Sunday, April 12, 2009

our pets

Jill, I know just what you are saying, our spoilt lot are always changing their minds. The old cat , now 20 years, I expect to throw a wobbly now and then but not all the time. I belong to him and he expects me to take note of whatever he decides he wants.Out all day but all night wants to sit on my chest and purr very loudly, I can't see, I can't hear and am very sick of trying to watch TV through fur.He demands feeding all the time, forgets he has been fed and wants to come in and out all night. I put a litter box in the bathroom for him and now he comes in , uses the box, and wanders out again .He is very vocal and our neighbours can hear him when he calls outside our bedroom window. I am very round and he can't sit on my lap as I don't have one.Hence the chest seat. The dog is as bad and changes his mind all the time, the young cat stays out until I close the kitchen window to go to bed and then screams to come in. It is wonderful when they are all settled for the night and peace falls in our house AND THEN a saw starts up and rasps and chunters for the rest of the night. I am going to buy earpluggs next week, Dh says he is quiet at night, I must borrow a taperecorder so he can hear the racket he makes. No wonder I don't sleep, one night he even started singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" I am on the computer at all hours and sometimes even fall asleep here , at least it is quiet. Hugs for now Bee in NZ.


At April 12, 2009 at 4:51 AM , Blogger Lavinia said...

Bee, has your DH been checked for sleep apnea? Just a thought...

At April 12, 2009 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Jane in NC said...

I was going to post a similar question. I snored my poor DH to the guest room on the other side of the house. Even my son-in-law teased me about the racket I made that could be heard two rooms away. Been sleeping with CPAP for over ten years now and Al told me after I got it that I'd passed the snore test after failing the sleep test. Not very sexy but anything for the peace of good sleep for the both of you.



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