Shadow & Jane

Jane, as I've connected personally with you, thank you for the advance notice about Shadow. Some people cannot look at pictures of their animals after they die but for me, I've surrounded myself with pictures of Ceilidh and this helps me feel that she is still with me. She is in my heart. But my daughter sent this picture of her golden and our three Aussies heading back to the woods for a'd recognize the back 'lawn' and that is Ceilidh 'rabbitting' her way along with the others. She didn't have a one at a time stroke with her back legs and I'm told her aunt Courtney did the same thing, her dam's sister. If it feels right to you, keep pictures of Molly and Shadow near you until you have another spaniel to occupy those freshly laundered dog beds. I am glad you were with Shadow at the end, hard as it is to be there when they are put down. For me, I feel that being there with them to their end is part of returning the love and support that they give us in return. I'm still in tears when talking about Ceilidh or even writing about her. And I wonder that there will ever be another Ceilidh in my life just as you may wonder if there will be another Molly in your life. Hard to see them go. Let the tears come.
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