WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
"Huh" from here too....
Jane, I thought the same about my last post. It looked so strange with no paragraphs. My spell check is working though (phew!) The "storm" photo caught the moment didn't it ? Sorry to hear that so many people are without power. Good to know that you have a gas heater Jane and no damage on your property.. Nature certainly has caused some havoc around the world recently. DH is suffering with "man flu"........ I just have a cold (!?!) Either way, we're not getting much sleep here . Nice day here though, so I'll get out and make the most of it. Keep safe. Marion.HUH?
I tried three times to edit the foregoing post inserting paragraph spacing where it belongs and when I post the corrected version the corrections are gone and it all comes out as originally published. I give up. Is Eric pressed for space or something? Oh well, I'm enough of a grammar snob (can't spell worth a damn though) that I want folks to know that I know the difference. I turned off the generator last night and slept well despite not having the CPAP but who knows? No one around her complained about my snoring. We'll see how sleepy I get during the day. The house was in mid 50sF when I got up. It was just at freezing outdoors. I turned on the generator and the gas log so it's quite comfortable now. That gas log is one of the smarter purchases of my life. Jane PS Let us see if there is a paragraph break in the published post which is in my draft. I just inserted some gibberish and spell check isn't working either. Now I'm REALLY in trouble.Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Doris, it hit big time late last night. The lightening was intimidating. I woke up when the power went out as the CPAP cut off and it seemed that lightening struck somewhere nearby. I ordered a battery to operate the CPAP when the power is out but don't have it yet. I turned off the generator after breakfast and then back on again at supper time. Since I have no idea when the power will be restored I've got to ration out the propane I have or go bankrupt. Neither dog seemed to be disturbed but Rocky finally spent a night in the crate I have for him for the first time since I brought him home in July. There is a fairly large limb down in my yard and I'm relieved that there were no trees down in my driveway. Duke power's automated telephone message earlier today said that there are something 190,000 in North and South Carolina without power and currently there is no estimate of when it will be restored in my area. Of course they restore the power to the more densely populated areas first. I think; I hope that the medical hassles are winding down and maybe I'll have time for other things including quilting. I'm just resigned to having a certain amount of pain for the rest of my days and between arthritis, fibro and the injuries of three years ago that shouldn't come as a surprise. I know that losing weight and exercising are the best remedies for all of the above. Cold, mostly sunny and VERY windy today. Hope things calm down tomorrow. I have a whole day with nowhere I have to be!!! A good hike with the beasts sounds great to me. I meet with my tax guy Thursday so in addition to the hike I have a bunch of digging to do in my records to be ready for him. Just thought I'd let you know that I'm still here, alive and kicking. JaneMonday, April 4, 2011

I hope Laura in AL survived the storms today. There was a lot of damage in middle Tennessee. Here is a picture of the building my DH works in, after the storm came through. At least this time, the HVAC unit is still on the roof. Thirteen years ago after the tornado of April '98, it had landed on DH's car in the parking lot below.
Jane in NC - if you're going to be getting these storms, you need to batten down the hatches.