Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

For us in the United States--happy Independence Day!  My niece got married 15 years ago yesterday. Her husband was a Marine at the time.  4 kids and 7 moves later they are living in Fredericksburg, VA.  I sent them a red, white & blue quilt, as I was working on it for the quilts of valor, but thought since he never got one would send it to them.
I use the I-pad most of the time.  It seems quicker and easier to me.  My cell phone crashed a week ago, and find that I like not being "connected" all the time.  DH wants me to get a new one, his company  has me on their plan, so will get one again soon.
Went to see Mom in the nursing home this morning, decorated her room with flags, etc.  I had made blueberry mini-cheesecakes and took her one with her coffee.  They were from the "Southern Living" magazine.  Not as pretty as the pictures in the Magazine, but good.  I used gluten free ginger snaps for the crust.
Back in our house, and loving the peace and quiet of my own space.  Secretly hoping the house doesn't sell so we can stay here until the first of nest year.  It is still on the market, as we signed a contract until Sept. 5th.
Going to a friend's house for a party tonight at 7PM, with fireworks in the back yard.  They have a large house and yard on the river, so it should be fun.
I also spoke to DD for over an hour last night! Wow, she was venting about her in-laws.  They have a "thing" about white, straight teeth, and were on her case about not having braces for the boys.  The father in law was also belittling his son in front of the relatives (according to her)
Everyone have a wonderful weekend.  No quilting here, just housecleaning.  
OH, also glad the big tropical storm that became a hurricane missed us!
Sara in Fla.


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