checking in . . . still here
Hi y'all. I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying our summer.
I've been out of circulation due to my 6 1/2 y/o computer getting very very slow. Bit of a story and I won't bore you with the details. It was time to trade up. We bought a new computer and it would not install a couple of programs, so it had to go to our computer guy. (sheesh!) He finally got the 'puter to take them while in "Safe" mode. Argh. But I'm back online and figured out how to find the BB Chat here. (I lost all my bookmarks/favorites from the old computer). I agree that it is a PITA to sign in for posting, but at least we still have the BB Chat and it is free of spammers and flamers.
Yes, ITA. Old age does not come alone. I had hernia repair surgery eight years ago and the blasted thing has torn again this summer. I'll see the surgeon in a week. The memories of my last inguinal hernia repair surgery are still etched vividly in my mind (like childbirth was) and I am NOT looking forward to doing this again. Ugh.
After a week or two of high temps in the mid 90s, we're back to highs in the upper 80s. It's been a nice summer, especially compared to last year. DH and I are off to Scottsdale, AZ for a mini-vacation this weekend. While hoping the hernia doesn't totally blow out, I'm looking forward to the trip. DGF and I will walk the mall slowly (LOL) and the rest of the trip is rather passive while the DHs play golf in the Arizona heat.
A friend sent me this link in an email; here is a really precious dog video: Enjoy!
Hugs to everyone!
Doris W. in TN
Testing Testing 1 2 3 ...
Just checking to see if I can post.
The whole page has been unavailable to many
of us for the past few days.
These computers, who knows!
It's all greek to me.
Sorry for your cold Rosie, they are such a pain!
Always enjoy the pictures, just yummy.
What a rigamarole
Tried to get on this morning and I'm told that my password doesn't work. I followed instructions and reset with a new password. Intereresting to note that my last password was 6 characters and Google informed me that I had to have at least 8 characters in it. Now to remember it even though my last password was set on my computer to remember it; it didn't work.
Marion, I love the expression from your mother: old age doesn't come alone. How true. Hopefully we can outrun old age for awhile but before long it does catch up.
I don't know if I informed the board of the startling revelation which I'm sure no-one is remotely interested in that my pool pooper was a turkey...and maybe I did mention this so forgive the repetition. At the moment, I am seeing the male turkey with his flock behind him creeping up the back garden eating his morning breakfast. I shall release the hounds if he comes to the pool but he's a sneaky fellow and I seldom see him taking his morning drink out of the chlorinated pool.
Still lots of rain here in Southern Ontario, grass is growing like mad, tractor of course is broken. What else can be expected. Machinery is needed to survive in the country and it breaks down all the time. You have to be a part-time mechanic to survive in the country.
Caught yet another of my grandchildren's colds on Sunday and am feeling unwell at the moment. I think because of the severity with which I catch colds these days that I'm going to have to eliminate contact with grandchildren and their colds. Age is catching up. I don't get over them as well and they end up in sinus infections; otherwise, I never catch them except from my grandkids.
So it's a day to lay low and read library books.
Yesterday on the Lindis Pass....

This was taken on our way home yesterday. Just a skiff of snow but enough to make it all look so different. We had a good week. The men enjoyed some skiing and the ladies some quiet walks. Nothing too lively as one friend had just finished her radiation therepy following breast surgery, and the other has osteoporosis . My mother used to say that "old age doesn't come by itself."..I'm beginning to know what she meant by that !
Sara , I am very sorry to read your post. Such sadness for the friends and family of that young man and another life of potential, cut short..
DH. is busy lifting paving stones. The roots of a nearby tree have lifted them in places, making it a very dangerous pathway (especially at night !) It's going to be a big job, I hope he sticks with it .. He plans to cut the roots, I hope that doesn't kill the tree.
The unpacking is done, the washing is done and put away. I'm so organised I can't believe it. Maybe that's what a few days away can do for you ?
Take care.