1987 original design in Canadian Living magazine

The photo on the left is of Dixie Lee, from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada whose aunt Dorothy passed away before she completed this design which appeared in Can. Living Mag. in Jan. 1987. I was never happy with the border designs and when she contacted me three years ago about finishing her aunt's quilt for her cousin, I remade the quilt and redesigned the borders. At the time of the original design being done, Inuit artist, Aoudla Pudlat, gave his permission for the ptarmigan image to be used in the centre of the quilt. He died in a snowmobile accident in 2006 and in redesigning the quilt, I had to find some member of his family in order to gain copyright permission again. His widow, who lives in Baker Lake, received an immediate royalty on the use of his work and for every paper pattern sold on the quilt to the right, she will receive a royalty commission. This site has some of his work:
www.artfact.com/artist/pudlat-aoudla, that should get it, if not, add -j2dq80fdvz to the above link.
My bird does not show as well as Kathi's , colour-wise. Even all the training in colour that I did during art college and I can still make a mistake. I had to outline the bird with embroidery thread (chain stitch as I find this lies flat better after being quilted).
Aoudla Pudlat was truly a natural and gifted artist and his death brought to an end this wonderful talent.

Here are my three quilts from Sisters: the ptarmigan is one of our Rosey's designs based on an original by the late Inuit artist, Audlo Pudlat (did I spell that one right?); the black and white is a four patch stacked posey; and the elk is Elusive (pattern by Toni Whitney) on a Ricky Tims convergence.
Kathi in Idaho
"Tulip Star" quilt from Sisters
Thank you, Jill, for the pictures from the Sisters Quilt Show. I've enjoyed looking at the lovely quilts! I’m thinking the one Rosey posted was the raffle quilt – "Tulip Star". Eric Gunson of Sisters designed it.
Bee, good to hear from you again! You seem to be staying as busy as ever. J
Marion, good on you for checking homes in the small community. Your description of the police practicing raids on some of the condemned homes was priceless. I can see how entertaining that could be! And a good use of buildings that can no longer be lived in. NZ continues to be in my thoughts as the recovery continues.
Fran, glad you are back and that Graham is finally sleeping on Oz time. What an amazing trip you had! I can see it would be difficult to recover, tho, especially after the flights home. Have fun going through the pictures.
Hugz, Mary in Oregon
Jack the Ripper is Annie's new name

The chair needed reupholstering anyway. She's swift with her jaws. Part of being a puppy. It's my kitchen I'm objecting to. She's gnawing away at the bottoms of the cupboards and I have duck tape on all protruding and interesting corners. She learned the term: GO TO BED after that.
Fran, I love the photos and your description. Scotland can do even the hardiest of 'men' in with its damp and cold weather. I've been there three times, to the Isle of Arran (once on a teaching assignment) and truly, I had to get dressed UNDER the blankets on the island. It was that cold. The coal fire was kept on in the sitting room only when we were in there.
Kathi has kindly shared photos of the Sister's exhibit in Oregon and I wanted to comment on this one...maybe someone will recognize it and its maker...would love to know who made it. Having graduated in design from the Ont. College of Art & Design, I'm constantly aware of design balance in quilts (mine are not always up to snuff either)...but this one is very interesting and a perfect example of good design balance. It is truly a Broken Star in that the maker has used white points or pastel points on the innner star breaking it visually. The weight of the outer stars carries the balance well on the whole design. It is cleverly done.
I'm back
not able to see any mail since the beginning of June. Have spent a f0rtune on trying to get this thing working properly and at last eureka!!!! I hope it's is the last time anything major goes wrong. I am seriously thinking of breeding carrier pigeons. LOL Welcome back Fran what a wonderful trip you had and, even better, NZ at Christmas. looking forward to that. Winter is here at last , it arrived with a bang ,lots of rain and the wind was horrid. I was sure I was going to lose my roof several times. Gus did his thunder thing and one night even found his way into my bed. Yuk not in my plan but he must have been so terrified. I now have new glasses and am spending lots of time cleaning, I was sure I had washed the walls etc but obvioooooously not too well. I can see to sew black again so will finish up making Janna's quilt. I am not too pleased as her quilt was for a Queen sized bed and now she has a super king. More units to make. I am to be a Nana again in early Sept. Joanne is expecting another little girl. Cara was 3 in April and is so looking forward to her little sister. Joanne is quite happy to be having another girl, as she says she has all the clothes etc and as long as the baby is well none of us mind. Our eldest DGD arrived back from 3 weeks in USA this evening so will be catching up with her soon. I love seeing all the photos of the flowers and pets . love your chair Rosey. I have many memories similar to those. I went on to Jean's site to see her cats and it is like ours , our site is www.lonelymiaow.net.nz/adoptakitten and his #is 7616 named Huxley I am trying not to adopt him. Check him out and tell me if you think he is different. Hugs for now. Bee in NZ
Thanks for posting pictures of Sisters. It fills the gap until I can attend again - someday.
Forgot to say
ROSEY: Love your sense of humour and photos of the damage done by your latest family member!!
If anyone is interested in reading some of the blogs I wrote as we travelled (by mid May I had run out of time and energy LOL) try going to http://masonsineurope.blogspot.com
Thank you Jill for posting all of those photos. If I had a "wish list" it would be to visit Sisters one of these days. It must be quite an experience. Such varied and beautiful work..
Fran, welcome home !! Can't
believe that you are back already. What a wonderful trip you have had . All down to good planning I suspect. I'm sure we'd all like to hear more about it. I did follow your blog for awhile but then events here kinda took over...
Went door-knocking on behalf of the local council again yesterday. They want all homes in
Kaiapoi visited.
Kaiapoi is a neighbouring small town which got badly knocked by the Sept quake and again in Feb and June. We just check on how people are to see if they know what help is available. Half of the houses in the street we were doing yesterday, were cordoned off and waiting to be demolished. Not much fun for the people in the remaining homes. People were amazingly up-beat and cheerful, even though they are still waiting to hear whether or not the land under their homes is stable enough to be rebuilt on. The police were providing some entertainment by using some of the condemned homes to practice
commando raids ! They arrive in all their gear, jump over fences, force open doors, leap through windows, all the time shouting and throwing grenades ! Talk about toys for boys ! They gave the locals plenty of warning (because of the noise) and nobody seemed to mind !
Rosie, that naughty puppy !! With such a
colourful toy box of her own you'd have to wonder why she had to attack your chair. ! When Holly was a puppy she chewed a hundreds of dollars worth of shoes before we found her... The insurance company paid up ! She had "only"chewed the heel of one, the toe of another and the side of another, one shoe could have provided her with all of that but she chose one shoe of four pairs...
Heavy snow falls down south, none here yet but it is cold and wet and a good day to be indoors..
Hope the week is going well.
SARA: DH does not feel the cold, but Scotland beat him LOL It was just so MISERABLE there for a couple of days. Our Scots friend was actually happy with the weather because he thought it was exactly the right atmosphere for him to explain what it was like 300 odd years ago for the poor Scottish highlander. The wettest days of our trip turned out to be on both walks - on Hadrian's Wall and in the Alps. Luckily we'd gone shopping in Inverness and had thick rainproof jackets and rainproof pants to pop on.
(L. DH at Burntisland, a village across the Firth of Forth from Edinburgh.
R. Our first day of walking in the Alps. Luckily the worst of it.)

By the time we got down to Land's End and St Ives in Cornwall the sun was shining but I'm the opposite to DH and don't feel warm until the weather's in the 30s C (80s?).
I love this photo of me in my jacket and scarf amongst the hardy English sunbathers LOL
ROSEY: By the end of the trip we were exhausted, and that was when we were doing the Nordic Walking! HAVING to get up every morning for breakfast at a certain time became quite draining. Then we had around 36 hours either on planes or waiting at airports so only catnaps from Saturday until Monday. We were happy to be back in our own bed but also to sleep in when we wanted. Having said that, it took DH nearly 3 weeks to get over the jet lag and be able to sleep properly through the night. I don't think we'll ever do that long a trip again.
Thanks, Jill, it's working
It works. I'm rushing out early to do my volunteer morning at Telecheck so will look at them when I get back in this afternoon. Already I can see Kathi's wonderful ptarmigan...an Aoudla Pudlat design. Look him up on the internet. He died some years ago in a snowmobile accident skipping ice flows just outside Baker Lake in Nunavut. Such a tragic loss of talent. He was/is an Inuit.
live link, I hope
Sisters pictures
Blog spot
Jill, could you make that a live link on the board. I can't access your photos. I've upgraded to Windows 8 and still learning my way around it but I'm told that my Dell is very basic and I can't access some things because it's not in the system.
Welcome back, Fran. Tell me: are you tired? Were you tired? That's one heck of a lot of traveling. NZ will be a piece of cake compared to this recent trip. Is it hard to settle back down into normal life?
The question has been asked: Is Annie in obed class? She had her first exposure last week. Another this week. She's also being trained at home. Chicken weiners do the trick.

Annie is in the reupholstering business. Note her puppy toybox. Full of lots of stuffies to interest a 6 month old puppy. Note the replacement. Admittedly, the chair had a few holes in the arm. Annie saw an opportunity and took it. Needless to say, the chair will not be reupholstered until the pup is past the puppy stage.
Sara, I read about and saw a picture of the launch. It is the last. Whatever is next sounds like comic book stuff...way out there.
Just a quickie to post a link to my Sisters pictures and to say that after all
these years I finally got to hug Kathi! So funny that we had not met in person even though
we have know each other soooo long & have both been to retreats.
We missed Mary, don't know if she changed her plans or got delayed.
Sisters was wonderful as always. It was even cooler than usual (mid 80's)
The first 5 pictures are Kathi's wonderful quilts. They were awesome!
They will still be on the road a bit & I'm so lucky to have gotten to meet them!
Fran your trip sounds grand.
PS:I don't really take time to compose these shots, there are too many people trying to do the same, so you hurry your photos.
Back home
We've been back in Australia 3 weeks tomorrow after 14 1/2 weeks overseas (in Sri Lanka and Europe/UK). Managed to keep up with the Chat Board but couldn't get in at all for some reason so was unable to comment re happenings, especially the extra catastrophe(s) in NZ.
Marion, just be sure we were thinking of you all over there at the time, and now with the continued hardship ChCh people must be suffering over winter.
Had a wonderful time meeting up with friends and relatives and seeing some wonderfully exotic places as well as travelling on our own to others. We fed elephants at an elephant orphanage and braved the chaos of road traffic in Sri Lanka, climbed mountains (both by foot and vehicle) in Austria and Switzerland, walked part of Hadrian's Wall in England, were given mind-boggling history lessons re the Highland clearances in Scotland, went to the most northern and southern parts of England and Scotland as well as seeing east and west coasts, took photos of fantastic modern buildings in Paris for our architecture student son, stayed in the Alpine village in Switzerland from where my g.g.father left on his journey to Australia, travelled across the Alps on the Glacier Express to see the Matterhorn, discovered that Pisa is more than just a leaning tower, found other leaning towers in Bologna, did a 10 day Nordic Walking tour in Austria, toured countless churches in Italy and everywhere else, walked past shop windows in Amsterdam where wo/men(?) were showing their 'wares', took a ferry across the North Sea and thousands of photos of all this and more (except for those shop windows vbg) A veritable lifetime of memories but now we're planning a trip to NZ at the end of the year for DBIL's 60th birthday!! (Bee, take note! - will be in touch soon).
Nice to be back. Best wishes to all,