Friday, February 16, 2007

glad the 'procedure' is behind me

.... pun intended. Also how to save $$$ on this test.

As it turns out my sister is having one done next week at a different facility & different doctor. We got to comparing prices (we both have high deductible HSAs with $5,000.00 deductibles) and hers was going to cost a lot more than mine . I had mine at an "outpatient surgical" facility and hers is scheduled to be done at a hospital.

She called her doctor's office back to see if she could have hers done elsewhere and, yes!, they switched her to that hospital's outpatient center and she will save $500.00. That is a lot of fabric money! and why I'm sharing this story with you. That's enough $$$ to buy a new sewing machine, go toward vacation, pay a few heating bills, etc.

Moral of story: quiz your GastroDoc about having it done in an "outpatient surgical" facility instead of a "hospital."

My colonoscopy went well yesterday. Prep day was a blast. ( pun intended again) Doctor said everything looks great and . . . gave me a big glossy sheet with four color prints of the inside of my colon. Eeeeewww~!. . . . I think I'll use it for this year's photo Xmas card. NOT!!! I guess for what one pays for this procedure they soften the blow with a souvenir photo. Eeew!

I love seeing The Dogs of the BB Chat Board! Hugs to everyone.


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