Central Ohio Glider Club
Judy, Jock was very interested in your posting, which I've forwarded to his computer and he has looked on the internet but cannot find anything major going on at that club. It may be a rally within the club itself. With you being further south than us, the gliders may have another few week-ends left...with good soaring weather. Jock's club is pretty much through by the end of Sept. and their mid-week flying is over as of this week-end. Our weather is very overcast and windy today so his trip to his club did not come about. He was busy here taking phone messages for me (smile). I volunteer to help out a soapmaker every Sat. at the Farmer's Mkt. in town on Sat. mornings in town. Thanks for posting, Judy. Jock was quite pleased.
And I have had a problem. I've used one of those Pigma pens on an apron and it's run into the white applique. I cannot get it out. Another quilter suggested pouring boiling water from a distance onto it and let it run through the material. This has taken a fair amount of red out but it's still marking the white cloth in a pale pink blush. I've also used Oxyclean spray. I've never used Pigma pens before and I don't intend to use them on cloth again. It's a Micron archival ink pen. It says for waterproof, fadeproof lines and they aren't kidding. I'll post it to the other board as well.
Gliders in their Glory in Central Ohio
Rosey, I've been thinking about your Jock today because while I've been working in my back yard garden (cutting back my peonies, hostas, daylilies and other perennials) I've been stopping to watch the "glider show" overhead. There must be some kind of "rally" or "gathering" going on at the Marion, Ohio airport today because the tow planes and gliders are in full glory overhead ... buzzing sound of tow plane, release, another buzz, release .... I swear they are doing it right over my neighborhood just for my enjoyment. :-) The tow plane banks away back toward the airport and the glider goes on its merry way and I want to wave but, of course, no one is paying any attention to the worker down on her knees in the dirt. Blue skies, a wisp or two of cloud and obviously a perfect day for lots of people who enjoy gliding in peace and quiet ...
I would say they are coming along "fast and furious" but that is silly to apply that phrase to gliders that only have one speed. However, there are a lot of them taking off today so obviously it is not a normal day at what I jokingly call "Marion International". LOL
Judy in Ohio
Nothing special
Marion, that aftershock you're experiencing would be considered an earthquake of some proportions here in Southern Ontario. I'd be a nervous wreck living with that, to say nothing of poor Holly and how she is coping with them down there.
Swatting flies is just another autumn sport here in the country. Some people are really inundated; I'm not but most people take the vacuum cleaner to them. It's called 'sucking flies'. We have an exciting life here in the countryside...lol.
My social life is bound by the B&B, planes (gliding), my studio, Curves, the bank, grocery store and so when, last week I had a call at noontime and the call display said: John Roth, I knew that I was talking to the former CEO & Pres. of Nortell. Nortell shares climbed so high ten years ago that I bought my last car with them. He had the wrong number. He was looking for the man he'd lined up to spray his house for flies. Think the company must have my old fax number. In any case, where or when would I ever have had the opportunity to speak directly to the CEO & Pres. of Nortel but for a wrong number and his need to spray flies. Nortel went t*ts up some years ago. I told him what I'd done with his stock ten years ago and that I needed a new car again. He chuckled and said: There's nothing left. I'll say. Nortel took down a lot of folks who had shares in it and many people lost great sums of money. He's sitting in a very, very large home not far from here. He obviously didn't hold onto his stock.
Traumatized dogs....!
I can just imagine
Rosey, rushing around with the fly swat ! A scary vision indeed ! Poor Hope ! Here we have a traumatized Beagle . She rushes to the door as soon as she feels an after-shock. Doesn't make for a restful time for any of us as she is more sensitive to them than we are . Last night we had six within the hour from 10.30pm., the strongest was 4.4 magnitude. I only felt three of them.
Christchurch is functioning well, repairs and
demolitions are taking place, but seemingly, in a very
controlled way. Most people, whose homes are beyond repair, have now been moved to holiday or rental
accommodation.The Housing Corp. will pay the rent for the first month and
guarantee the home owners that the
accommodation will be returned in the same condition as it was taken over. That sounds fair. Some tension in the city about "historic buildings " (built in the latter half of the 19
th Century ) being restored (at great cost) . So important to some and less so for others. People are tired and a bit
jumpy still. Lots of counsellors out there, available for people who need that sort of help. Out here in the country the sun is shining and I am busy baking for the volunteers while DH is out mowing lawns for a sick neighbour.
What a colourful world we live in. There's Doris looking out onto "burning bushes " and
Rosey walking through "colourful tunnels. My hyacinths are delicate pastel shades, the Poly's are vibrant reds and yellows, the pansies, all colours, and the
anemones, deep purple and red...the winter roses are fading but still beautiful and all this surrounded by the daffodils and blossom trees.. Altogether, a lot to enjoy and be thankful for.
Have a good day.
Thanks, Marion! :-)
I've appreciated your updates, Marion. Our news coverage hasn't shown much lately. I've been thinking of those who have lost so much.
Mary in Oregon
Tuesday evening
Marion in NZ - Actually, I don't watch much news these days. We're in another election cycle and the media just loves to plaster their garbage and sensationalism throughout the nation. So really, your updates are all I have at this point, on New Zealand's recovery from the earthquake. Besides, we get the real hands-on report from you, instead of some glossy TV presenter.
Rosey P. -- Flies! I remember those flies when we had Rosey's Retreat at your B&B in September, several years ago. Does fly paper help? I once tried that, and did quite the excellent job of getting myself stuck to it. Ack.
We are getting hints of autumn here, too. Several nights with lows of 52° have told the maples to start turning gold at the tops of the trees, and some of the Bermuda grasses are trying to go dormant. The "burning bushes" are also starting to turn red at the tips===a sure sign of some cool nights and shorter days.
Speaking of shorter days . . . ugh!!! Why is it so hard to get out of bed in the mornings, when it is dark outside? The older I get, the worse the problem becomes. LOL I don't have this problem when daylight has broken by 5:30 a.m.
Hugs to everyone.....
Marion, I did a double-take when I saw the subject head...spring. I'm so into fall mode that I think the whole world must be that way too. Then you post and I think, the world is upside down and it had to be you posting as I read on. Our nights are getting colder, our days still pleasant and longsleeve T-shirt weather, sweaters at night. The fields are turning to yellow with the 'weed' flowers which I find just as pretty as the cultivated ones. The contrast of yellow ochre and tiny purple asters with yellow centres in the fields is breathtaking. Because we've had so much rain and warm, hot weather the weeds in the fields are truly up over our heads and walking through the fields on the paths cut by himself, we are walking through colorful tunnels. So that's our world up here on top of the world and down under spring has sprung. Has the trauma eased any for people in Christchurch?
Today, a quick trip up and back to Georgian Bay and a delivery of hand-made soaps to a store in the small town of Midland (I help out a soapmaker at the farmer's market in town every Sat. and this store is taking on her line of soaps, which are great). The waters of Georgian Bay were a brilliant turquoise, reminiscent of the Caribbean (never remember if it's two R's or two B's).
Aussie Hope is traumatized by the flyswatting going on here at the moment and hiding out in the bedroom upstairs. In fall here the flies all try to come into the house from the fields to lay their eggs and these hatch in the first sunny days of January inside our windows. Some people have their homes sprayed for flies at this time of year; we don't but I spend some time swatting them with the flyswatter and having to apologize to Hope. Something must have happened in her earlier life when she wasn't with us that may have precipitated this.
Gearing up for splitting the wood for winter. Himself chain-sawed a whole pup trailer load of long trees (minus the branches) into woodstove lengths in less than one month. Pretty amazing for a seventy-three year old fellow. We then rent a commercial log-splitter and hopefully get it all cut up and then stacked before the snow flies.
Winter preparations begin and Marion is admiring her flowers coming up.
Spring has sprung !
We've had some real warmth here this week and I can almost hear the grass growing ! The garden is full of colour and the smells are wonderful.. I do love the change of seasons..
I even took the electric blanket off this morning ! That may be a bit premature as the nights are still cold, but it seemed the right thing to do at the time..... DH has taken the mower to be fixed. I swear it spends more time "getting fixed" than mowing lawns. Maybe the garage is just a good place for men to gather and gossip ?!
DD#1 is flying back to H.K. today. She has been in Scotland for most of the last three months. Her three eldest children returned to Boarding School last week. She has closed the house up and will return for half-term in the middle of October... Strange way to live but they seem to cope well. DH and I hope to join them all in HK for Christmas. We haven't seen those grandchildren for over two years. Too long... Next week we are off to Auckland to see DD#2 and family. I understand that we are to look after the DGSs while the parents take DGD to some cycle races somehwere... Looking forward to it.
Off for a hair cut now then later I'll be seeing some friends.
Enjoy the day.
One week on...
85% of the city is back to normal. All but 9 schools reopened today and 358 of the 388
pre-school are open too. . We drove through the city on Saturday and there seemed to be very little damage. Some roads and some properties were cordoned off, but very few. That said, there are 5000 homes
uninhabitable or exposed to the weather, so there are families experiencing a great deal of stress. Communities are all pulling together and most people seem to be coping well. Anger is replacing fear and relief for some. A new subdivision has suffered extreme problems with liquefaction... a new word for most of us, but quite devastating in its effects. There is a question about the suitability of the land for a building
Thank you for your interest and concern. I'm sure you've heard more than you needed to about our experiences. Enough now.
Have a good week.