Friday, September 10, 2010


MARION: I do hope the after-shocks are almost over and things can start happening re rebuilding, clearing up, etc in earnest.

ROSIE: You do paint pictures with words so well!! I laughed at the description of your vegetable mishap! I think I'd stick to salads too LOL
We've been invited to a wedding in Toronto in November!! Sadly I'll still be at school for another month so no hope of us attending. DH's nephew is marrying a Toronto native. He is originally from NZ and they met there, although his family now lives in Australia. They're getting married at The Oakville Club.....(?) I'll make a quilt and hopefully deliver it sometime in the next year or so!

Time to settle down in front of the TV for an hour or so.
(who wants to hear more about the dogS also!)


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