WWQP Bulletin Board Chat
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Springtime in the Rockies
The weather up there is warming and the snow is rapidly melting off. That's not saying that we won't have many, many more nights of freezing weather, but springtime is on its way to central Idaho.
An extra hour in bed...
We changed our clocks to winter time last night. I have enjoyed the extra hour in bed this morning ! Not the usual rush to get out of the door in time for church ! Love the photos Rosey. The splash of blue brightened up the page and the one of the cat is beautiful. Sara, a kind thought re. the quilt for Christchurch. We are still busy rehousing and feeding people and I don't know who is dealing with donated quilts. I think Bee and her group are making some and the lady who organised heart blocks for the miners families, intends to send any surplus quilts to Christchurch. We've had a week of beautiful weather. Quiet, sunny days with very little wind. I've had people staying so it made it easier and generally more enjoyable. Nowhere to take anybody at the moment though... The city is still cordoned off, half of the parks are "out of bounds " and the coastline has problems with raw sewage.... We could have driven to the mountains but there have been problems with falling rocks and slips on the road.. Only two of our many cinemas are open and they are both in busy shopping malls, not exactly where I want to be just now ! I'm not complaining, just telling it as it is. Just received an email from UK telling me that six of the girls I trained with, in the early 60's, are having a get together later this month ! I'd love to be at that ! There were only thirty of us in our year. There wasn't much we didn't know about each other after three years together ! I've kept in touch with a couple of my special friends but I'm looking forward to hearing how the rest of them have fared in the last 50yrs !! We were a lively, adventurous group, so I'm sure there will be some interesting stories. (we were training to be Occupational Therapists) Hope you all have a good week. Marion.Thursday, March 31, 2011
I love the cat picture! Oh, and the beagle picture, too!
I understand we are to get some rain/snow overnight. I'm driving to Thief River Falls tomorrow, about 5 hours north to do a trunk show and class. I hope it misses us!
Hugs to all!
Sandi in MN
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Quilts for N.Z?
I confess I'm a bit slow. Shortly after the Christ Church earthquakes there were links to where we could donate a quilt for N.Z. Would someone please post that again?After finishing up both bathrooms (BIG snoopy dance) I'm going through unfinished things in the quilty space. I had started a red, white and blue one, have top finished, and have polar fleece that I was going to put on the back. The blocks are 10" x 6" bricks, no USA stuff printed on it, or flags, just colors of R,W & B.
Would like to send this to the relief effort within the next month, as I know it is going into winter down under.
Put off visiting my Mom for a few more days, need to get my own house in order, and give my brother and sis-in-law some private time. May drive down on Mon or Tues. of next week.
Sara in Fla.
For you 'cat' lovers

Monday, March 28, 2011
Posted on both boards
http://www.flickr.com/photos/americanfolkartmuseum/sets/72157626340382146/with/5556188312/Worthwhile viewing.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
And to my American friends, color. I think this is one reason we all quilt. We'd never work in black and white for long, would we.
This photograph is from Jon Katz's blog today. It is the only blog I read on a daily basis as he has a great gift with his still photographs. Out here in the country, downloading videos takes so much time, I don't bother with them but his stills are often very interesting.
Doris, that Sophie is just adorable and very photogenic.
Bitterly cold here in Southern Ontario today and the wind was high. My sinus infection has finally departed, after two months but I'll touch wood on that. The wind today literally took my breath away given that I do experience mild asthma.
It's after ten pm and it's time for bed.