Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So far so good on Irene. I'm a lot calmer now than yesterday morning at this time.
These things are so unpredictable, but all the hurricane models show it moving to the East, and I hope they are right. Will watch the 5PM update. One good thing about technology, is that it improves the weather forcasting year to year. In 2009 the whole city was in a panic about the approaching storm. Lots of people took to the roads to evacuate, only to be stuck in 2-3 hr. traffic jams.
Having said that I did go to Wally-mart last evening to buy bleach, some granola bars, and a few odds and ends. We will use them anyway.
Laura, thanks for the I-29 info.
Dorris, some rain is a good thing. We have had drought conditions, especially in central and south Fla. where the water tables in the springs and lakes are so low. It is the wind and destruction that is so bad. In so. Florida there are lots of palm trees that sway with the winds. In No. Fla. and GA. the oak trees snap, and several of the old ones are rotten in the middle anyway.
I am forced to plan ahead, fill the car with gas, refill the RX for myself and DH. These are good things anyway! I'll consider them pre-trip planning.
Sara in Fla.


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