I think we got it made....and in another month it will be my 50th !!! Perhaps I will have at least ordered a machine by then.....
Hello from the frozen north

It is so cold here that I wish I could just snuggle up in bed. I hate to think what Heather is experiencing as the news from Manitoba makes it sound even colder. My GF in Winnipeg sent me a little cartoon this morning that said, "You know it is cold when your teeth are chattering and they're still on the bedside table." We are having our January weather this month.
I hooked up my new computer yesteday and hope to figure out the photo stuff today when I go home. I had some trouble getting my internet connection going so was in no mood to mess with something brand new. In the meantime I will try to post a picture from my email. If it works, it will be my newest grandson, Jack, who was born on Dec. 18. Soon, I hope there will be quilt pictures. Hey, I think it worked!
Hope everyone is keeping warm.
Brenda in Nn Ontario
Hello from another "oldie"
Hello everyone!
It's been a long time since I've posted on the old board and most of the time I barely had time to lurk. But I had to join this new one and hopefully I can get back to participating a bit more. This blog thing is going to take some getting used to, but I think it's neat to be able to post pictures. I'll add my thanks to Sue and Eric for doing this for us! Oh, look...we even have spell-check! :^)
Susan in cold KS