ooooops...there goes grandpa !!

Nice to be able to post again. I tried in the New Year without success. Not sure whether or not the fault was with our machine, my technique or the BB Page !! Anyway. All the best for 2009. It looks as if it's going to be a challenging year for many of us.
Rosey ...I love your 'turn of phrase' !! Tertiary stage of the syphilitic shuffle !! The mind boggles !! Be careful out there. It sounds quite dangerous !
We enjoyed our Christmas with DD#2 and family. It was good to be with them all. We had a very relaxed Christmas day. The children all enjoyed their gifts and we had a surprisingly quiet day , the two eldest reading their new books and the youngest engrossed in his new 'Indiana Jones' lego !!! The weather was warm enough to swim (as you can see !) and Grandpa allowed himself to be pushed in, which delighted them all !!
We only stayed for four nights but it was worth the effort (and expense !) of getting there. One of the highlights was being able to "see" DD#1 and family via "skype" in Hong Kong. The cousins hadn't seen each other for five years so it was especially fun for them.
Now back to face a New Year and all that it may bring... We've had some very hot days and, just to break the monotony of that, we had a severe hail storm on Saturday which shredded the garden. A disaster for those with crops ready to harvest . Hot again today, and windy . I may stay inside and cut some fabric out for a scrap quilt . I would like to make a dent in my stash this year !!
Doris, so sorry to hear that you have lost a long time pet. It leaves such a gap..
No "Curves" for me today but maybe I'll be inspired by Rosey, and put in 30 minutes on the treadmill...
Marion .
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