I think these bods have nothing better to do than fiddle with things that work fine already! (I fiddled myself and found that if you click on "O comments" it will come up where you can comment yourself. Maybe that worked before too?
Rosey, over here our grass seems to grow the best in autumn and winter, after the summer when everything dries out and goes brown. Of course, in our area we have no snow. G seems to be mowing every 3-4 weeks or so. What a huge area you have!
Marion - I hope you haven't had any other aftershocks since you posted! Good to hear how well your nephew's boat has done.
Just back from a trip to Melbourne (1200 km away). It usually means a drive down to Adelaide for overnight, then an all-day drive on to Melbourne. At our age, though we always stay an extra night somewhere halfway there. Our eldest son has just moved over with his gf. She's a singer and is hoping to advance her career in a much bigger city; he's applying to do his Masters in Architecture at one of the unis there. Our youngest (Shannon) has settled in to life back at uni and hopes to have his PhD finished in 3 years. His wife has just been accepted to do Librarianship by correspondence which will take her 3 years as well. So they won't be moving anytime soon. The 6 of us met up for Mother's Day lunch, which was lovely.
Caught up with middle son and family on the way home but resisted having a cuddle with baby Charlotte because I had a sore throat/cold. She's growing well - almost a month old already!
Hugs to all. Off to morning tea with a friend.
Spring means mowing & mowing grass

I used to wax poetic about the beautiful emerald green grass in the springtime but the truth is, when the grass starts growing, there's no stopping it. And of couse, the lawn tractor must break down once the season starts...that's a given. Here is the 'lawn'. that I've just finished cutting and believe me, I doubt it was ever seeded or sodded years ago, it's field grass cut down and domesticated.
Several mornings ago, Miss Annie woke me up at 5:30 in the morning, barking furiously, usually at that time of day, it's a deer bark, as she sleeps on the window box in the bedroom. I looked out and watched as this bright rusty patch moved, stretched, grew and stood up and went to the bathroom. A single deer had slept the night just outside our window in the hedgerow. Since then, it's been back again, walking close in to the house in the early morning. Not a hunter, I'm humbled by their presence.
Jane, change is the worst thing in the world unless it's for the better. Having to learn new things in older age is about up there with change in my life.
Here Goes
I'll post a
catch up later. Just wanted to try my hand with the new system.
To the person who asked why things have to change I was reminded of a book mark I got at Weight Watchers which said, "If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies." I ask why does change get so hard to adjust to as we get older?
Jane in NC
I'm having trouble too
The posting part I can do, but the comment part doesn't want to work.
Marion-it seems that your area is in the "after the storm, but not rebuilt" phase. Reminds me of So. Fla. after hurricane Andrew in 1992. The only good was that the new building codes were very strict, impact resistant glass for windows, stronger roofing materials, harder concrete and so on. There is even a code in Florida building called the "Miami-Dade" hurricane code. Of course it helps if people are honest, and build up to the codes. Inspectors found a lot of corruption had taken place, etc.
My daughter is posting pictures on facebook of the flowering crab apple tree in her yard, as well as other trees. Beautiful spring!
I'm sorry that I won't be able to go to the symposium in Jane's area of N. C. this June. I had hoped to go, but most likely will be driving to So. Fla. about then. Jane we expect a full report.
DH is having a dog crisis, one evidently lost her collar, must run.
Sara in Fla.
uuuummmm ??
Oh dear. When did all this change ? The Blogger page looks very different but, having got this far, I will continue !
Well done Sara for posting regularly. Maybe others are put off by this new format. Why do things have to change all the time ?
We had a 4.6 quake yesterday which was quite upsetting. It's been quiet awhile since we've had one and we were hoping that the ground had settled . Living in Post-earthquake Canterbury is hard these days. I have had need to go to Christchurch recently and the amount of empty spaces where our beautiful city buildings used to be, is just so SAD. There are very few high rise buildings left and the sky-line is dominated with cranes. They are attempting to demolish buildings without causing more damage to existing ones. Our local small rural town is also a mess. I think the engineers and insurance people are nervous and keen to guard their backs. Everything is suddenly being labeled "unsafe". Our High Street is cordoned off and we have shipping containers everywhere, either to prevent falling buildings landing on people or to provide temporary shops. Fortunately the Post Office and the Library are still open for business but that's about all !
April was the warmest on record. It was a lovely month. Calm, sunny days with all the colour of autumn. May is considerably colder but we've only had one frost so far. Not a lot of quilting being done here, I've been busy with the "autumn tidy up" in the garden and preparing some pots for some colour through the winter.
My Nautical Nephew is in Miami, the boat that he is on didn't have a good run up from Brazil , they came 4th., they are still overall leaders, but not by much ! They'll be hoping for a better placing in the next leg.
On the home front all is well. My cook-top gave up on me last week so a new one is to be installed... Something else to get my head around !!. No knobs on this new one, it's all touch control ?!? I suppose that will make it easier to clean !
I see a highlighted label at the top of the page which says "Publish" so I'll try my luck ! If it works, be encouraged !
happy Mother's Day-hope we all had one
Was waiting to see what others had posted about their Mother's Day, but no one did.
Today is "catch up" day for me, laundry, etc. Found some of DH's shirts behind the laundry room door that need ironing, etc.
We made it to church yesterday AM, then went to see my Mom and took her some flowers. She has a fixation with going to the potty, has to "pee" as she says. Other than that she seems to be well. I have an appt. with the nursing/social work staff there on Wed. AM. My brother would like to move her back to Palm Beach County to be close to him and some of her friends. That will take some work. But that is what the social workers are there to help me with, so I'm going to let them.
Going through some old quilt books, patters, looking for the flip-flop pattern. Found lots of other things not that. The neighborhood is holding the spring garage sale next Sat. so it's a good time to get rid of some stuff.
This morning I'm off to Home Depot for paint, Radio Shack to replace the bad GPS. Thankfully DH took out the "replacement" insurance on the one we bought in Jan.
Lost one of the pair of artsy earriings I bought 2 weeks ago. It fell off my ear somewhere in the house. Only wore them one time. Going to try to get it replaced by the artist, since she is somewhat local.--
Tues. I'm going to dentist to see about my "bite"--don;t know if the last crown isn't right or I need a night brace, but having headaches in the jaw, prob. grinding my teeth at night due to stress.
Everyone have a happy Monday.
Sara in Fla.