Tuesday, April 24, 2007


As many of you there were recent concerns about Shadow's vision and the local vet thought there were problems with cataracts as well as pupil and retina abnormalities so she referred me to the doggie ophthalmologist from Charlotte who comes to Asheville once a month. After wringing my hands for three weeks preparing myself to hear the worst I spent about 4.5 minutes in the room with the doc and he said that there were no cataracts, there is atrophy of the pupils which is not too unusual, especially with spaniels, the retinas look fine and the lenses are hardening. If she were human she'd wear reading glasses for the latter. The pupil degeneration isn't treatable and the worst that can happen is that she will squint in the bright sun and might prefer to not go out into the brightest part of the day if it gets worse. Stopping at the desk outside the treatment room feeling high as a kite I was told, "That will be $98. Oh well, I'm so relieved and would rather pay $98 for good news than bad. Shadow marches on and retrieves the tennis ball with joy especially when I add some pheasant scent a minimum of 25 times a day. She's a bit slower these days and usually wants a boost into the Jimmy unless she is particularly happy to get in there.

Landscaping crew showed up today after three or four weeks of delay and things look wonderful. They have another day's work. Then I'll have to maintain it! I'm trying to hide the garbage can and generator as well as establish cover for the birds and install 6x6 posts so feeders can be hung at window level fairly close including the quilt studio all the better to enjoy them. I'll have bird poop on all the new shrubs but, hey, that's "natural", right?. As my MIL used to say, "I may end up in the poor house but I'll go by cab." I saw a stretch limo driving through Sylva and down my way through Cullowhee today. I'd give my eye teeth to know who in this county goes anywhere except in a truck or SUV, old and broken in at that. Actually the high rent district (Cashiers, NC) is in this county and there are many multi million dollar homes hanging from the sides of mountains down there. There are enough golf courses to satisfy the most avid of golfers and that is where the chamber music festival is every summer. The limo was headed in that direction.

Relieved in NC,


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