Monday, February 19, 2007


I think I've posted a photo but I can't see any sigh of it here !! Maybe it just goes straight to the BB !! Can you tell I have no understanding of what I'm trying to do ? The photo was taken at the w/end when we were up at Lake Sumner...It was lovely up at the lake and although we returned earlier than expected, we will go back before the end of the summer... DH caught a couple of good trout so he was pleased with himself. I read two books, so I enjoyed myself too !!

Just had an email from DD in Auckland. She has Skype and had just been "talking" to my sister in England !! Not sure that's a good idea. When she phones the only thing that ends the call is her sudden realization that she has to pay for the call ! With Skype I understand that it doesn't cost anything (how can that be I wonder..) so she'll want to talk forever ....

Love the photos of the quilts. It's all inspiring isn't it ? Must take a look at my UFO's, there aren't many of them but they take the pleasure out of buying fabric for new ventures (IF I remember them.... !)

Off to a funeral tomorrow. A close friend, and only 60. Prostate cancer. He has been at home throughout and his passing was very peaceful, with just his wife and two children with him, so there's lots to be thankful for...

NOw....where's that photo ???

Marion in NZ.


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