Now What ?!
As much as I've done research into 'coon-poop' on the internet and found an exact replica of the deposits made around our pool, it seems that I am wrong. Tonight while having supper, we heard a burbling sound and looked out just as the culprit dumped a very neat and tidy scat on the pool surround. It seems that we have one very big wild turkey male who is coming to the pool several times a day for a drink of chlorinated water. Now what to do. There are no options for his demise. The only solution that I can think of is to provide him with his own watering hole away from the pool and after he's taken a drink of water, he can fertilize the grass. But what to put the water in, how to keep the algae from growing in it and why do I have to water a wild turkey in the first place? Any suggestions? The scat fooled me completely because it looks like raccoon scat and while I have had in the past chickens for 14 years, their excrement was nothing this size. Goose-poop, many of us are familiar with...not so, I'll guess, turkey poop.Sorry to my friends to whom I sent the raccoon information. Had me fooled completely.
Hummmm....perhaps your turkey considers the gift he leaves behind as a tip for a wonderful drink of water? You know - good service deserves a nice tip!! LOL
Enjoy, Phyllis in Minnesota who has a slightly warped sense of humor............
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