Saturday, March 1, 2008

welcome spring

This is the kind of day that led me to settle in the south. The sky is a gorgeous blue. It's shirtsleeve weather and the daffodils are blooming. Of course, they were also blooming earlier in the week when it was 33 degrees F and raining...I just got back from walking the dog. The neighbors are out washing their cars. I just hope that nothing is ruined when we freeze again next week.

I should be either grading papers or working on Mom's quilt, but instead I'm sitting at the computer. I'm going to a community theater production of Guys and Dolls later this evening, so I guess I won't get much done today.

I much quit posting my weight losses, but today I have to rejoice. My jeans were so baggy that I had to buy new ones. I bought size 12 for the first time in probably 20 years. I know that they have made the sizes larger, so what size is that in 1970's sizes?
Laura in Alabama

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ok, I'll get used to it, I'm sure! (the new format, that is!)

I asked for an invitation to the regular BB. Hopefully Sue will see that right away.

We are having snow/rain/freezing rain right now. Lovely weather. I love it here in winter!
(riiiiiight). Actually, on Saturday, DH and I went out cross country skiing on a fresh 8-10" of snow. It was lovely. So the white stuff is good for something! But not with rain on top.
My round robin is supposed to meet tonight, but one person already emailed to say they weren't going out again tonight. I'm not sure if we are going to cancel or not. The regular meeting on the second Tuesday of the month also got snowed out. That is why we are meeting tonight.
Well, if we don't meet, perhaps I should sew instead! Good use of the time, I would say!

I have a lot of UFO's that need to be finished. It takes me YEARS to complete a project. That's what happens when you have a lot of projects going simultaneously. :-/
But I'm a process person, so I don't worry too much about it!

Ronna in Happy Valley


This new format is a bit hard to get used to :-/

Is it just me, or is this new format a bit hard to use? I am not sure which page to bookmark. If I just view the blog, I can't post. I had to sign on multiple times before it would recognize me and let me get to my dashboard where I could post. It kept giving me the "no such account" message! Sheeeesh.
Do you need a separate invitation to be able to post on the regular quiltBB page?

Monday, February 25, 2008

back in town

I've been "down south" visiting my 90 yr. old Mom, and then had company over the weekend.
I'm so thankful for GF who put me up, otherwise I would have to have slept on the air mattress on the floor at Mom's house. I did that once, and hopefully won't have to do it again. At least GF is in my age bracket and we could listen to Doo-Whop music and be silly once and awhile.
Jane-your rain was there and here, I drove back in it on Thursday afternoon. They have had severe droughts also, so they needed it.
The latest thing in Florida is "water wars" over who gets to take fresh water out of the springs for drinking water. (guess they never thought of not building more condos, houses, theme parks, etc.)
Haven't done any quilting lately, and am itching to get back into the room and start.
Today was catch up, laundry, a hit at the grocery.
Glad to hear Jane is out and about. We have had some of the gloom also, but today was beautiful. The trees and shrubs are starting to flower, beautiful, even though the pollen is bad. Singular is my latest for the alergies. It seems to be working.
The brain had more in it, but somehow it went out the ear when I got to posting.
More later in the week of my domestic life!
Sara in Florida