Saturday, September 18, 2010

Gliders in their Glory in Central Ohio

Rosey, I've been thinking about your Jock today because while I've been working in my back yard garden (cutting back my peonies, hostas, daylilies and other perennials) I've been stopping to watch the "glider show" overhead. There must be some kind of "rally" or "gathering" going on at the Marion, Ohio airport today because the tow planes and gliders are in full glory overhead ... buzzing sound of tow plane, release, another buzz, release .... I swear they are doing it right over my neighborhood just for my enjoyment. :-) The tow plane banks away back toward the airport and the glider goes on its merry way and I want to wave but, of course, no one is paying any attention to the worker down on her knees in the dirt. Blue skies, a wisp or two of cloud and obviously a perfect day for lots of people who enjoy gliding in peace and quiet ...

I would say they are coming along "fast and furious" but that is silly to apply that phrase to gliders that only have one speed. However, there are a lot of them taking off today so obviously it is not a normal day at what I jokingly call "Marion International". LOL

Judy in Ohio


At September 19, 2010 at 5:19 PM , Blogger Doris W. in TN said...

I would say they are coming along "fast and furious" but that is silly to apply that phrase to gliders that only have one speed.

Rosey - speed is relative. LOL


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