MY friends and I had such fun at the AQS show at Paducah a few years ago that we are doing it again. We will be spending a few days around Nashville and then driving up for the show and classes. IS anyone else from this group going to be there?
The only down side to doing this trip at this time is that I have had to send all my foster kittens off to other foster homes. That is fairly hard to do when you have raised them on a bottle from birth...
Jean at Mill Bay, cleaning and packing for an early morning departure...
The mystery continues
Jane, I can't solve the world's big problems but I can try to figure out, with a minimum amount of brain f*rts, what happened here in the house. Darned if I can figure out how my vet came to be here at the retreat talking to you but there you are. I'm totally confused now, a state of mind not unfamiliar to me. Of course, that whole retreat went by in a blur at times, for me; so much was going on here at the time.
Now there is a thought, Jane, a retreat...but in the mountains? May be more to do in Ashville with a tour of the mountains? Your part of the world is not an easy place to get to though, is it, by plane?
Snow still here on the ground in clumps and yet it is calling for 20C (what is that in F?) today. I've ditched my undershirt for the day but feel positively 'nekked' without it.
It's the Alpaca Show here this week-end, so I'll get my alpaca fix. Hugging alpacas is a good thing. They are beautiful animals. Their fleece provides me with warm feet all winter long.
Beats the hell
outa me. I recall speaking to this woman at the door between kitchen and dining room during the day, not evening, shortly before we all headed home. She had just dropped by I think. Don't waste your time sorting this out.
The world has far greater problems that need your attention, like how will I survive having my income (taxable adjusted gross) in '08 lower by about $20,000 than it was in '07. If someone comes up with a retreat this year or next I'll probably have to ride it out. If I had the energy I'd try to organize one here in God's country. Oh well, I'm not going to go hungry.
sorry about the double post. It is showing that my post wasn't going onto the board. Rosey
No longer scratching my head
Jane, I've been thinking...the hardest thing I do all day...I wonder if you were talking to a short woman with short straight greyish hair...she is a vet and a of Vicki C. I can't remember if she was here at the Friday night supper. If so, I'll bet that who it was that you are thinking about.
Brain working overtime
Jane, I'm wondering it the vet was also a quilter? There is a quilter who is a vet who belongs to our local quilt guild. Was this woman short, with short greyish hair? Otherwise, my brain isn't registering.
Susan Boyle
For anyone who hasn't heard her on You tube, CBS, Comcast, or whatever other media connection, be sure you do. What a treat!
It's nice to hear someone who will silence Simon and make him raise his eyebrows in disbelief.
I'm refinishing an antique chair today. Between cutting out red and white 2 and 1/2 strips and laundry, etc. Hopefully the chair will turn out well. It used to be black, it is going to be white "shabby chic", or slightly distressed. Since it is over 100 years old it should fit the chair just fine.
OK, maybe time for a 30 in. nap.
Sara in Fla.
Rosey's "Vet"
Jane, I've been sitting here scratching my head about your reference to my Vet coming in to visit here during the retreat a few years ago. I know that we had all sorts of 'guests' coming in here including several 'guests' who were not invited for supper on Friday night, but my vet? I am wondering if you are thinking of my friend, Margaret, who works in a pharmacy in Toronto and if you might be referring to her? My vet makes house calls but the only person in need of medical support did not happen to be here at the time. Now you have me thinking....maybe I am getting doggie dementia.
(Jane: DOGGIE DEMENTIA, otherwise known as "canine cognitive disorder" is somewhat treatable. When I was at Rosey's retreat a number of years ago her vet visited and we talked about it as my beloved Molly was clearly confused and after the move from one house to another she was a mess. The vet told me about a fairly effective medication and after returning my vet prescribed it.)
West Mi reporting
Just a note to let you all know Dianna's Dad died today.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Hugs, Mayme
Check out that
YouTube site Jill posted. It'll knock your socks off. I hope that lady reaps more than momentary notice. I'm sure she could always sing like that but because she is what they used to call plain nobody wanted her. What a loss.
On a similar note,
when's the last time you saw a female newscaster who was over forty and possibly, heaven forbid, a few pounds or even more than a few pounds overweight and didn't look like a fashion model? Where are the real women of talent and smarts? They are in government, law, medicine and many other
pursuits including raising kids but popular culture shuns them. I'll say it again, what a loss. Shame on a society with such shallow values.
Jane on her soap box again.
DORIS, I see your
point and agree. The local adoption group takes dogs in from the pound which are out of time. They are then fostered and receive often needed vet care often including neutering and are then put up for adoption. The adoptive owner pays a fee for all these services of course. I agree, I don't want a neurotic animal that has separation or abuse issues. Either can eventually adapt but I will look hard at the temperament of any animal I ever adopt. I want a pal, not a head case or a cause. Every once in a while I just stop there and check out the pooches and every once in a while I have come very close to giving in. Once, when I approached the area a dog who looked like he had quite a bit of German Shepherd in him but he was a
much more manageable size and I thought his tail would wag right off of him as I approached. I held out my hand to give him a sniff and he was on his back in no time. He got a good tummy rub from me and I almost took him home with me. That kind of submissiveness means ease of training and anxiety to please. I'm sure he was gone by the end of that session under the tent that a local funeral parlor provides. Other times there would be nothing I'd be interested in. They have cats now and then but there is a rather famous no kill shelter here built with private money and run by "Cat Man Two" and that's where I'd go if I were in the market for a cat. The
doggie group is named "
ARF" which is an acronym the meaning of which is beyond me. I could never foster a dog. I'd end up keeping all the ones that didn't bite me.
Now to take my old pooch for my first try at the steep old logging trail alongside my house since before the accident. I'll take the cane with me as I'm not sure but what I'll need it to steady my on the way down.
JANE in NC - I agree with you about not getting a puppy, with your orthopedic issues taken into consideration. A very dear friend in her 80s lost her 15 y/o dog last summer. He was our Alex's litter mate. She is widowed and lives alone, and knew she was not quite ready to deal with a puppy. Our groomer suggested she visit our local dog pound and talk with them, as she has many clients who adopted there. My friend had not planned on it, but one day found herself turning her car into their facility. She told them what type dog she previously had, what she can handle, and .... three days later they called her with a male 5 y/o Shih Tzu that had been turned in. It truly was a miracle. Seems the former owner had gotten a new puppy and Eli "was being mean to the puppy", so they got rid of Eli. We are guessing the new puppy was also a male and Eli was trying to establish his dominance in the pack and the owner didn't realize what they had done. This is just our guess.... Eli came completely house trained, is wonderfully calm and is a bit of watch dog to protect his new owner, which is good since she's in her 80s and lives alone. The pound assessed this dog very well and it has worked out beautifully for my DGF.
I am personally skittish of rescues, as many (though not all) of them come with issues and I am not willing nor prepared to deal with the various issues. I won't fault the President, or anyone else, for not taking a rescue. I have enough issues of my own, in the health arena, and don't need many more challenges in life. The rescues where an owner goes into a nursing home, or has moved to housing that prohibits pets would be the easiest, IMO, to adopt with few problems.
This 'n That
Good morning friends.
DOGGIE DEMENTIA, otherwise known as "canine cognitive disorder" is somewhat treatable. When I was at
Rosey's retreat a number of years ago her vet visited and we talked about it as my beloved Molly was clearly confused and after the move from one house to another she was a mess. The vet told me about a fairly effective medication and after returning my vet prescribed it. I can't recall the name but it made quite a difference. She was much more social and was able to find the door to the new house. Previously she'd panic and run in circles around the house unable to locate the door. She made some eye contact and let me give her a smooch. I strongly advise a visit with your vet.
SARA, so glad DH finally knows what he's up against. A nasty disease indeed but does run it's course. DD#1 had it in
high school and it was six weeks before she could go full tilt and she was 16 and very fit (a
competitive swimmer).
LAURA your dogwood is awesome. We have a lot here, both wild and
cultivars but I've never seen one like that.
DORIS, the last one about the The Three Little Pigs via email convulsed my strict Baptist friends at the quilt frame Friday. All five of us who were there had taught elementary school at one time or another and we had tears in our eyes from the laughter.
Your Sophie is adorable. As many of you know I'm a spaniel person largely because DH was a bird hunter and we always had spaniels both thoroughbreds and mixes over the years. The mix was a great bird dog and baby sitter. My Shadow is getting quite deaf but still hounds me (pardon the
expression) to hit the tennis balls out the door for her. If I manage to outlive Shadow, which not necessarily likely, the question becomes, do I get another dog. If
I'm still managing decently on my own I won't be able to resist. However I will no doubt head for the local pet adoption outing which occurs on Saturday mornings, until I run into a dog of reasonable size, good temperament and has a few years on him/her. I don't think I can handle the energy of a pup, especially a springer (there is a reason for that name) unless I get a senior from a rescue group. There is a group called
springers for seniors on line.
By the way, I think the
Obamas have set a poor example by acquiring a
thoroughbred rather than a rescue. I hear the
Portuguese Water dog is a gift from Ted Kennedy.
Jane ready to get into motion.
Spaniel brain sets in

A Happy Easter to all. We dodged a bullet with the tornadoes on Friday, as Murfreesboro is 25 miles due east of us. Our own tornado sirens were screaming for a couple hours and I was glued to the TV watching the storm radar, ready to bolt to the basement if necessary, with dog on leash, cellphone, wallet & keys in pockets.
Our little Sophie is now 20 weeks old and growing like a weed. She gained three pounds, in four weeks. (did I mention she loves her food? LOL) Her 'spaniel brain' software has finally been uploaded and installed. She now is quite distracted by every bird she sees, whether in the air or on the ground. I doubt this breed was ever used for serious hunting but it is in her blood, so there it is. She also goes mad sniffing the ground and driveway, tracking whichever critter has been walking about on our property. ;-) Her worst offense - bird poo. 'nuff said.
I'll try to include a photo here but who knows if it will upload? ...
Sophie will get spayed in another four weeks so that she will not succumb to wanton ways. She's really a bright dog and has learned several commands already. DH and I are enjoying her very much, she knows her job description and performs it well: lap dog. She loves her big walks -- we'll go one or 1 1/2 miles, at least once a day. The pollen has made me sick, so she is learning to walk on the treadmill. Actually she is doing quite well with it, too. Twenty minutes on that wears her out because she has to concentrate.
Fran in Sth Aust – Isn’t it odd how plants considered garden variety in one region are looked upon as weeds in another? Some people actually plant SpiderWort, while I can’t get rid of the !@#$! Stuff in my yard.
Laura in AL – what a beautiful dogwood tree!! Thank you for sharing that.
Sara in FL – well finally a diagnosis! But mono, who would have ever thought!?!? At least now your DH can get the right meds. It’s a miracle that jaundice and/or hepatitis had not set in after so long with no diagnosis.
Jane in NC – aren’t health insurance and bills a complete puzzle? I love the $200-$300 pillow charge for the hospital bed and always ask if I may bring my own from home. Ha!
Jill – Your Dyna probably has some sort of age-related dementia or behavior issue about that couch. LOL but in a kind way, because our Alex acted very asocial and odd with his age-related dementia that set in when he was 12 or 13 years old.
Hugs to everyone!
our pets
Jill, I know just what you are saying, our spoilt lot are always changing their minds. The old cat , now 20 years, I expect to throw a wobbly now and then but not all the time. I belong to him and he expects me to take note of whatever he decides he wants.Out all day but all night wants to sit on my chest and purr very loudly, I can't see, I can't hear and am very sick of trying to watch TV through fur.He demands feeding all the time, forgets he has been fed and wants to come in and out all night. I put a litter box in the bathroom for him and now he comes in , uses the box, and wanders out again .He is very vocal and our neighbours can hear him when he calls outside our bedroom window. I am very round and he can't sit on my lap as I don't have one.Hence the chest seat. The dog is as bad and changes his mind all the time, the young cat stays out until I close the kitchen window to go to bed and then screams to come in. It is wonderful when they are all settled for the night and peace falls in our house AND THEN a saw starts up and rasps and chunters for the rest of the night. I am going to buy earpluggs next week, Dh says he is quiet at night, I must borrow a taperecorder so he can hear the racket he makes. No wonder I don't sleep, one night he even started singing "Onward Christian Soldiers"
I am on the computer at all hours and sometimes even fall asleep here , at least it is quiet. Hugs for now Bee in NZ.