Monday, November 10, 2008

Beautiful fall weather, DH still sick

It's finally the kind of weather when I can sit in the backyard and read a book for 45 min. in warm sun, and cool air. This is what we wait for in Aug. & Sept. when it is so hot.
I took DH to the back yard about noon and fed him a grilled cheese sandwich. I wonder if he will ever be well again. This bacterial infection has hung on for over 2 weeks now. His neck glands are still swollen, and he runs a 100 temp. at least once a day. The family Dr. changed him to Amoxicilan (sp) last Monday, checked him again on Friday and told us he will continue to have swollen glands for another week. If he just had some energy back He could do something, anything, other than watch TV.
In the 30 years we have been married I've never seen him so sick.
I'm keeping him dosed with vit. c and soup, and some Advil when he will take it.
Meanwhile I'm not very content being a nurse!
At least our 2 favorite football teams won over the weekend.
If anyone has folk remedies to get the glands unswollen, etc. I'm ready to hear them.
Sick of soup in Fla. (needing to vent--thank you)


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