For you 'cat' lovers

This is from friend Susan, in California. Her name is Gaby. It's an interesting picture and quite graphic...very nice. Gaby, unfortunately, is in the process of dying, being an old cat of well over fifteen years of age. Susan lives in the country outside of a small oceon town, mid-way down the state of California. Because of the climate, Gaby has lived outside most of her life; her bed is tucked up high in their carport and she has not been an indoor cat. Yesterday, she disappeared, Susan fearing that she has gone away to die. She spent the day before holding her most of the day outside but the car journey to the vets is a half hour and Gaby gets very upset in the car so Susan has been hoping to avoid this if she can in her last days. But, it's an interesting picture, is it not.
It's still bitterly cold here in S. Ontario but still a dry air mass which is sucking up the snow, not necessarily melting it into the ground so we have many ugly brown patches showing through the white of the snow. It is not a picture showing our best time of It's days like this when you know why people go down south for holidays. Just part of the transition of mother nature, nothing to be done about it except bury our heads in a quilt. Rosey
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