Saturday, May 10, 2014

Doris- are you in Ponte Vedra for the golf?

I forgot to ask if Doris came down to Ponte Vedra to watch the golf.  We are just a few miles away.  DH's best friend is retired, and is a marshall, or whatever you call the volunteers.  He has been posting pics of Fred Funk, Phil Mickleson, Bubba, and all the other golfers.
Sara in Fla.

Friday, May 9, 2014

So... what's going on in the rest of the world?

Two days of moving clothes, groceries, shoes, etc. to the little condo and I'm beat.  DH has gone back to the house for another load, and is on his way back.  I'm sitting on the balcony looking at the Atlantic Ocean.  It's warm, but not yet hot, and there is a soft ocean breeze.
The little dogs didn't do so well last night and kept us awake until about 4AM.  We thought we would do what we do at "home" and put #1 in the kennel, and since #2 doesn't like going in just let her sleep on a towel outside it, and close the bathroom door.  (2nd bathroom)
Mistake!  She clawed, barked, and generally made noise every 30 min. or so until we couldn't stand it any more and let them get on the bed with us.  Any advice Rosy?  Other dog owners?  About 1 yr. ago #2 started shaking and having anxiety after her evening walk, so that's when we came up with the towel on the floor idea.  Didn't want her on the bed due to allergies.
Tried to do some quilting this AM, but gave up as the machine was jammed up.  Will have to give it a good cleaning to get all the thread nests.
Sara in Fla.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

If I'd only known. . . .

If I'd known how heavy fabric was, maybe I wouldn't have bought so much!  Got back from the quilt weekend, wonderful.  Spent Sun. night loading up 2 cars, and then we made a trip to storage unit.  Couldn't get in unit as previous person left his lock.
After we cleared that up we were too tired to unload more.  So, Mon. moped floors, etc.  The 5 sterlite boxes 24x 14 or so were heavy!  I'm taking my little Janome to the beach with me, so that is still in car.  The real estate "caravan" -number of people to look at houses new on the market- came yesterday along with the photographer, so it should be on MLS with pics. soon.
Saw Mom about 12 noon yesterday.  Walked this morning already, and it is HOT!
Going to take a bunch of winter clothes to storage unit. Won't be needing them any time soon!
Finished off the binding of 2 quilts, made a bunch of yo-yo's for a Christmas wall hanging.  Ate way too much fudge and other sweets.  Looking forward to going back again for another retreat either in the fall or next Spring.
Sara in HOT Florida.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


What a beautiful sight Rosy! We arrived home from Phoenix last week to similar colors in Iowa plus the Forsythia was in full bloom. On our drive from the airport there were medians of tulips in the center of the road.

I visited the Pella Tulip Festival on Friday and found few of their tulips blooming. I hope to return there this week to drop off some quilts to be quilted and see if the rest have bloomed. The Spring, approaching summer temperatures, is very welcome after that long winter.

In Pella I enjoyed a parade and quilt show then stopped by The Quilted Windmill and purchased Moda's Ladies Album line of fabrics. That will be my Mother's Day gift and it has me very excited. This week I am beginning a new baby quilt for the new grandson to arrive in August. New beginnings. Perfect.

Monday, May 5, 2014

From white to green.
Spring is finally emerging here in Southern Ontario, Canada. 
Yesterday, in our spring clean-up, we went back into the woods, which you can see in the top photo.  So much damage with the pine trees, huge limbs down ten to fifteen feet tall and these were not trees but limbs, making the north path impassable.  And in clearing the fallen limbs, what did I discover...but lumps of snow and ice.  Still and it's the 5th of May.  I'm sure it would still be there until the weather warmed up, it was on the northern side of the forest.  Both colours are pretty, but we're more than ready for green although last night there was a frost and steam is coming off the swimming pool this morning even though it's unheated.