Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Guess that was sort or a strange thing to post about. Yes, for disinfecting. In years past we were told to clean tub, using 1/2 cup chlorine bleach per ??4 gal. water or some such. Then you can fill the tub with fresh water in case you don't have drinking water for 4 or 5 days. You can always use it to flush the toilets with. Don't think I would drink it now, we just go out and buy gallons of drinking water and store them for 3 or 4 months. Can wash some dishes with buckets of it in the kitchen sink. Also, for washing the body if pouring a bucket into the sink, and sponging off.
It is also good for "slime" or lots of standing water on the front side walk or driveway. If rain water stands there for days on end misquitos will start to breed. There have been 5 cases of west nile virus in our city in the past month, from misquitos biting. Yuck!
Yes, I can just keep it for future use.
Very strange to hear about an earthquake between Richmond and Washington D.C. I grew up in that area and never heard of an earthquake. Strange goings on in the world.
It looks like the hurricane will go up the East coast of U.S. and into the outer banks area of N.C.
From there, who knows?
Ran around town today going to a lunch for someone from India, and taking DH to and from getting his truck serviced. Going to bed at a decent hour tonight.
Was supposed to take the space man quilt over to the long arm quilter, but will do that tomorrow, as it is in a different direction.
Sara in Fla.


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