The possible move?
Yes, Rosy "thinkin' on" is the right term. DH has convinced me to go look at condos at the local beach tomorrow afternoon. There is a sweet youngish (to us) real estate agent that took us around to several places back in 2009. He spoke to her today and we are meeting late tomorrow at one place. Unfortunately with the downturn in the economy, our present house is worth about $25,000 less than what we were hoping for. It all is dependant on the "comps" as they say. Other houses in the general area, of a general size, that have sold in the last 6 mo. or so.
If I could be assured of a place that I can re-create my quilty room in, and the rest of the place to make shabby chic, or thereabouts, I would consider it. An unhappy husband is not a joy to be around. Having gone through cancer treatment he is probably thinking about how much time he has left on this earth. He grew up just blocks from the ocean, and bla, bla,bla.
Meanwhile, I have been having anxiety, IBS, and the whole 9 yards. It's not waking up in another place, but the moving process. --As Bee can relate to.
Just venting ladies. I'm down in the dumps right now. Others would say, she has a chance for a condo on the ocean, and doesn't want it? What's wrong with her!
Change is never easy, but it's one of the things that is certain, along with death and taxes.
OK, need to clean up the kitchen and take shower #2 for the day.
Sara in Fla.
you are so right, I was even up at 2am this morning playing on the computer . I don't mind at least I can have a nana nap in the afternoon. Fran, good you could find you way.Hugs from a cold Bee in cold NZ.
Nice to see the postings
And hear everyone's news. Bee, it sounds like you are doing the only thing you can do to deal with grief...keep busy....I'm glad to hear it. Tears can be shed in private but when you are with other people, smiles happen and then, afterwards, you come back home to try and deal with the emptiness of the house but better able to cope over time.
Fran, great to see you posting again. Thank you for commenting on Ceilidh. A week ago Monday, the 24th of May, Victoria Day here and a holiday for all, including vets. Fortunately, we have a vet living nearby and she cares for and looks after our first Aussie, Geordie. She's been with me when I've had to put our earlier dogs down due to old age and illness. It's hard to wipe intense happenings from your mind, isn't it. I can still see Ceilidh's eyes and that, too, is painful but I'm grateful for her life and love. Thank Shannon also, for me; I'm thinking, Son #3, is Shannon and he and his wife will be moving to Melbourne, which I'm told, is such a beautiful city. But you'll miss all your ducklings...won't you. They've been a traveling bunch.
Sara, house up for sale and now what...where might you think of moving to? I could almost taste that Reuben sandwhich that you described and I could certainly see in my mind's eye, the oceon. I also know about the humidity in Florida. In my early twenties, I attended a birthday party of a close friend (she and I live close to one another in the country now, surprisingly enough) and when we stepped off the plane in Miami, the spikes on my heels sunk into the tarmac on the runway...those were the days when we clambered down steps off planes...ancient times, lol. On the way up the coast, we all had our heads hung out the car window...also before the days of airconditioning in cars. I thought that I would surely suffocate. I know it takes awhile for northerners to adapt to the hot, humid weather in Florida but airconditioning has made it all possible, hasn't it.
Two horsewomen guests here at the moment with a dear little and old, Jack Russell, Oscar. He has been provided with Ceilidh's bed on the floor of their room. They are competing in a dressage competition close by. Last week-ends guests had me running and the older I get, my ability to cope with confusion here with the B&B, diminishes.
This & that
Hi from the land of humidity. Yesterday and today it is 95% humid out there. Makes you feel like you are walking in a damp sponge.
Well, the big news is that a Real Estate person is coming tomorrow evening at 6PM to tell us what our house is worth on today's market. I've been cleaning out closets, touching up the paint scratches, and spreading more mulch, after pulling weeds. I was totally wiped out yesterday morning after 1 hour of such. Went to Lowe's again for 6 bags of pine bark nuggets, and got them all down last night by where the front sidewalk meets the street.
It looks very good if I do say so myself.
We spent Memorial day weekend in Daytona, biked up and down the beach and saw all the people in various shades of colors and dress. Ate wonderful fish ruben sandwich at a little beach side place. It sounds terrible, but tasts great. Fried grouper with thousand island dressing, cole slaw and served on rye bread. The Atlantic ocean for your view.
Back to reality on Tues, did about 8 loads of laundry and so on.
Rosy--hope your B & B people are all gone, and that things are "normal" now.
Did I tell you I went to a Kirkin 'O the Tartans while in Savannah? One of the Presbyterian churches there has it every year with the Scottish games. The men wear their kilts, bring in the clan banners, bag pipes, etc. Very moving. Esp. hearing Scottland the Brave on the bagpipes.
I think at times like that I'm the designated cryer.
OK, going to consume some coffee or tea and wake up and hit the grocery store.
Sara in Fla.
well, that was simple!!!
Don't know what happened! One minute I couldn't post and the next I could! Thanks Bee for asking for me and Mary for emailing the url. I'm in on my new computer!
First, I need to say - Rosie, I'm very sorry to hear about your dear Ceilidh - it's so sad when we have to say goodbye to such dear friends. Shannon sends his condolences also.
What a blow also to see that someone had infiltrated the BB Chat and been so downright nasty and sneaky. A hope it was a once-off. At least you know who it is.
BEE: Glad to hear that you continue to be filling up your days with activities. We think of you often.
TENNEH: All the best for your move and also in looking for fulltime work.
Winter has arrived here with a vengeance. Cold, wet and blustery today, although all you in Nth America (and NZ too probably) would laugh if you knew what we consider all that to be. It looks as if the drought has broken in S.Aust as well now, as we've had 50 mm odd (2") of rain in the past fortnight here on the edge of the desert, the most for the year and about 2/3 of what we've had altogether.
Our boys have been on the move. DS#1 is almost finished with his studies in Prague but will then spend 2 weeks travelling through Europe and another 3 weeks in SE Asia. We're just hoping that no more volcanoes burst their boilers before he's safely home. DS#2 who works for a travel agent, spent an all-expenses paid 5 days in Thailand the other week. We were on tenterhooks until he came home, but he assured us that although they stayed one night in Bangkok they didn't hear or see any fighting or disturbance at all. DS#3 and DDIL are moving to Melbourne sometime in the next month, as she has secured a job at the Melbourne Library. Thankfully he can work for his company from home and his bosses are quite pleased that he will now be a local presence for them, saving quite a few trips interstate. For us though it's a 15 hour drive or a 4 hour drive to Adelaide before flying or taking the train. At least it's not North America.................yet.
Hugs to those who need them. All the best to all,
Fran in Sth Oz.
Disappearing posts
I started to read the BBChat this morning and all of a sudden all of the posts about the changeover just disappeared off the screen. Did anyone else have this problem? I think I'm in the right place already, but don't particularly like to miss out on what others have posted.
I have a request from Fran in S'Australia, she missed the changeover and now can't read this board. Silly woman she asked me how to change over. If t hadn't been for our dear Eric changing me I would still be in space. Can anyone help her? Rosey thank you for asking things are getting a lot better, I am beginning to look forward and am getting very involved in charity quilts, did consider Toastmasters (Thank you Sarah)but the vet asked me if I would consider fostering kittens later on , I have done this before and did enjoy it so goody. I have also begun going to a craft group and maybe starting painting again. This will depend on finances as I don't have any paints or brushes etc. I am becoming so busy I have to write down what I am going to be doing each day.By the way the charity quilts are very different from my usual ones , these are for the pr em babies and are quite small ,about my size right now,they go over the incubators and then the parents take them home, I did make the ones for still Born's but not right now. Its very wet and cold but as they all keep on telling me its winter. Hugs Bee in NZ.