Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Now that our dang daylight "savings" time is finished I'm waking up at 5:30AM. I just lay there this morning, and fell back to sleep for a bit.
The last 2 nights we have put the heat on. A nice change from the heat. And the humidity has fallen to 30-40% instead of 90%.
Questions-has anyone bought the "organic" sheets? They are 2 to 3 times the price of other cotton sheets, or blends. I'm wondering if they are worth it. Are they softer?
I'm still shoveling out from coming back from our short trip. I emptied and re-organized the food pantry, and gave stuff to our food pantry. Got some new containers OXO Pop--clear hard plastic that can be opened with one had. Found out I had about 6 boxes of spagetti. Good grief. I still have 3 large jars of Mayo, but will keep them for the time being.
DH & I are working out. Trying to get off weight before the Thanksgiving-Christmas season.
Sara in Fla.


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