Yesterday on the Lindis Pass....

This was taken on our way home yesterday. Just a skiff of snow but enough to make it all look so different. We had a good week. The men enjoyed some skiing and the ladies some quiet walks. Nothing too lively as one friend had just finished her radiation therepy following breast surgery, and the other has osteoporosis . My mother used to say that "old age doesn't come by itself."..I'm beginning to know what she meant by that !
Sara , I am very sorry to read your post. Such sadness for the friends and family of that young man and another life of potential, cut short..
DH. is busy lifting paving stones. The roots of a nearby tree have lifted them in places, making it a very dangerous pathway (especially at night !) It's going to be a big job, I hope he sticks with it .. He plans to cut the roots, I hope that doesn't kill the tree.
The unpacking is done, the washing is done and put away. I'm so organised I can't believe it. Maybe that's what a few days away can do for you ?
Take care.
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